Monday, October 11, 2010


New building 1983
What happened to our relationship in the next 25 years, or how our  relationship a quarter of decade back  depend on how close your heart and mind to someone.

"My wife called their name one by one precisely", Mr.As Lado wrote in my Face Book account, September 12, 2010 after tagged to him a photo of my family. His wife's memory still kept the names of my children in the photo.
                            Bank BRI Old building 1982
 I returned the message by wrote :"It means that she still remembered and love them". I hold my eyes hard  not to shed a tear or two, remember long time ego. We leaved this small remote town behind, but we take the memory in our heart and mind wherever we go. This Branch is my first assigned as  Branch manager and Soleman Lado and Gabriel Nahak, two officers in the second layers of the Organization. 
                       With the personnel
 Why the memory never fade away from my mind ? Because in 3 years, I run the branch in renting a very simple houses. In midday to afternoon we worked in sweating without a  ceiling above our head without air con. Before I transferred to Java island , I had finished to build a new office building and residence side by side, as a remembrance as long as the building available.

Today, September 21, 2010 I text Mr.Soleman Lado called me in the phone chatting quite long for the first time after 25 years and his voice remained the same, but his photo with his wife grown old, next year he will enter pension period. Thanks my dear friend.

                       Soleman (As) Lado, wife


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