Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Miranda Cosgrove Hula Skirt

Ha Muerto one of the great heroes of the revolution 65. Died (physically, they will live in our hearts) Manuel Montes Arache! EPD

I have been informed of the sad news of the death of one of the great heroes of the revolution of 1965, the dear and unforgettable friend, Manuel Ramón Montes Arache, who was the chief the brave and honorable men body Rana, without whom the history of patriotic deed in April would have been something entirely different.

For me, Montes is a síimbolo Arache courage, bravery, courage and above all honesty and dignity. A man who never took a toll on his country for his stunning participation in the events of 65, while there are many who may or close they were and now call themselves "commanders." Commanders are many who still remain anonymous, then neither want nor will bill your home, then did what they had to do at such a difficult and momentous as this when needed homeland of their best sons to defend the national sovereignty tainted Foreign trampled by the boots.

Arache Montes lived in a modest apartment near the ISSFAPOL movies, no-frills .... but with his forehead very high and decorated by the greatest thing that can adorn a man: His dignity, his simplicity, humility and kindness.

never forget his last words to a very interesting interview that made my friend Mario Hidalgo, and said: "I am a mature fruit, but I have not leaked! If the country needs to wield a gun again, here I am ready!".

I have understood that his body be exposed in the Funeral Blandino, and then have a series of tributes (very, very well deserved) and I'm told, his remains will eventually be cremated and his ashes will be scattered in the bay The boilers on board a patrol of the MDGs, as were his last wishes in life.

Montes died fighting to the last minute of his life. He could not deny that still remained a true man frog! That most admirable value was that man! These people are unlikely to be repeated in this country! As I said, a true example of courage, simplicity, eduacion, courtesy, honesty and integrity!

he rest in peace, my dear and unforgettable friend.

Montes is the kind of man who always live in the hearts of people, a people who has always admired and respected!! A humble people who showed him how much he wanted when he Cedimat internal, which I witnessed dozens of humble people who are apresonaron to show their support and know many times as was the hero of April. Likewise I can I saw that very few military worry about the health of the Pro man, I watched a few general MDG visiting his former deputy chief of staff.

I know that the Secretary of the Armed Forces was very aware of all that might be needed to save the life of our dear friend and we understand that this was the wish of the President of the DR. We still have the peace and satisfaction that you did everything humanly possible, but especially that we prove Arache Montes as we wanted, we, being alive!!

a hug and Ramses Manuel, as well as all his brothers and family for this loss not only saddened to them, but an entire country. These will be a Christmas a little sad, but such has been the will of the father. LM


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