Thursday, March 25, 2010

HIGH BLOOD PressurE victim

The nurse lifted a small cup of medicine to his thick lips, he swallowed almost all fluid and stop a while by cough. I knocked his back slowly. The nurse respond :"Slowly, please slowly" , she said and put the cup again over his lips. We laid his head down on the pillows over a white hospital bed sheet.

His wife confusing by described : "His blood pressure a little bit above normal 170/100", she said in smile and continue :" He used to that pressure, I didn't understand why", she said. I try to asking him :"What cause you felt down?", I said. Unfortunately, I am not clever enough to translate his lips movement, but a voices come out his mouth a little louder than whisper :" Sa sa te te se di di kiiit".

We didn't quite clear what he is talking about, but his wife respond : "Maybe he eat goat steak with his friends ,next neighbourgs", she said not so sure. Goat meat a kind of food that prohibited for high blood persons.

When he woke up early in Saturday morning, March 20, 2010 his wife called up her helper and suddenly her helper screaming to the neigbourgh. Four men rushed stepped up to the second floor, lifted the big body  very hard in the back seat of the car in front of the house. Fortunately the hospital not too far away  from home and get help immediatedly. This kind of desease should have handle al least  8 hours maximum, if not bad thing happened.

Hihg blood pressure is one of a dangerous desease to be aware of, especially by them with a very high pressure but not too effected in daily life. One of the visitor told the history of his Dad, by saying :"He felt down when the pressure reach 240/110", he said and continue :" The ambulance came late and when we reach the hospital, the room fully booked and proceded to other hospital, waiting for medical handling", he said without any regret because it was a second happenings.

Five days previously, March 16, 2010,  Mr.Andy Widjaya jointed us went outing to Bogor hill for a big gathering and no sign at all that he was in a bad condition but happy as shown in above photo. He was a management consultant, politician in a high speed and a lots of talking. But know he is in the stage of learning in talking and walking by a walker to support his big body.

I leave the room and give him the support by saying :"Get well soon, we will discuss again" , and hold his hand. He just smile to see me out of the door.


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