Monday, May 31, 2010

T.I. - Fuck A Mixtape (2010)


Pdt.Agus Moelyono, Ibu Walikota JAKPUS Apr 2009
Bantuan apa yang akan diberikan", kata Wakil Walikota Jakarta Pusat dalam Rapat Pleno di Kantor Walikota Tanah Abang bersama Kepala kepala Dinas dan swasta yang akan berpartisipasi.  Sdr.Johannes Unmehopa rekan Panitia Paskah meminta saya yang menjawab :" Membuat lobang Biopori dan membagikan pohon mangga", jawab saya. Itulah partisipasi kecil dalam rangka HBPB, Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor Jakarta Pusat, sekaligus program Aksi sosial Paskah 2009 Gereja Kristen Indonesia (GKI) Kwitang, Jakarta Pusat.

Sebelum rapat ditutup, Wakil Walikota tidak lupa mengatakan "Salam ya untuk teman teman Gereja", katanya. Sambil berjalan menuju ruang bagian Lingkungan Hidup, seorang Ibu mendekati kami berdua dengan mengatakan :"Senang juga mendengar Gereja ikut berpartisipasi", katanya sambil memperkenalkan diri. Dia adalah Kepala Dinas Sosial Kotamadya Jakarta Pusat.  

Tibalah saatnya hari H, satu hari sebelum Hari raya Paskah, kami  bekerjasama dengan Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Timur melakukan pengeboran 100 lubang Biopori di seberang Cempaka mas dipinggir jalan By Pass. Sembilan orang pegawai Kelurahan termasuk Wakil Kelurahan dan staf Bagian Lingkungan Hidup melaksanakan Aksi Sosial tsb. Dari GKI Kwitang sendiri hanya saya yang ikut mengawasi pelaksanaannya dibantu pak Halomoan yang meminjam alat Biopori dari Kantor Walikota Jakarta Pusat.

"Kok Gereja sampai ikut mikirin Lingkungan hidup", kata Wakil Lurah Cempaka Putih Timur, Jakarta Pusat dibulan April 2009 lalu. Saya menjawab :" Itu menjadi bagian misi kami", jawab saya apa adanya. Karena memang dalam Visi Gereja Kristen Indonesia Kwitang 2004-2010 menetapkan: "Mendatangkan Kerajaan Allah melalui berbagai tanda...dst. Tanda Kerajaan Allah itu sendiri ada lima termasuk "Memelihara Bumi ciptaan Allah" dan empat tanda lain yaitu Kesejahteraan, Kasih,  Keadilan dan Perdamaian.

Dalam program Aksi Sosial ini, saya yang mengkordinir pelaksanaannya,  termasuk dengan 8 (delapan) Pos yaitu gereja gereja kecil di wilayah JABOTABEK. Konsentrasi programnya sekitar Lingkungan hidup dan Pengobatan gratis dengan bekerjasama dengan Pemda setempat.

Jenis kegiatan yang dilaksanakan seperti Pembuatan lobang Biopori dan Pembagian Tanaman hias masing masing di Kapuk Muara, Tegal Alur, Cililitan dan Wisma Jaya. Setiap Pos bebas memilih jenis kegiatan dengan anggaran maksimal Rp.3.000.000 per Pos. Di Pos lain ada yang memilih Pembuatan Bak sampah di Pos Cendrawasih, Tanah Abang dan Karawaci. sedang di Pos Jatimurni meminta Pengobatan gratis.

Sedang acara resmi Hari Bebas Kendaraan Bermotor, HBKB dilakukan tepat pada Hari Raya Paskah, berlokasi  dijalan utama, depan Hotel Cempaka dengan menutup jalan mulai dari By Pass hingga mendekati Pasar Senin dengan berbagai attraksi yang menarik bagi masyarakat Jakarta Pusat.

Dalam acara tsb Pdt. Agus Mulyono atas nama GKI Kwitang, menyerahkan secara simbolis 1 buah Pohon mangga warna hijau ukuran 1 meter kepada Ibu Walikota. Dan selanjutnya diserahkan secara langsung kepada seorang warga warga Jakarta pusat, seorang wanita berjilbab.
Tidak lama setelah acara ini, Walikota Jakarta Pusat mengirimkan Sertifikat Tanda Penghargaan kepada GKI Kwitang karena telah ikut berpartisipasi dalam program kerja Pemerintah Jakarta Pusat.

Dari Gereja GKI sendiri acara resmi itu dihadiri cukup ramai yaitu oleh Anggota Panitia Paskah 2009, Ketua Majelis, Bpk.Rafael Djari, para Pemuda dan jemaat dari Lingkungan I, II, IV/V dengan kaos hijau berlogo dan tulisan GKI Kwitang. Diharapkan program seperti ini, bekerja sama dengan PEMDA dan Program berkelanjutan setiap tahun diikuti oleh GKI Kwitang karena merupakan salah satu Tanda Tanda mendatangkan Kerajaan Allah didunia ini.

Disekitar pusat acara diisi oleh Olah raga Senam, Futsal, beberapa stand penjualan beraneka barang, makanan/minuman, alat sport dan permainan. Para pemilik stand inilah yang diundang pada rapat Pleno di Kantor Walikota untuk mempersiapkan event ini.
Sedang pohon yang akan dibagikan oleh GKI Kwitang  ditempatkan dihalaman Hotel Cempaka. Warga yang mendapatkan kupon dari Kelurahan akan  menyerahkan kepada penjaga stand.

Disetiap Kotamadya, Jakarta dilakukan juga event Hari Bebas Kenfaraan Bermotor di tempat yang berbeda untuk sosialisasi Kepedulian Lingkungan Hidup. Sedang tingkat propinsi DKI, event dilakukan secara berkala mengambil lokasi sekitar Bundaran Hotel Indonesia. Stand cukup banyak dengan berbagai macam pertunjukan, Stand makanan/minuman. Termasuk Badut Badut berbaju seragam kesebelasan sepakbola yang akan bertanding di Afrika Selatan.

Jika ingin sehat dan juga peduli Lingkungan cobalah ikuti olah raga sepeda setiap hari minggu pagi dari Monas, Bundaran bank Indonesia himgga Senayan sepanjang Jalan Sudirman - Thamrin, jalan raya ditengah sengaja dikosongkan untuk olah raga, bebas dari kendaraan umum.
Badan dan Lingkungan sama sama sehat. 

Saturday, May 29, 2010

BapeTV Archives 2005

Download :

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Part3 :

Friday, May 28, 2010

"When you speak, your words echo only across the room or down the hall. But when you write, your words echo down the ages"Bud gadner wrote in Chikken soup for Writer soul book.

Yes, Bud Gadner damn right. In every occation we heard, overheard the various  touching ,amuse, funny, sad and other interesting stories. If these remarks written, either in notes, record, or filed in order, later it would be a sources to write a special book of certain subject or written as an Autobiography.

Along with these records combine with others sources such as certificates, plane tickets, passports, photos, special acknowledment of achiement, prizes from the company or other agencies. Thoese rich materials classified accordingly, no doubt became a very usefull ingredients of writing comprehensive, thick Autobiography.

An Autoiography told details stories when you stepped down in abroad stated in the immigration stamp and what plane we fly with and what is the rate at the time. The US$ fare maybe relatively similar, but our currency devlated certain % and we pay higher few years later.

The stories more appeal to read when we capable to saw it in photo of the country or special places to tell the readers that we even been to one of the most welknown places, buildings, sites, river that every body long to visit, if they afford to do so.

When I finished my Biography, in my spare time and relax, I spend a quite time, sipped a glass of hot coffee and never been boring to reread the same topicagain and again. Sometime my corner lip curved memorized and asthonished, wondered if I even been there and be blessed that I could afford to spend a holiday there with my wife and 4 students children. A very sweet memories to told my decendant that one day they discovered valuable stories of their ancestor in Biography book. Hopefully the strories motivated them not left behind their anchestor.

The content of my Biography consist of 4 (four) chapter : 1.Family, 2. Job histories and bussines 3. Travel and hobbies and 4. Social activities. We may classified it more than 4, splitting bussiness, hobbies in separated chapter. But I think the pages keep it in regular, let say more or less than 300 pages. More than that size, the reader think twice to read or to buy - the price shoul be higher.

 I hope this post encourage the readers to start to collected, set aside the valuable materials, notes, photos, prizes and everything to enrich the Biography that would be written soon or later. 


Aura dalam laut diperut samudera
Mengayun bahtera di pier bulian,
ditengah perjalanan
Menjelang petang rona keemasan

Ombak dan riak riak rindu
Menggulung sepanjang bayang bayang
Bersama layar mengembang
Tanpa badai yang melintang

Berlayar bukan tanpa karang
Asal menatap kerling mercusuar
Yang selalu memberi sinyal
Bahtera tak akan karam

Satu bahtera, satu nakhoda
Juru mesin siap menghela
Bersama tenun layar cinta
Sampai labuhan bibir pantai

Mentari masuk keluar awan
Tapi tak meneteskan hujan
Kecuali bayang bayang hitam
Esok, sinarnya pasti memancar
Bersama bayu menghembus layar

Ada masa duduk diburitan
Memandang jauh diufuk lautan
Memang indah untuk dikenang
Tapi, kemudi menghadap haluan
Menuju labuan hati menjelang petang

Sepanjang jalan kenangan
Tangan Tuhan akan menggenggam
Kini lelahku akan berlabuh
Tanpa keluh,

persembahan untuk :
Frizdiyanto dan Yeny Rahayu

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Preparando o caminho ao veto de Lula ao fim do fator previdenciário e, até mesmo o não reajuste aos aposentados, os Ministros da Fazenda e do Planejamento fizeram essa semana um discurso tecnocrata, posicionando-se favorável ao veto de tais matérias, sob a desculpa que o “veto seria para não quebrar o país”.

O fator previdenciário, para quem não sabe, é um tipo de pedágio que obriga aos brasileiros trabalhar por mais tempo para se aposentarem. Uma sacanagem, que pode ou não estar com seus dias contados.

O impacto nas contas públicas da aprovação de tais medidas é menor que a dinheirama que o governo deu, diretamente e indiretamente (este último por meio de renúncia fiscal) para salvar bancos e grandes empresas.

Para o banqueiros e grandes empresários, tudo. Para os trabalhadores e aposentados, o rigor da política fiscal.

Mas ainda é possível rever essa situação.

Ao final desta msg, segue link, com atalho para  modelo de moção para ser assinada e enviada por todos (ativistas, cidadãos, entidades sindicais), se posicionando contra o veto, exigindo do governo Lula o aumento aos aposentados e o fim do fator previdenciário .

Então faça sua parte. clique no link abaixo e reproduza a moção. Lá você vai encontrar os emails para qual ela deve ser enviada.

Adriano Espíndola

clique aqui para acessar página do blog, com modelo de moção

Monday, May 24, 2010

Jika Anda bertemu dengan kenalan dan bertanya :" Mengapa tidak buka usaha sendiri?". Hampir dipastikan bahwa sebagian besar akan menjawab :"Tidak punya modal". Namun jika dilakukan pembicaraan lebih dalam, maka sebenarnya teman itu mempunyai sesuatu untuk dipakai sebagai Modal kerja.
Sebut saja, mempunyai Tabungan di Bank, punya perhiasan, punya kendaraan lebih dari satu, punya beberapa bidang tanah kosong atau beberapa rumah, ada juga Tagihan pada beberapa orang. Semua kekayaan tersebut sebenarnya merupakan faktor yang dapat dijadikan Modal kerja.

Penghasilan bunga Tabungan relatif tidak seberapa jika dibandingkan dengan keuntungan dari usaha. Perhiasan dilemari atau di Brandkas, yang hanya dipakai sesekali, tidak menghasilkan apa apa, atau jika dimaksudkan sebagai Investasi, kenaikan harganya belum tentu sebesar profit dari usaha sendiri.

Kendaraan roda dua atau roda empat lebih dari satu bahkan lebih dari dua, hanya untuk mempertahankan gengsi sosial, bukan menghasilkan, tetapi justru membebani biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan. Bahkan nilai jual/nilai pasarnya semakin kecil dari tahun ketahun. Oleh sebab itu lebih baik naik angkutan umum dan Asset tersebut diswitch menjadi modal kerja.

Asset berupa tanah atau rumah bisa dimanfaatkan dengan menjualnya atau bisa  juga digunakan sebagai Jaminan pinjaman ke Bank, tentu dengan meningkatkan status kepemilikan haknya  dari Letter C atau Akte Jual beli menjadi Sertifikat Hak milik atau Hak Guna Usaha/Guna Bangunan.

Dari pengalaman saya kerja sebagai Bankir dan demikian juga pandangan sesama Bankir, maka yang menjadi kendala utama justru apa pada faktor "Marketting". Pemasaran adalah ujung tombak kelangsungan hidup suatu usaha. Jika pasar produk/jasa sudah jelas, maka pihak Bank akan menilai peryaratan lainnya. Dengan terjaminnya pasar, maka penghasilan usaha akan mampu untuk membayar kembali pinjaman beserta bunganya.

Tentu fihak Bank akan menilai faktor faktor lainnya dari calon peminjam dan perusahaannya. Faktor ini disebut sebagai "Lima C" dengan urut urutan prioritas 1. Charakter, 2. Capasitas, 3. Capital/Modal 4. Condition (Economic) dan 5. Collateral (Jaminan). Dan yang menjadi prioritas pertama tetap pada Character atau nama baik dan C yang terakhir adalah Collateral atau Jaminan.

Tentu Anda bisa menyampaikan beberapa faktor kendala lain seperti Jenis usaha yang minim risiko atau profit yang relatif tinggi, lokasi tempat usaha, pengalaman dan beberapa faktor lainnya.
Topik ini say tulis juga di Face Book dengan account Jingga Senja. Diharap partisipasi Anda dalam Diskusi di Blog ini atau di Face Book, agar kita bisa memotivasi teman lain dan sharing pandangan, pendapat untuk mendorong seseorang untuk membuka Usaha.
Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda.

Pharrell - Out of This World


01. Out Of This World Intro
02. Announcement Feat. Common
03. Punch Drunk Love (Remix) Feat. Common
04. Paris, Tokyo (Remix) Feat. Lupe Fiasco & Q-Tip
05. Work That Feat. Teriyaki Boyz & Chris Brown
06. My Drive Thru Feat. Santogold & Julian Casablancas
07. Everyone Nose (Remix) Feat. Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco & Pusha T
08. Still Got It For Cheap Feat. The Clipse
09. Rumor Has It Feat. Young Jeezy
10. Get Down Feat. Rick Ross
11. Bout To Blow Feat. B.G.
12. Let It Go Feat. Nelly
13. Patron Feat. Sean Garrett
14. Flash Feat. Usher
15. Only One Feat. Usher
16. Sets Up Feat. Snoop Dogg
17. Cheat Feat. The Dogg Pound
18. I Apologize Feat. Hope


N.E.R.D. - Hot-N-Fun


Jay-Z - Change Clothes (CLEAN VERSION)


Jay-Z - Excuse Me Miss (CLEAN VERSION)


Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems feat. V.A. (CLEAN VERSION)


T.I. - Urban Legend (Chopped & Screwed)


Fabolous - Imma Do It feat. Kobe (CLEAN VERSION)


DJ Drama & Pharrell - In My Mind (The Prequel) (2006)


1. The Prequel
2. When Skateboard Came
3. Music for the Gangstas
4. Fortified
5. This Is The Life
6. Gangsta Grillz
7. It Was A Great Day
8. Model In The Hood
9. Liquid Swords
10. Sound Boy
11. Paid In Full
12. Come Go With Me
13. Startrak Movement
14. Famlay - Scrung Out
15. Renagotiations
16. The Message
17. High Rollers
18. Word To The Motherland
19. Prequel Outro
20. Reminisce
21. Lavish


Pharrell & The Yessirs - Out of My Mind (2007)


1. Can I Have It Like That
2. How Does It Feel
3. Raspy Shit
4. Best Friend
5. You Can Do It Too
6. Keep It Playa
7. That Girl
8. Angel
9. Creamsickle
10. Young Girl
11. Really Like You
12. Baby
13. Take It Off
14. Number 1
15. Stay With Me
16. Our Father
17. Skateboard P Presents... Show You How To Hustle
18. Mamacita


Pharrell Williams - Swagger International (Japan Bonus Track) from "In My Mind" album.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pharrell - Angel

Pharrell Williams - Angel (2006)


Pharrell - Number One (2006)


The Neptunes - StarTrak The Franchise Pt. 1 (2003)


The Neptunes - Rarities & Remixes (2001)


1.Everyday (Remix)
2.Don't Let It Go To Your Head
3.Love Don't Love Me (Remix)
4.Caught Out There (Remix)
5.Young Fresh And New
6.How Many Licks (Remix)
7.If You Think I'm Jiggy (Remix)
9.Mary's Got A Baby (Remix)
10.Thugmania (Remix)
11.Tip-greates Romance (Remix)
12.By Your Side (Remix)
14.D Game (Remix)
15.I'm Serious


password -

Eminem - Stan (Promo CDS)


Jay-Z - Big Pimpin' (Promo CDS)


Snoop Dogg - Beautiful (Promo CDS)


Snoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot (Promo CDS)


Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E. (Promo CDS)

Download :

DJ Khaled - We Takin' Over (Promo CDS)


Fabolous - Breathe (Promo CDS)


The Game - Wouldn't Get Far (Promo CDS)


The Game - How We Do (Promo CDS)


The Game - It's Okay (One Blood) - (Regional Remixes) (Promo CDS)


The Game - Camera Phone (Promo CDS)


Pharrell - Can I Have It Like That (CLEAN VERSION)


Snoop Dogg - Let's Get Blown (CLEAN VERSION)


Snoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot (CLEAN VERSION)


Shyne - Jimmy Choo (CLEAN VERSION)


Nelly - Over and Over (CLEAN VERSION)


Nelly - Na-NaNa-Na (CLEAN VERSION)


Jim Jones - Certified Gangstas (CLEAN VERSION)


Jay-Z - 99 Problems (CLEAN VERSION)


Destiny's Child - Soldier (CLEAN VERSION)


Trick Daddy - Let's Go (CLEAN VERSION)


Xzibit - Hey Now (Mean Muggin) [CLEAN VERSION]


I held her hands, on bended knees
Eyes gone red, tears rolling down my cheeks
I kissed her lips, so cold and dry
Her touch in mine triggered me to cry

She scream in pain while uttering my name
It crushed my heart, I could not do a thing
I whispered softly, so wounded and broken
God why? God why? you allowed this to happen?

I embrashed her so tight, her voice slowly fading
Her eyes closed, and barely breathing
An excrusiating pain ate the sanity in me
For as he took her last breath, I'm not who I was to be

I covered her face, my hand shivering
My love is dead, my life, my everything
Shes gone forever leaving me all alone
I don't know how to live my life, a life of my own

By Joey Infante, UK

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Upload by me
Pharrell - Number One (BET 106 & Park LIVE) featuring Jamie Foxx (2006)


N.E.R.D. - In Search Of ... (2001)

Tracklist :

"Lapdance" (featuring Lee Harvey and Vita) 3:33
"Intro" 1:13
"Things Are Getting Better" 4:55
"Brain" 3:42
"Provider" 4:24
"Truth or Dare" (featuring Kelis and Pusha-T) 4:51
"Run to the Sun" 4:45
"Stay Together" 6:52
"Baby Doll" 3:44
"Tape You" 7:41
"Am I High" (featuring Malice) 5:00
"Rock Star - Poser" 4:29
"Bobby James" 6:23


Friday, May 21, 2010

Às Entidades Sindicais, Movimento Popular e Estudantil, Parlamentares, Personalidades Políticas e Ativistas

Companheiros e companheiras,

Pedimos à todos que encaminhem, com urgência, moções de apoio aos seguinte endereços abaixo:

Modelo de Moção:


A Entidade _____________ decidiu enviar esta carta diretamente ao Presidente Lula reivindicando que a Presidência da República não vete os Projetos de Lei que determinam o reajuste de 7,72% para os aposentados que recebem acima de um salário mínimo e acaba com o famigerado fator previdenciário, que foram aprovados recentemente na Câmara de Deputados e no Senado Federal, por amplíssima maioria de votos dos parlamentares.

O Fator Previdenciário foi uma medida profundamente injusta, criada no Governo FHC, que visa reduzir o valor das aposentadorias e aumentar o tempo de trabalho. Sempre foi uma reivindicação do movimento sindical brasileiro, acabar com esta terrível medida.

E, nada mais justo, que os aposentados brasileiros, que vem sofrendo nos últimos anos uma tremenda desvalorização de suas aposentadorias, desde a desvinculação delas com o salário mínimo, tenham um reajuste de 7,72%. Reajuste este, que inclusive ainda fica abaixo do determinado aos aposentados que ganham até um mínimo.

Secretaria Executiva Nacional da Conlutas

Thursday, May 20, 2010


The dawn sparkling in the east
The sun rising over the blue sky is full
My heart glory of joy
Not a moment is dull

As I woke this morning
I did a life's cek
My marriage is happy
My brother and sister doing well
My son in law curve smiling
All in pure white sparkling teeth

Its just can't better than that
Before the days is over
More birthdays wishes will come
Says "Happy Brithday to you""

Yes, this sunday sunny days
And birthday wishes......
God, thank you for my happy families
And blessing to come

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Def Jam ICON - Soundtrack (2007)

Soundtrack :

01. Fat Joe feat. Lil Wayne - Make It Rain
02. Jim Jones - We Fly High
03. Sean Paul - Head In The Zone
04. T.I. - Top back
05. Paul Wall feat. Big Pokey - Sittin' Sidewayz
06. The Game - One Blood
07. Mike Jones - Got It Sewed Up (Remix)
08. Big Boi feat. Purple Ribbon All-Stars, Killer Mike, Blackowned C-Bone & Rock D the Legend - Kryptonite
09. Method Man feat. Redman - Da Rockwilder
10. Young Jeezy feat. Akon - Soul Survivor
11. E-40 feat. Keak Da Sneak - Tell Me When To Go
12. M.O.P. - Ante Up
13. Redman - Rush Da Security
14. Sean Paul - All Out
15. Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz feat. Ying Yang Twins - Get Low
16. Mike Jones - Back Then
17. Paul Wall feat. Bun B & B.G. - Trill
18. Redman - Let's Go
19. T.I. - What You Know
20. The Game feat. Swizz Beatz - Scream On Em
21. Ghostface Killah - The Champ
22. Konkrete feat. Big Boi - What's That Smell
23. Jim Jones feat. Juelz Santana & Camron - Crunk Muzik
24. Nas feat. P. Diddy - Hate Me Now
25. Young Joc - It's Goin Down
26. Young Jeezy - I Do This Shit
27. E-40 feat. The Federation - Go Hard Or Go Home
28. Lil Jon & the East Side Boyz - Get Crunk
29. Ludacris - Get Back


Fabolous feat. Young Jeezy - Diamonds (2007)

DVDRip :



TVRip :



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

HorrorMovie-Satire-SurvivingMurder 1

You know, I never realized that a talent in this area could be useful…

I mean, anything CAN happen, right? And, by accident, you may find yourself thrust inside a horror movie…for real…stuff like this happens all the time…

Soooo, I took a quiz, you see, to see if I could survive…


Yes, B3ers…MsBurb, the Queen of literary Murder & Mayhem became the FIRST to die!

I didn’t mean to die right away…but you know how it goes…just because you write on murder doesn’t mean you’d survive one yourself, I guess…how FREAKIN’ embarrassing!

So, with that horrifyingly pathetic thought still lingering in my brain, I thought I should do my civic duty and give you, my good readers, the benefit of my vast experience in this vein…well, yes, my veins are now empty of blood thanks to that killer dude who got me…but even in death, MsBurb can still rage on in a blogging sort of way…

So without any further ado, I present to you my pointers on how to survive inside a horror movie…take notes, there WILL be a test at the end of this blog (okay, there won’t be a test but you may want to carry my pointers around in your back pocket from now on, you know, just in case…)

Pointer No.#1

IF you find yourself in a house which begins to whisper in a very low, raspy voice, “GETTTTTTTT OWWWWWT!” – Do NOT debate the issue with the house, nor analyze why you’re now having a relationship with an inanimate object, just GETTTTTT OWWWWWT!

Pointer No.#2

IF you are a HorrorMovie-Satire-SurvivingMurder 2 white female, with bleach-bottle blond hair and an extremely large set of knockers, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT find yourself in a horror movie whatsoever! NOTHING will save you. You WILL be the first to go! Your boobs WILL be exposed for all to see and then they will be covered in blood from your head being lobbed off cleanly by that machete the killer dude was carrying, silently, behind you…sigh…

Pointer No.#3

IF before you find yourself in a horror movie, a disembodied voice asks you if you’d like a weapon and offers you your preferred choice, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT respond by saying, “What weapon?” – I did this, and well, I’m DEAD now…do you see a pattern here?

Personally, IF you are a tree hugger, or a Canadian, or NOT a card-carrying N.R.A. American, you, like the bleach-bottle blond above, you just have no business being in a horror movie in the first place. Your Hippie Daisy-Chain, Kumbaya, Peace & Love ideals will get you “offed” right after the opening credits.

Pointer No.#4

IF, while you’re inside the horror movie, you begin to hear eerie music, something akin to this>>>

Don’t stand there and think to yourself, “How do they make those screeching sounds anyhoo? Isn’t that a base cello I hear? Damn, that musician is great with it ‘cause I KNOW it’s tough to learn to play the cello!”

Instead, run, don’t walk, to your nearest exit, and run away from and not towards the music’s origin. If the music is getting louder, you’re running the wrong way…

Do NOT scream when you hear this music as your yelps will drown it out, confusing you on its location and therefore make fleeing said that much more difficult, you know, as you run AWAY from it!

Oh, and by all means, do NOT wait for a pause in this music, because, well, the silence you’re about to hear may be permeated with your own death knell cries. Not to mention that all the blood gushing from your veins that the killer just popped open because you ran right TO him may make running a kind of slippery, slimy exercise in futility…

Pointer No.#5

IF HorrorMovie-Satire-SurvivingMurder 3 others along side you have survived up to this point, it’s definitely a good idea to take them along for the fleeing portion of the movie. “Because you want to save them too, right MsBurb?” Well, you know, that was my first instinct, and, of course, it’s another reason why I’m talking to you now from my horror movie grave.


You take them along with you as bait for this maniac, that if by chance he catches up with you idiots, all you’ll need to do is just trip the occasional petrified person beside ya, so he or she becomes the killer’s next “project”…better him than you, rrright?

Pointer No.#6

IF by chance you manage to lay into this dude with what you think is a fatal blow, there is a definite Do and Don’t Decorum to follow;

  • Don’t walk up to him and kick him to see if he can kick you back. You know most horror movie maniacs are like that pink bunny. HorrorMovie-Satire-SurvivingMurder 4Unless you laid into him with a nuclear bomb, assume the dude is still breathing.
  • If your weapon of choice was a handgun, Do empty the clip into his head and jump into your car and run over that head twice, just for good measure, or until you see his cranium crack and squish like so much Halloween pumpkin. Conservative as I am, yet in these situations, I believe there is never enough “over” in the word “overkill”.
  • Don’t walk up to his body to lift up his hood or mask. Yeah, I know, we all want to know if the “Butler did it” but it might just be the very last thing you’ll know for sure before you stop breathing.
  • Upon fleeing after the flailing, Don’t take your leave of this dude by stepping over his body to do so. Baaaad idea. I’ve never seen a stepped-over-killer stay stepped over for long, and quite frankly, you may need your legs to escape so having them chopped off with his machete as you have your back to him may be counter-productive.
  • Don’t drop your weapon after using it. Yeah, I know, you’re disgusted with yourself for killing a living being but you’ll get over the guilt real soon when he attempts an encore run at your jugular…and he will…you KNOW he will.
  • IF you’re a girl, Don’t start crying. I swear these horror movie killer dudes rejuvenate just from the scent of sissy-girlie tears alone. I think they’re like some sort of killer hormone accelerant for maniacs, not to mention they make running away through the dense forest, you KNOW you’ll eventually be in, pretty damn difficult to manoeuvre.
  • Do laugh an eerie, creepy laugh after you’ve annihilated him. Sure, it may not help you to survive in the end but it might make you feel more empowered as you run screaming for your Mommy.

And finally…

Pointer No.# Last

IF you think the movie has ended and you feel like you’ve survived, think again.

You KNOW horror movies, if they’re worth their weight in gold, don’t end until attempt number three. Soooo, keep running, keep your weapon locked and loaded and keep the tears at bay, at least until you see the production credits scroll up your body.

It ain’t over ‘til the Fat Lady sings, or dies, whichever…

Good Luck!

Horror Movie, Satire, Surviving Murder

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