Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"225 years ago blew the first balloon "

Status: Good
Listening: Armin van Buuren - Light The Skies
E l Weather : T
Review: Creators the first balloon was the brothers Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier.
Message: He who perseveres reaches.
the Word: Science

225 years are met in the first balloon flight

The idea of \u200b\u200ba balloon began to take shape when the brothers were sitting in front of a campfire. noticed that the smoke rose and thought of the opportunity to use that quality.

After several experiments, they realized that the hot air is lighter than cold, so it tends to rise. Decided create a machine that would fly with this principle.
Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier
launched its first model in September 1782. The initial flight showed that his theory was right. The June 4, 1783 held a public demonstration with a balloon of ten meters in diameter in a
French market. Was constructed of fabric and paper.

More than 130,000 people were awestruck when in September the same year in Versailles returned to flight. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the French court were present at the time. rooster, a sheep and a duck were the crew.

not until October of that year traveled first human. Pilâtre Jean-François de Rozier was the courageous pioneer. 225

On completion of the presentation of a balloon, until Google pays homage. On their home page, an "o" was replaced by a picture of a balloon.



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