Friday, August 1, 2008

Fishing Wedding Slogan


State: Glad
Listening: Armin Van Buuren - Big Sky
E l Weather: Rainy
Review: Back to Xioxox's Blog!
Word: Blog

Hello! I happy because today I can re-write again after 1 month and 4 days. So, is that the month of July was somewhat shaken O.O one month ... so I walked away from this but the fact is that I always come back XD so now I'm here again to share with you as always whatever passes through my mind XD
Certainly the 29 and 30 July, I had my last 2 exams, I did very well these days thanks to God and good results: I graduated. XD I am now at my high school 16 years!. I'm very proud, because I wanted to share that. Ah yes! .. my title is Bachelor of Science (already .. .. felix tell you to consider a career humanistic "social communication") bueh such is life XD Greetings
you are well! Until tomorrow!.


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