Sunday, January 17, 2010



Vivid memories of my childhood when I was in high school, The Radios were the common broadcasting available before TV set era. The electric types, bigger model more expensive but with a stereo voice and could reach worldwide. Battrey supported Radio power relayed narrower networks, locally and around Malaysia, Singapore and Australia

30 - 40 years later, high technology came out with tape recorder, Television set, transistors, handphones and lately Computer in chronological order. How advanced the technologies had been, the Radio function never left behind. Listeners kept their ears open, most of the time to the music, new realease songs, mostly to the top hit lovesongs by their favourit welknown singers. Some of them monitored the traffic condition ahead or to kept listening then boring on the bad traffic.

When I spent my long holiday, 6 months in La Habra city, South California, USA in the last 2008 winter, I spend the time turning a lots of channels to find out my favorit network befor my ears stunned by a heavy, soft, slow voices from Radio Los Angeles KOST 103,5. The voice belong to Karen Sharp to accompany the listeners till midnight.

After that time, every evening before went to bed, I spent my time turned to Kost Radio when Karen on air with listener's requests songs. Some other time she talked a lot with the listeners to figured it out what the matter of the relationship of the listerners to his/her boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, parents, kids, eventually she would come up with the best selective songs.

Karen Sharp didn't just sitted there in  a cozy cool studio as a host to selected the songs, but she function herself as a simpatetic listerner and console them in his kind, appropriate tone said: I love to do that for you, Will be so happy to do that tonight, You break my heart, Your story almost paradise, Keep smiling my dear, In love in next time around, Love unconditioally and similar remarks.

It happened once, I shedding a tear or two when a Father on the other side of the phone talked while wailing his griefing  that in that very day, his son who just died in Irak war,  was his birthday. I can't hold it any longer and wiped my eyes with my backhand. The father show his love in public by this Radio that listened out  Nationally. The local authority show their respect to their heroes by stand a lots of flags of Irak war's hero in the cities where they belong.

Most of the listeners sized the opportunity to show their love to some one - with the specific name - or to announce his aplogized for wrongdoings and begging for reconsiliation. Astonizing, some successed on the air to got the answer or to strengthen their relationship, beside some couples took  another time to think over of their relationship. All relay on air Nationally.

In every single night I accostumed to hear the same ritual, the same songs by the diffrents spouse, merely a similar love relationship. Sometime I following closely the song by chanting or humming alone in my bedroom, never raised my voice.

Some songs that later I heard a lot at Jakarta Radio and welknown in Indonesia as well among other things were : Because you love me, Power of love and Take change  by Celine dion, Forever and I will be there by Maria Carey, Will always love by Whitney Houston, No one by Alice Keen, Hello, Hello by Richie, You are my lady, We belong together, Butterfly kisses, Give me wing to fly,  My Valentine and lot more like the songs from American Idol casting.

What made me write this topic was an Universal of loving the Mothers. In one case a girls told how she love her mom and kept prayer and cared, who in coma in 6 months. Some of us in Indonesia, may affected or influenced by the Hollywood film that leaved negative impression, that grown children didn't care any more about their parents.

But from this KOST Radio I found out that lots of girls never forget, how they love their Mom and asking for forgiveness and request for her blessings. Occasionally with wailing and tears.
It was sound familiar and similar to our cultures. Yes it was Universal of mankind, everywhere.


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