Wednesday, January 6, 2010

HERO and the GatE

A week after Abdul Rachman Wahid passed away December 30, 2009, the colums in news paper never stop writing about how great was ex Indonesia Predisent the 4th. The colums written from every segments or group of people. Not solely on his role as a President of this big country, but also his thingkings, philosophy, behaviour, way of life and his manner of spoke out  loudly what he had in mind, even if differ, contrary from Goverment or public view.

What make me questionable was how public eagerly push the Goverment to award him a "Hero" as soon as possible, either came from East Java, his own birthplace, from his party, Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa and from a lots of nation elements who love this Kiyai, no matter what their background, especially who they were belong to the minorities group of citizen.

As for me, Gus Dur was a Hero of what he was doing so far in his politic carriers to defend weak citizen, made a fundamental changes - such as closed two fat Department (Social and Information), Open up Chinese Culture performance etc. Even if Goverment didn't awarded him a formal decree as a Hero, he will be a Hero in the public's mind.

That was why I felt sad to read a statement from certain group wich request that Goverment should be clarify his innocence of two big cases who known as  Buloggate and Bruneigate that happened in 2001 when he was in power. Mr.Jimmy Assiddiggie, ex Head of Supreme Consitution (Mahkamah Konstitusi) in INILAH.COM said : " When he forced to stepped down from his term - 3 out of 5 years - had no correlation with thoese two cases, and he never sued to the court". He had impeached in the case that he issued the President decree, without a Parliament approval.

Buloggate was a scanal of dissaperance of US.$ 4 millions BULOG fund, National food agency and Bruneigate was allegedly of US.$ 2 millions donation from assanal Bolkiah, Brunei Darussalam Sultan.

In order to make it in normal circumtance, let the proces of Heroism run as what rule said starting from East Java Governor send written request to the President through Social ministry, no need to persuaded some one. Let the proces going through a normal step.

In case that the Bulog and Brunei cases needed to be clear up beforehand, lets the process going. But ultimately, if the process failed, I didn't mind, He always be my Hero in my mind and in the rest of citizen's mind who honored him.


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