Sunday, December 13, 2009


I had always appreciated, kept my self not interfered, not disturbed other privacy, kept distance to other's business not my concerned. But noticed a spectaculer view, a  handicap, weak father surrounding by 3 - 4 daughters - I supposed - my curiosity, can't wait any longer to approach them.

I saw this group a lots of time, drawed the old man, in front gate side, under the roof of the  Jogging garden, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The skinny father, approximatedly in between 55 - 60 years old ,sitted in wheel chair as a disable regarded collectively or a social group.

A girls obligately sitted down  in the garden floor, beside the weelchair, read Kompas daily today edition, she whispered closely to his ear or sound out loud . I was wondered that his muscles may handicap but his mind was well being wandering,  following the current, hot news.

 The father kept quiet, not smiled, not turning his head  right or left, nor curved his lips. Another girl - seem his daughter too - wiped his mouth with small white towel to prevent  fluid came out from the throat and mouth.  Another girl fanned the air with the news paper to cool him down the warm weather from the morning bright sun in the blue sky rised on the east of the garden..

What asthonised me,  every time I'd paid attention to the girls's face,  all in smiling, no body looked sad or in misery. The girls also trained him to walk slowly inch by inch, in a short distance, not by walker but supported shoulder to shoulder by the girls in both side, its seem a little improvement  as long as I had noticed them so far. The father barely walked, almost 75% depend on the girl's shoulders

I just had guessed that the handicap father was as an old people where his sickness were the high blood pressure, arthritis, high cholestrol  rate, high glucose and other belong to the older group of people.

My questions are how come the girls - skinny as the old man - obligately,  regularly, happily drew their parent 's wheelchair to the garden. How they love, appreciated, respected, honored their handicap father.

I intended to shot a picture or more and have a litle chat with the girls. Some time I came with the camera, but they didn't show up. One day I came empty handed, they coming to the garden.

The old senior man should stay closed to their children and the beloved children should take care of their parents. Remember one things that they struggled their lived in order to support you. The mother risked her life while deliver and the father sweating and hardworking to  supported, afforded a good life, finace your school until you are in your own. Including praying all the time for you.


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