Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Some Movies"

Status: Normal
Viewing: Movie Trailers
E l Weather: Sunny with clouds
The Word: Movies

Greetings .. I wanted to mention and certainly recommend several movies I've been watching these days on DVD.
The first is "Room 1408 " a film that has a mystery to the end (of those movies that leave you for the duration with the expectation of what will happen next?), I liked a lot and really that I recommend to all those who have not seen. (Note: there is a new movie .. it was his release for months).
Another I saw was " Perfume" is undoubtedly an old movie (think 2001), but for all those who have not seen it is worth .. a lot of drama and mystery.
" Amelie" is also as of 2001 but it is simply excellent. (If you have seen must see it!)
"Casanova " very good league and mystery drama with comedy.
" Long Engagement", a movie producer Amelie strong content that has a league high drama and mystery.
" The corpse bride tim burton " a very entertaining comedy.
"Juno " I liked a lot, leaves a great message for those girls who have unplanned pregnancies and it is certainly a hot topic.
"I Am Legend " speechless .. too good .. a very tough film that links drama with mystery .. (Not miss)

I need to see .. Kun Fu Panda I have not yet O.O seen .. Well this is my last
.. See you soon!


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