Monday, November 15, 2010


 Gathering with someone who had something in common, talking about similar things would motivated to improve our talent, learn from someone wo had a lot of experiences as a sources of knowledge. In the gathering in loose, relax environment make a discussion life in exchange our talent, everyone free to talk.

It was happened on late morning Sunday, November17, 2010 where10 writers gather at TIM, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Central Jakarta, in a cafe close to the gate. Most of the writers are poetry writers and as a member of "", a website belong too writers especially poetry and stories.

This is the first writers meeting for me and the first meeting in 2010 and I was astonished  that so many young writers wander without any formal organization to organized, support them with facilities including finance to support in publishing a new books.
                                           my Biography
The meeting produces a significant result among other things is organizing our self under website without set up a new organization rigidly. We agree to assigned Khristiana Dwi Pratiwi as Coordinator and Pamela Al Hurriyah as Secretary included documentation. The gathering would held regularly every month, with a comprehensive agenda : discuss new publish book, poetry reading and creative processing.

For the initial stage, the discussion selected for kemudianer members, but in the long term we would expand and welcome, invited well known writer to share their experiences in published so many Novel books, poetry books or stories books as well.

In the first gathering we got a lots of valuable information we didn't knew well before especially how to print a Book, the costs, pricing, distribution and the capital. Mr.Khrisna Pabichara as an editor of a publisher shares his experiences in publishing. He just publish a new story book "Mengawini Ibu" sold Rp.35.00,- each (discount price)

He elaborated more detail about minimum printing of 1.300 sets @Rp. 7.100,- excluding design, cover and edits. For his 167 pages total costs around Rp. 10.000.000,-. Similar with Air ticket Jakarta - Los Angeles round trip.He open up several The tricks how to avoid rejection from the publishers.

The first thing to remember is the Title should be marketable, she called it market trap. Since story book and poetry book are a lower level in publishing, we used market trap to attracted readers to buy and to read. Mostly, after reading, they would satisfy the book content. Its far different with Novel book in the first level of publishers.

Second is a synopsis with the first tree pages in order to decided if our writing worth and sale able.The third is the closing or epilogue of the story in the end

Interesting things I noticed that we are truly in similar talent in writing, appreciated each other well, similar economic group of citizen and the last but not least, the women and girls fashioned in moslem in colorful jilbab, expect two girls, make it more colorful.


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