Saturday, April 3, 2010


The procession held over and over again regularly every year but I kept not shread a tear or two watching it closely in good friday.

A big choir using black uniform solemny sing "Via Dolorosa" - the step up stones to the Calvary hill  - song along, while a beard long man pull the big, heavy wood cross in between two side of chairs full occupied by the church goers. Few soldiers whipped Him on the way to the front and shouting loudly, step forward slowly, stumble and stand up again, while few women weeping hysterically for sorrow to watch how cruel the captors were.

The beard man exhausted pull the brown heavy cross ahead 15 meters forward away in to the altar, where the cross erected. The congregation watch in silent, some bow their head and wipe their eyes. The choirs and me, kept humming, chanting and asking : "Are you there when He crossed ?" 

The service held 2 times in the morning and two times in the afternoon full of church goers to commemorate the top of His suffering that start 40 days ago since February 21. 2010 and passed 6 sundays as a Pre easter.

In the Good friday service, the rememberance of his buried on the grave before his rised up again in the third day on sunday, it is easter, He win over the lowest darkness of death. 

In the 4th service in the evening I set my seat in the best position to took the shoot of the procession as shown here in this Blog and jointed the choir group sing 2 songs, Via Dolorosa and Where are you when He crossed ?

The commemoration remind me and you to remember His pain, misery, suffering to burdened our sin and His love until she die on the cross.


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