Sunday, May 23, 2010

WIDOWER'S ConfessioN

I held her hands, on bended knees
Eyes gone red, tears rolling down my cheeks
I kissed her lips, so cold and dry
Her touch in mine triggered me to cry

She scream in pain while uttering my name
It crushed my heart, I could not do a thing
I whispered softly, so wounded and broken
God why? God why? you allowed this to happen?

I embrashed her so tight, her voice slowly fading
Her eyes closed, and barely breathing
An excrusiating pain ate the sanity in me
For as he took her last breath, I'm not who I was to be

I covered her face, my hand shivering
My love is dead, my life, my everything
Shes gone forever leaving me all alone
I don't know how to live my life, a life of my own

By Joey Infante, UK


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