Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"Summer Begins"

State: Glad
Listening: Armin Van Buuren - Going Wrong
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Review: Summer began
Word: Summer

Hello! how they are doing?, well it is no secret that has already begun this summer 2008 .. many plan trips, outings, meals, meetings, parties and plenty of projects that can be achieved in a well deserved holiday. Go to the beach is ideal at this time .. however for every day not going to swim in the sea consumes the great heat. I wish you spend well this summer and I for one will be writing my experiences here. Of course!, I changed the blog design, this is a totally different color from the previous and most of all is for the new month of August. I gotta go .. Greetings and see you next entry!.

"Summer Begins"

State: Glad
Listening: Armin Van Buuren - Going Wrong
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Review: Summer began
Word: Summer

Hello! how they are doing?, well it is no secret that has already begun this summer 2008 .. many plan trips, outings, meals, meetings, parties and plenty of projects that can be achieved in a well deserved holiday. Go to the beach is ideal at this time .. however for every day not going to swim in the sea consumes the great heat. I wish you spend well this summer and I for one will be writing my experiences here. Of course!, I changed the blog design, this is a totally different color from the previous and most of all is for the new month of August. I gotta go .. Greetings and see you next entry!.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"My father, an immigrant"

Status: Normal
Reading: Poem Gerbasi
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
The Word: Gerbasi

time ago in school they sent me to make an analysis of the poem "My father, an immigrant" by Vicente Gerbasi, who was a Venezuelan poet with great experience in national literature. The poem is relatively long, has a great significance on immigration. Consists of several stanzas, so I show only the first:

Canto I

We come at night and into the night going.
lies behind the earth in their vapors
home to Almond, the child and the leopard.
Gone are the days, lakes, snow, reindeer, with volcanoes
grim, haunted jungles
where dwell the blue shadows of terror.
Gone are the tombs at the foot of the cypresses,
alone in the sadness of distant stars.
Gone are the glories like torches blasts off
complaining Gone are the doors in the wind. Back
distress is mirrored sky. Back
time drama remains in man
begetter of life, death begetting.
time raising and wears columns
and murmurs in the ancient waves of the sea.
Back light is bathing the mountains,
parks white children and altars.
But the night with cities suffering,
night daily, which is not night yet, but rest
brief shaking at the fireflies
or passes through the shock of agony souls.
The night falls again into the light, waking
flowers in valleys taciturn,
cooling water in the lap of the mountains, throwing
blue horses into banks, while
eternity between lights of gold,
silent meadows astronomical advances.

"My father, an immigrant"

Status: Normal
Reading: Poem Gerbasi
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
The Word: Gerbasi

time ago in school they sent me to make an analysis of the poem "My father, an immigrant" by Vicente Gerbasi, who was a Venezuelan poet with great experience in national literature. The poem is relatively long, has a great significance on immigration. Consists of several stanzas, so I show only the first:

Canto I

We come at night and into the night going.
lies behind the earth in their vapors
home to Almond, the child and the leopard.
Gone are the days, lakes, snow, reindeer, with volcanoes
grim, haunted jungles
where dwell the blue shadows of terror.
Gone are the tombs at the foot of the cypresses,
alone in the sadness of distant stars.
Gone are the glories like torches blasts off
complaining Gone are the doors in the wind. Back
distress is mirrored sky. Back
time drama remains in man
begetter of life, death begetting.
time raising and wears columns
and murmurs in the ancient waves of the sea.
Back light is bathing the mountains,
parks white children and altars.
But the night with cities suffering,
night daily, which is not night yet, but rest
brief shaking at the fireflies
or passes through the shock of agony souls.
The night falls again into the light, waking
flowers in valleys taciturn,
cooling water in the lap of the mountains, throwing
blue horses into banks, while
eternity between lights of gold,
silent meadows astronomical advances.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Status: Normal
Watching: Youtube Tutorials Photoshop
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Word: Background

Hello, for those who want to learn to work in photoshop or for those already working in that program but want to know a technique to do a background .. I have found an easy technique that we teach in the following tutorial:

Well .. I hope they have been helpful to make your designs and will be until the next ..


Status: Normal
Watching: Youtube Tutorials Photoshop
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Word: Background

Hello, for those who want to learn to work in photoshop or for those already working in that program but want to know a technique to do a background .. I have found an easy technique that we teach in the following tutorial:

Well .. I hope they have been helpful to make your designs and will be until the next ..

Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Some Movies"

Status: Normal
Viewing: Movie Trailers
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
The Word: Movies

Greetings .. I wanted to mention and certainly recommend several movies I've been watching these days on DVD.
The first is "Room 1408 " a film that has a mystery to the end (of those movies that leave you for the duration with the expectation of what will happen next?), I liked a lot and really that I recommend to all those who have not seen. (Note: there is a new movie .. it was his release for months).
Another I saw was " Perfume" is undoubtedly an old movie (think 2001), but for all those who have not seen it is worth .. a lot of drama and mystery.
" Amelie" is also as of 2001 but it is simply excellent. (If you have seen must see it!)
"Casanova " very good league and mystery drama with comedy.
" Long Engagement", a movie producer Amelie strong content that has a league high drama and mystery.
" The corpse bride tim burton " a very entertaining comedy.
"Juno " I liked a lot, leaves a great message for those girls who have unplanned pregnancies and it is certainly a hot topic.
"I Am Legend " speechless .. too good .. a very tough film that links drama with mystery .. (Not miss)

I need to see .. Kun Fu Panda I have not yet O.O seen .. Well this is my last
.. See you soon!

"Some Movies"

Status: Normal
Viewing: Movie Trailers
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
The Word: Movies

Greetings .. I wanted to mention and certainly recommend several movies I've been watching these days on DVD.
The first is "Room 1408 " a film that has a mystery to the end (of those movies that leave you for the duration with the expectation of what will happen next?), I liked a lot and really that I recommend to all those who have not seen. (Note: there is a new movie .. it was his release for months).
Another I saw was " Perfume" is undoubtedly an old movie (think 2001), but for all those who have not seen it is worth .. a lot of drama and mystery.
" Amelie" is also as of 2001 but it is simply excellent. (If you have seen must see it!)
"Casanova " very good league and mystery drama with comedy.
" Long Engagement", a movie producer Amelie strong content that has a league high drama and mystery.
" The corpse bride tim burton " a very entertaining comedy.
"Juno " I liked a lot, leaves a great message for those girls who have unplanned pregnancies and it is certainly a hot topic.
"I Am Legend " speechless .. too good .. a very tough film that links drama with mystery .. (Not miss)

I need to see .. Kun Fu Panda I have not yet O.O seen .. Well this is my last
.. See you soon!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

"God ... our best teacher"

Status: Good
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Review: This more than proven that there is no more perfect God.
Message: Human Imperfection

the Word: Imperfection

The truth, respect all beliefs that may have people in this world, but recognize that more than established that there is a being more perfect than God.

definitely man in his daily life a series of tests, of which the degree of difficulty is determined by the level of need to take this person to improve their skills and display a change in your life. This certainly is not an issue "easy" to understand why I will not mention many details (which I think would need more knowledge so that they can mention). But the point I want to make is that human imperfection results in the required need to be guided by a perfection and that is why many seek to be led by "groups" (groups that are just of imperfect them), unfortunately not everyone would understand that. Understand that God is our best teacher. What's better than him? His holiness, his time, his works, everything is perfect.

"God ... our best teacher"

Status: Good
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
Review: This more than proven that there is no more perfect God.
Message: Human Imperfection

the Word: Imperfection

The truth, respect all beliefs that may have people in this world, but recognize that more than established that there is a being more perfect than God.

definitely man in his daily life a series of tests, of which the degree of difficulty is determined by the level of need to take this person to improve their skills and display a change in your life. This certainly is not an issue "easy" to understand why I will not mention many details (which I think would need more knowledge so that they can mention). But the point I want to make is that human imperfection results in the required need to be guided by a perfection and that is why many seek to be led by "groups" (groups that are just of imperfect them), unfortunately not everyone would understand that. Understand that God is our best teacher. What's better than him? His holiness, his time, his works, everything is perfect.

Friday, August 1, 2008


State: Glad
Listening: Armin Van Buuren - Big Sky
E l Weather: Rainy
Review: Back to Xioxox's Blog!
Word: Blog

Hello! I happy because today I can re-write again after 1 month and 4 days. So, is that the month of July was somewhat shaken O.O one month ... so I walked away from this but the fact is that I always come back XD so now I'm here again to share with you as always whatever passes through my mind XD
Certainly the 29 and 30 July, I had my last 2 exams, I did very well these days thanks to God and good results: I graduated. XD I am now at my high school 16 years!. I'm very proud, because I wanted to share that. Ah yes! .. my title is Bachelor of Science (already .. .. felix tell you to consider a career humanistic "social communication") bueh such is life XD Greetings
you are well! Until tomorrow!.


State: Glad
Listening: Armin Van Buuren - Big Sky
E l Weather: Rainy
Review: Back to Xioxox's Blog!
Word: Blog

Hello! I happy because today I can re-write again after 1 month and 4 days. So, is that the month of July was somewhat shaken O.O one month ... so I walked away from this but the fact is that I always come back XD so now I'm here again to share with you as always whatever passes through my mind XD
Certainly the 29 and 30 July, I had my last 2 exams, I did very well these days thanks to God and good results: I graduated. XD I am now at my high school 16 years!. I'm very proud, because I wanted to share that. Ah yes! .. my title is Bachelor of Science (already .. .. felix tell you to consider a career humanistic "social communication") bueh such is life XD Greetings
you are well! Until tomorrow!.

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