Tuesday, March 29, 2011






To win world tennis championship not by power but by the strategy. It had given German player, Andrea Petkovic a victory over Caroline Wozniacki, 1st rank world tennis from Denmark. She avoid a game that what Caroline doing so far.

Petkovic dancing after win 5-7, 6-3, 3-6 at Miami open @ Key Biskayne, USA by adopted a strategy. She winned 12 of 17 breakpoints with aggressive services and smart variation smashs.

The 23rd world rank avoid hard smash over Caroline hit. She preferred catch her hitt and return the smash with different speeds. so Caroline couldn't read her style Most of the players overpowering Wozniacki. They follow what Caroline comfort at, run and return the smash s perfectly. What Petkovic had doing so far was combination of Caroline styles along with her own style.

Petko admitted that her dance do not to mock the opponent. Sometime she ask her opponent or let them out of the arena first before she perform Petko dance. I assumed that my admirers wish to see me play and dance as well, a dance she patented already.

                                 Andrea Petkovic

Petko talent in tennis, music, politic and art as well, she play the guitar and sing even she admitted her voice as a regular quality, but she kept singing. She like the art and love the poems too. Later after her carrier in tennis is over she intend to enter politic. She had been working at local Government in politic affair too.


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