Sunday, September 13, 2009

From All of Us at TLB2…


You Now Have the Stigma of Being a Full-Fledged B3er!

You will NOT receive an email confirmation…

You will NOT have to click anything to confirm…

It’s all been done for you, if you’re reading this message…

Painless to Become a B3er?

Well, yes!

Embarrassing to Become a B3er?

Probably, my condolences, no, really

But it won’t leave a mark, well, not physically anyhoo!

On the bright side, though,

We don’t have a Secret Handshake nor a dorky Members Hat…

And there’s NO Cover Charge, so all of your money can go where it’s needed…

to BOOZE, of course!


MsBurb (that's Me!) and the rest of the Cocktail-infused gang at B3 want to Thank-you for becoming a B3er and for joining our Virtual Lounge for a daily dose of Cocktail Hour & Conversation!!

By becoming a full-fledged Member, we promise to bring you right back into the lounge-lizard world of Burb and her less-than-sober cohorts, offer you a nice cushy high-back leather easy chair, a fabulous drink from Burb's wet-bar, and stimulating conversation on anything and everything, while you turn up the volume to our dinner music for the one hour of your day you can call your own!

From time to time, we will send to you via your Email address News Letters on timely and topical info from our bar, ONLY AVAILABLE to our full-fledged Members!

If you think being a B3er should not be under-taken lightly, or sober, well, heck, we agree, so pull up that easy chair, grab that Cocktail and sit back with the rest of us B3ers for an hour of worldly and possibly comical conversation. The taxi ride home afterwards is on the House but don't blame The Bar-Keep if you have a hang-over tomorrow!!!

The whole gang at B3 promise to be as Un-Politically Correct as we possibly can without being sued, really! (hic!)

Cordially (If Not Entirely Sober!)


High Chief Mucky Muck ( & Main Bar-Keep!) of B3

While you’re here…

and your Cocktail glass is full, and you’re too woozy to get up from that leather high-back chair anyhoo…

Why don’t you stumble on over to our Sitemap and have a wee look at the plethora of back issues posted since our inception?

I assure you, it’s Time Well Wasted!!!


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