Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What happens in Puerto Rico with this Laguna?? Strange

Millares de peces mueren en laguna de Puerto Rico
The Associated Press

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico -- Millares de peces muertos han aparecido en la ribera de una laguna en la capital de Puerto Rico, informaron las autoridades. Javier Laureano

of Bay Estuary Program of San Juan, said Monday that the case is not related to an explosion in a nearby fuel tank that burned two days this weekend.

Thousands of tilapia, sardines and other species were drowned due to reduced water circulation in the Laguna de San José, said Laureano and recalled that there was another massive fish kill 18 months ago.

Dead fish started coming out on Friday at the coast of the lake near one of the most populated areas of San Juan.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the U.S. Caribbean territory, being organized removal of fish for the week.


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