Friday, June 27, 2008

"Blogs of interest"

Status: Happy
track: Dj Tiesto - Forbidden Paradise (Deep trance mix)
E l Weather: Rainy
Review: Blogs I visit often
Word: Blogs

Hello bloggers!, how they are doing?. Well to my great hope that you too, today I've been visiting blogs and I decided to share with you who have visited:

Snow White Queen, Fallen Angels and The Haunted Jujuy Jujuy : These 3 blogs, bring interesting information for those who love the band "Evanescence" all news, photos, reviews and other so found there.

My Mind's River, Free Will,
wishful thinking: If you're looking to read thoughts, poems or poetry these posts will help with that.

Paula Sousa, let her car is not, SV, El Mar biggest thing,
Arwen's attic : Sometimes a reader prefer to read blogs more personal, because those that I mentioned are well recommended.

hypersonic Radio Bicho: With regard to good music, critics, artists and more. Visit them!

HablaSerio: Looking for a fun place to entertain you?

Venezuela Hilary Rocks: If you are a fan of Hilary Duff this weblog shows you everything about the artist.

Relax Corner: Time to de-stress , a great blogger that holds a special place for those looking to unwind all the world for a moment. Animal Liberation

: Undoubtedly, a blog that takes you to a lot of thought to show the stark reality of what is "so far" many do not know the damage they do to animals in experiments.

Well, I sure will keep finding interesting blogs great! and of course, I'll comment on them. This term for today, see you soon!


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