Saturday, November 20, 2010



Is there ever been a moment in time when you have felt that no matter what you do or say, there was no way out, no way to win, just no winning for trying?

I’m gonna assume there was…for there has been for me…because I’ll assume the obvious, I will die, alone…all of many unknowing…

Do you, have you. ever met someone, the epitome of life, the essence of living, that when in their presence, your existence is dwarfed by comparison?

I have.

Have you?

Maybe some of us are just not meant to be as gifted, huh, as special, as rare…maybe some of us are just wasting oxygen on this earth while others breathe every breath as golden, as sweet, as pure, as every breath they take…

For those, I bow, in front of me, for I feel ashamed…for the lesser of us, for most of us are lesser than we should be…

If there was one way of those of less less gifted, who could pay back those of us that were, maybe then those of us less gifted would feel better about breathing oxygen more deserving…

Maybe the lesser of us, my job, is to point out the very lesser of us, who are, to validate the greater of us, when no one does…

Maybe, when all is said an done, the greater will meet with the lesser and we will mesh to a bigger substance than neither one of us could have done alone…maybe

If not, I am left in the dark, alone and crying, for a meaning to my life, when all else fails…when all else fails…

Do you know more than I? I wonder.

B3, Burb's Buck & Buntline Inn, Hopelessness


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