Wednesday, January 19, 2011



The end of the year, reflection of life journey
Climbing mountain, down the valleys
Bending roads, holes and walls
Passed in line or over white line roads
Muddy water splash in face, awake
Approaching the end of decade

Flying from a modern life in the blue sky
Landing in a simple rural distant life
Shocked to see helpless over a white sheet
The only sister at stake at the end of her time

 Drive full night to whitening graveyard
Say a prayer and respect beloved parent
Saw descendant a good example to behave
Before the last time come at last

Spend nights in our antique traditional home
Lying over a simple sheet without a bed
Feeling of childhood love memories
The only brother surrounding by lovely sisters
A peaceful neighborhood under the green leafs

Joining Christmas in a tiny church up hill
All pews occupied with a new colorful fashion
Sing, verses in local dialogue I am longing for
Full of smile of new generation with full of hope
Meet childhood friends and extended families
A small simple village where I was born

Pedal bike over 50 miles up and down hills
Aware of the last time breathe out of my  lung
To motivated that seniors isn't useless group
 Lye down helpless, waiting the last seconds

 Drive buses passed a risky deep cliff valley
A sleepy driver all night without stars
Through a narrow road with poor signs
Life at stake as on the edge of the time

Zero hour of the year, away from home
Preferred pray with a misery sister family
As a lovely mother helpless at our side
God let she enter a new year with a new hope
See the family smile before the end of time

Flying back home safe and sound from air turbulence
Thanks God to allow me reflected old memories
And united my families to the next generation
To write it down in Biography for the sake of descendant
Before the end of time


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