Friday, December 4, 2009

Yunus Husein was a head of Financial investigators named PPATK, Pusat Pelaporan dan Analysis Transaksi Keuangan. General translation, Center of Report and Analysis of Financial Transactions. This body belong to The Goverment.

He had became a star, the center of publicity related to 2 big scandals in Indonesia.IRecently he was very busy nvited  by the high level officials in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. By the law his office legitimated to investigate suspicious transactions in the Banks and Financial institutions related to Goverment transactions, especialy related to money laundring.

He was the first person in Indonesia who know personals and companies accounts who used for illegal tarnsactions such as corruption, money laudring, narcotics etc. The scrundels, wicked people by all means try hard to covered up its illegal  transactions, if necessarilt even hire murderer to kill Yunus and his personnels.
That is why, it does make sense that his position in dangerous situation. Parliament, communities leaders, students speak louder, reminded the Goverment to protect his life.
Astonishingly, he take it easy, not scare at all to do the right things. In case, he assasigned, make it became sahid died and go to paradise as his solid faith.

Since his office had a strategic function, everybody put very high hope for him to uncover the illegal transactions . But he reminded the public that to analysis an account thoroughfully would spend a lot of time. Jokingly he amused reporters by sayng :"I am not a Doraemon", who able to simsalabim with his magic pocket and wooden propellers overhead for flying insantly.

A second biggest financial scandal in the last decade was Century Bank Viasco, rescued effort by bail out, a huge of money involved, Rp. 6,7 trilions. This scandal happened  after the biggest one hitted Indonesia in mid 1997, Economic crisis in Asia.

Goverment then thought very hard how to trace the illegal funds transfer to every single Bank and Financial institution non Banks. That is why Goverment set up a new special body who assigned speciality in Financial investigation belong to the Goverment, not to a Private company.

Every Legal force and parliament members pushed Yusuf to uncovered up datas and information. They rely solely to legal evidence by PPATK, and take the necessary actions in legal matter and politic apects as well. To fighting this new scandal, Parliament setted up a Special committee to push up, to back up the investigation until to the end who are  most responsible to the Century Bank Viasco.

There were 3 (tree) schemes of Illegal money laundry. First was a "Placement", saved in the bank accounts or buying shares in Capital market. A Bank or Financial institutions sniffed their nose to a suspicious accounts, who transfered regularly to 2 - 3 Bank accounts or more just to hide the funds.

The second scheme was "Layering" by transfer the funds as far as possible, from 1 Bank to another then transfer again to another Financial instutions. They try to blurred the flows and not easily to trace back. The last scheme was "Integration", by using the money for any transactions or transfer back to the owner's account. With this kind of transactions look like that the transaction and tranfers were legal.

In every occasion saw in the news, a small eye glas hanging over his nose, his face saw very tired with tick hair near to a bold head, even he always sit behind the big desk in his large office space. His high position in Bank Indonesia previously and as a best sudent from Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, his work were the excellent one in this second term until next 2010 for 8 years

His father was a dicipline but poor teacher, can't afford to pay his tuition fee in Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. Since he was a best student, since the second year, he got a scholarship from Bank Indonesia and automatically become Central Bank personnel*


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