Friday, December 25, 2009

14 years GIRL solo SAIL

Dutch TeeNa9E SAILOR

Laura Dekker missing,  run away girl from home in central Dutch city, Utrecht on December 18, 2009, leaving her boat "Guppy" behind. Her mother, Bab Muller reported to the police. But two days later found safe in St Maarten, the Nederland Antilles, in Carribean island and fly back home to Amsterdam escorted by the police. Her mother, worry  if her dream come true, sail around the globe alone, solo sail in 8,30 meters long, 2,75 meters width boat for long period of time, two years.

According to the law, for the time being she wasn't allowed to sail alone, not until next Juli 2010. She had 3 citizenships as a Dutch from her father, a Germany of the mother  and a New Zealand by birth.
Few days before leaving, she withdrew her account for Euro 3.500 or equivalent of US$ 5.000 and he intended to leave the Nederland and her supported father for good.

She had set up her own goal to be recorded as a  youngest  solo sail in the world by teenager, 14 years old, to compete, replace a previous young solo sail, Mike Perham, 17 years old from England. Her plan  backed up by Dick Dekker, her father, who separated with her mom.  She spent her multi week summer vacation sailed in Wadden sea and North sea. Even, last May 2009 she succeded solo crossing between The Nederland and England.

Actually she was a sailor by birth, since she was born off shore of New Zealand, September 20, 1995 in her parent's yacht on their journey around the globe for 7 years. She had spent her first 4 years on board and she was 10 years old was allowed sailed alone by her father.

The route would likely from Portugal to Indonesia either along the Aden Gulf and along Somalia. After crossing the Pacific, she would reach the Atlantic via the Panama canal.
The boat will be equipped for long distance sailing and she will meet a team followed the same route, beside tracking system on board will allow a team in The Nederland to monitor her course closely.

Can't wait to hear a breaking news on the Media sometime around Juli 2010, hopefully she spent her precious time in Indonesia for few days. This calm face girl would effected young girls including Indonesian to dream a challenging dream.


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