Tuesday, February 1, 2011



              Sad mood on the wedding without wife
Bad news or good news may cause someone in sad mood, crying, shocked, even faint, unbelief of what kind of the news are. Bad or sad news are the main reasons why someone crying till faint. In the other hand good news produce smiling, laughing or happy feeling. Some happy news cause tears shed. But faint cause by a good news never heard before.

It was happened approaching 2010 Christmas when my little sister got a good news, her first only son, plan to be married. She had been waiting and pray for so long until the boys grown up.

Soon after the invitation card printed, contained the fix schedule, her eyes wet and hand trembling. The card drop down from her hand. At 2.00 in the morning her husband saw her face pale and sweating. Then they rush to the hospital for 3 hours away driving till dawn.

She lied down helpless over a hospital bed for 13 days when the marital service and traditional reception taken place. Beforehand, the big families took a tough decision whether go or cancel the ceremony for sometime. Ultimately they prefer to stick to the schedule and distributed the invitation’s cards. Waiting for sometime will cause more harm than good.

I didn't inform beforehand that my sister felt sick. So, soon after landing at 9 am at Pekanbaru airport, South eastern parts of Sumatra, I drive down directly to the hospital, forget the breakfast, to visit my sister. She lied down powerless with her two pupils open wide, gazes my face blank. After few more minutes I speak out slowly closed to her left ear. I rubbed her left hand and speak my name again and again. Also reminded my  children name. Her lips curve a little and made a weak nod as a sign of recognizing.

The next day, Saturday is a big day of wedding service at a Duri HKPB church at Chevron/Caltex compound, continued by traditional wedding ceremony till late in the afternoon. It were very sad ceremonies that a mother left behind over a hospital bed, her husband’s tears never stop shedding, her beloved wife not accompany in his side.A handkerchief overflow the tears can't hold anymore.
                                           My sister in the hospital for 18 days

On Sunday her daughter, Ronny saw the snaps of her brother wedding picture close in front of mom face and asked :”Do you know who is this ?”. Her head turn right and left indicated she didn’t recognized her only son. Ronny pointed her Daddy and ask the same question :”Do you know him ?”. She nod.

Firstly we assumed that she didn’t recognized her only son in full jacket, her groom and the rest in the picture in wedding fashion. But later become questions to me, why she nod to know her husband well and say no to her only son picture and the rest. Is she couldn’t accept the wedding without her availability ?

Tree days later her health conditions improved relatively fast. She know every single name who come to visit, including a new member of the family, her daughter in law. She named her correctly. She start to consume soft foods and liquids through her mouth and throat instead of plastic pipe attached in her nose. Physiologically she eager to recovered soon but physically can’t balance, she weak still.

Sometime she laugh make everybody happy when she had been asked :”Who is your husband’s name ?”. She speak as loud as possible: ”Pintor” she said with a big smile. Everybody cheer up.

Its very tough job to maintained, nurtured, feeding, washing, train to walk a grown lady more then an infant. Her feeling tend too sensitive but she can’t communicate verbally since her right hand and right leg weak differ to the left side. She harden her body part if she reject something.

Hopefully this time with God bless and the full love of her husband and children, she will recover soon to lighter the burden of the whole families, especially husband, 3 kids and a new member, daughter in law.

One thing I admired in my sister family is endless love from a husband and the tree of her children, that never stop, every seconds give a special attention to care their love one. Love will support their mom and wife to recover soon. God, please help my sister

To memorize this special event below I write down a poem :

A BIG DAY without MOM

                                                Cloudy quiet morning
Step up solemnly to the altar
Witness by God and loving families
Entering a bright new life
Approaching Christmas season

A vacant chair beside a sad father
Sob, tears overflow the handkerchief
Mother lying in hospital white sheet
Who longing this special wedding
Of only, eldest, grown  beloved son

All chairs occupied in a ball room
Scarves covered both shoulders by me alone
Symbol of love and united
Father can't hold the tears not to shed

Before the sunset, enter a new home
Welcome a new spouse alone
No mom's hug and kissing
Makes the eyes blur, wet cheeks

Father, family and new spouse
Gather for long prayers
Begging for mom relieve soon
To complete the happy atmosphere

Duri, dec 18, 2010


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