Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One study says that 90% of our everyday behavior is based on our habits. From the time we get up in the morning to the time go to bed at night, 90% what we do is habitual behavior.
That means how we treat people, how we spend our money, what we watch, what we listen to, 90% of the time...we are Autopilot, automatically.

The good news is we can change and develop better habits. Most studies of habitual behavior indicate that a habit can be broken in six weeks. Some studies indicate that you can break bad habit in as little as 21 days.

If you start feeding peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, humility and self control, you will see those character traits developing in your life.
Many of the habits that we've developed stem from the culture in wich we raised. If you are raised around people who tended to be harsh, sarcastic, or rude, you may have picked up some of that behavior.
On the other end of spectrum, some people grow up around people with positive habits such as neatness, godliness, order, diet, execices, get up and going to bed at particular time that allow body to rest and be refreshed. These are positive learned behavior pattern.

Successfull people develop better habits. That is why even professional golfer practise hitting golf balls nearly every day. Some pro hit as many as 500 - 1.000 balls a day when they are not competing in tournaments. They works for hours to repeat their golf swing so they can do it without thinking about it. Their bodies perform the correct swing almost automatically.

It's easy to spend money on our credit cards, but it's hard to live with pressure to pay our bills. On the other hand, good habits are difficult to develop. It's hard to hold your tongue when someone critized or insult you

If you willing to be uncomfortable for a while, so you can press the initial pain of change,- wheter it takes a week, a month, or a year - so in the long run your life be much better, living at am uch higher level.
Pain doesn't last forever. Once you develop new, good habits, the pain often dissappears.


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