Sunday, June 1, 2008

" How hard it is to be different "

Status: Good
Listening: Nothing
E l Weather: Cloudy
Review: The always keep the same identity.
Message: The more different you are to others will be more interesting.

the Word: Personality

Different Concept: adj. Different, different. Concepts
Personality: f. Set of characteristics and individual differences distinguishes one person from another. Quality
people who have very marked difference that .

As you can see, I showed these concepts of "personalized," no doubt see the strong presence and a bit repetitive of the word "dispute", and that is basically what is based on personality.

Well, that is the issue that I'm going to focus today because lately the company has been disguising one way or another the lack of personality with so-called urban tribes, which are a group of youths clothing and common hobbies living in cities. Let's say: "I like punk music genre but I'm not punks" and why I'm not punks?, Because I have personality. Though I love the punk that does not mean that I have to dress like this and act accordingly. Just like me and you. She currently

I can realize that there are many people who do not maintain their own identity, but rather, maintain the identity of the other famous. If the other dresses that way so I do, that if the other is behaving like I want it that way I do. The truth that I understand them, because being different is really difficult. We are in a world that is shaped lot with "ordinary" and being different often means you have to take risks. But all also depends on how the group of people you pass. For example I have friends who do not follow trends, just what are they and the world could you be falling but they can keep their personality. Now, if I had to talk to several people who smoke and think I should too why? because they are accustomed to the common, the majority of the people with whom they converse also have to smoke (not to mention everyone, I'm focusing on what are the groups of people) and the fact of seeing someone different them, makes them seem strange or incomprehensible. And when you deny the opportunity for you to be like them, I say something like: "do not know what you're missing" ... hahaha!

Finally, the fact is that most people simply to be in certain groups and not just generalized groups. And when the Personality plays a role in all this, because as their concept is the "individual difference" and not group, so you're the one you have to be different and should not be like others just to make you accepted (which many would do). I have a motto for this and it is: The more different you are to others will be more interesting. Which is very true, I've proven myself. And with that ended, although I would write more about this because it is an issue that we are living much in the daily lives of teenagers, but I do not want to bore the readers. And for those who may think differently to what I say I respect his opinion I hope so likewise respect mine. I say goodbye,
will be up soon!.


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