Friday, March 25, 2011


An iron-fisted military took command of Singapore. In six months, from about 500 000 prisoners were only 50.

All others (criminals confessed) were shot. All corrupt public figure (political, police, etc.) Was shot. (There were thousands of evidence against him.)

All employers thieves were executed or fled the country rapidly.

The crowd of drug addicts, who slept in the streets, he fled to Malaysia to avoid work or be shot.

was a message on television, where the new government warned that the country had cancer and that the only solution was removed.

Like, if a family member should be removed (sic), it would say it was a cancer on the nation.

After doing all the cleaning in the country, reorganized the political system, judicial and military criminal and called for free elections and ran as a candidate for president. He won the election with 100% of the vote.

Today, Singapore is one of the safest countries to live. And one of the most developed and safer than the arrogant: U.S., Britain or Israel.

Upon landing in Singapore, the document landing has a legend of "death" very large red and an explanation of the death penalty for possession of drugs or any banned drug. With zero tolerance of drugs, the subject is executed or sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor.

A Brazilian surfer tried to enter Singapore with a surfboard full of cocaine. Obviously found his own death. The mother of a young drug dealer appeared on Brazilian television calling on President Lula to intercede for his son but was unsuccessful. Neither mother nor Lula or protests prevented compliance with the law.

In hotels, in the "City Guide" is a page explaining that the Singapore police to guarantee the physical safety of any woman for 24 hours day as in the old Singapore, without law and order, women who went out alone at night were raped or murdered.

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore for the simple fact that is then released to the sidewalks of the city.

can not distribute flyers; only be displayed inside the store and can not be delivered to customers as they face a fine cause.

Last year, the secretary of a local friend who was doing a job there in his car was chased by police from his home to work.

When he arrived at work, police made a sign to stop.
One of the policemen came to the window of his car and said, "As you know, Madam, We are doing a campaign of civility in transit. The offenders receive a fine and give bonuses to those who behave properly.

Throughout the journey, the woman did not commit any crime. The police congratulated her and gave her a check for 100 Singapore dollars (equivalent to approximately U.S. $ 78) and asked the lady to sign the receipt document.

This is the solution for many countries will have a military ... Mexican value it?


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