Wednesday, September 8, 2010


memory of lovely husband
Beloved husband who went to heaven, 
left us behind 
His name will live long through the Age
Not only written in an Autobiography
Also recorded in our memory forever.
In life, he did his part and responsibility
to keep a family together
. He was always eager to help in any situation
but he  was too weak to help.

It hurt when he left us behind, we will remember his soft smile, gentle heart, patient and missed the talks that we would have with him. But we are not selfish to say :"Please don't go", because we know where  he is going, he is going to a better place where no more pain, no more tears to shed.

After a decade, memory of a husband  commemorated along with birthday anniversary, a mixing of two big events. The first one is a remembrance of late husband who passed away decade ago and the second is a celebration of 68th anniversary and hope for blessing for days to come. These events will take place at Mrs.Wijono at their home at Cawang, east Jakarta, saturday September 26, 2010 evening.

Invitation send to me by Mrs.Wijono daughter, Widyastuty Wijono -Uti - through Face book and I promised to come since her mother is my colleguage as an activist in our church, GKI Kwitang, central Jakarta. She spend her life more than a decade in helping medical treatment to conggregation and citizen around our church compound all over Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang.and medical cheking for senior congregation on regular basis at Church building, Kwitang, central Jakarta.

When I had been a Department head of KESPEL in 2008, I have been joint the commission to the fields 3 times to Wisma Jaya, Bekasi town and Cililitan posts, east Jakarta, where we served not only Christian but also our moslem friends. In Cililitan post, we cooperated with Goverment office. PUSKESMAS along with moslem medical Doctor in serving public, taken place inside Church building, Cililitan church.. In 2009 Mrs.Wijono help me bought medical supplies for Jatimurni posts, Bekasi town

 Mrs.Wijono wellknown in my church as a senior member of Medical commission, under diffrent heads of the commission, replaced regularly. But she kept stayed at the same Commission for a longest service, in her  special duty in pharmacy procurement. She knew a lots of medical supplies in a very cheap price to be distributed to congragetion and poor citizen, around church post points.

If we want to meet Mrs.Wijono and her daughter, Uti, its easy, surely see both of them in the 1st service 6.30 am every sunday at Kwitang church and soon after the service is over, Mrs.Wijono and her team, included one will drive to the a post regularly as scheduled and will return home early in the afternoon.

Along with me I will take a special poem asking her daughter, Uti not to tell her mom in advance, so she will surprise when its perform and let see what her reaction will be. It become anniversary present from me as a friend in seving God, in our senior age. I will ask Uti or one of the family member to read it in between the sermon or when the service is over.

The complete verses of the poem as follow :


Jam berdentang dua belas kali
Mata belum juga mau diajak berdamai
Kulayangkan pandang ke gugus awan
Dibaliknya, bulan purnama keemasan

Dalam anganku terbayang ujung bibirmu
Kau menyapa, Ibu mengapa wajahmu sendu
Dalam membisu aku berkata, mas aku rindu
Tak terasa pipiku basah

Ibu aku disini baik baik saja
Usaplah butiran air mata
Disini tida ada keluh dan air mata
Yang ada hanya tawa sukacita

Tak terasa sepuluh dasawarsa dilewati
Betapa pedihnya ketika engkau pergi
Merindu suaramu yg tak pernah meninggi
Percakapan yang penuh tawa
Bagaimana mungkin aku lupa

Malam ini kami mengucap syukur
Usiaku yang bertambah, tanpa hadirmu
Kami berdoa bersama untuk mengenangmu
Engkau akan selalu dihati kami


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