Wednesday, August 4, 2010


 Poetry world, a place many art's soul run to express their heart, soul, feeling and mind in poetic words where some peole judged as a strange citizen who lived fantacizing things, matters in their mind. Some said that poem very closed, related to love, passion enviroment. The poem writers sometime express their critics in such a powerfull lines, critized the bad political, social condition.

A special occurance happened when I composed my idea and send it to a net's friend, lived far way in Australia, requesting her to editted and completed the poem in order to cheer up a net's friend that felt sick and spent few days in the hospital  Finally she wrote up, finalized a touching one, that the receipent surprised 
unexpectedly. We collaborated  our feeling and mind to produce a better one.

Actually the tree of us belong and love writing poems and a kind of artistic words and knew each other through the net. Few monts ago, a friend in Australia, Nana Juliana met, land on the earth with Rian Gayatri  at Jakarta for the first time and had a breakfest rendezvous when Nana on the way from the airport to her hometown, Bandung.

We agree to wrote this poem when we paid a notice to Rian's posts and pics in FB how she felt while lying in bed along  with her beloved son, occupied a same room, hospitalized as well.We had nothing to cheer her up but by a poem, a world she love the most. Every single day she wrote art's words in FB regularly. She acknowledged herself as a poem's ghost that I suggested to rename her as a Queen, as her new nickname recently.

Initially Rian didn't noticed  that the poem are my collaboration and Nana. But at least I feel happy to realized that Rian love it. I love to make others happy and  affected me aswell. I hope she truly love it ,since we wrote it from the bottom  of our heart to cheer her up, hopefully, we pray she will get well soon along with her beloved son. She had eager to go back to work in the kindergarten where she belong and love.

When I read her respon in FB, I know, we maid it as she wrote back in Indonesia :" Nana terima kasih. Aduh senang banget dihibur puisimu. Tak ku sesal sepanjang umur bersama mayanya dunia dekatmu dan teman teman semua. Jadi terharu Nana". Free translation :" Thanks Nana, I like it so much, cheer  me up by your poem. I never regret in my life that I know you and all my net's friends. I feel blue"

Later she find out wich part written by me and by Nana and again she made another remark by saying :"Amboyy teman temanku sayang, ini sungguh haru. Dunia jauh itu indah. Thank you Pak, thanks Nana. Sampai berulang Rian bacanya". Free translation : " My God, my dear friends, I feally happy. Far away friendship are beautiful, thanks Pak and Nana. I reread it several times

She was boring lay at the hospital's bed and  eager back to normal life again doing house's wife work  and rocking dancing while doing her duties. Even she post her dream to dance with somebody, wanna feel the beat with somebody, with somebody who love her. Surely she will dance with the King of her life and her hubby will glad to embrace her back home, home sweet homIf you intend to help others you may do it in your own way. In this case our talent in poetry we   shaw it by present a poetry that Rian - as a Poem's queen - love the most. Below I rewrite my collaboration with Nana Julia: 


Hening malam mataku nanar terjaga
Menghitung tik tik infus putih
Namun anganku menerawang
Anakku tercinta di sekolah
dan panas anakku di ranjang sebelah

Walau badanku nampak ramping
Tapi tetap bergaya berbaju merah
Didukung doa doa dunia maya
Namun tetap bete ingin tetirah
Di rumah Ratu di sebelah danau
Agar bisa berdansa dengan Raja yang kucinta

Satu semangat setia memancar
Doa seorang Ibu walau tertatih seranjang
Tetap hangat ceria mendoakan
Tampang senyum tetap terpasang
Walau badai
Walau topan
Walau kilat
Menghujat angkara bumi
Namun ku tetap tabah
Disamping sang buah hati

Rajaku di seberang sana
Nantikan aku sang baju merah
Kembali berdansa di istana gelora
Bersama putra putri
Buah pelengkap hidup kita

Hanya bingkisan kata dan doa
Semoga pulih seperti sedikala
Kiranya Tuhan mendengar pinta kita

04th August 2010
By: PS n NJ

Soon after posted, I shared the topic to both of them. Nana promised. would like to klick this Blog later, not until August 12, 2010, suddenly she leaved a message in the bottom of this topic said :" What a beautiful writing made my heart melt.". After that I reply and comment that may be Ryan had no opportunity to klick my Bog. So, I resend, shares it again.

Few seecond later, my monitor blinks and saw Ryan name on the monitor , for the first time she is on line for chatting to inform that she had been leaved a long messages for both of us, a poem writers of P"uisi untuk Ryan". I check what is in her mind, found none any messages. Some technical error  happened that the message didn't show up. At least I know she read the whole story.
Suddenly, soon after she reaalized that any interesting story to be read, she klick the Blog and she post a comment in her account said :" I'm crying to read a poem for me. Realized that the poem is alive. I want to live for a millions years in poem words"

In the comment box she added "Nana...Pak PS poem not just exaggerated". In Indonesia slang she write "Bukan masalah lebay lebayan"
I didn't expected that she realized how a poem affected her heart. Meanwhile she wrote poems regulaily and endlessly, come out automatically unconsious what the meaning is and the effect to the readers. She was unable to keep quiet still but writing and posting...poems always.

For long period of time she never paid special attention about her talent in poetry world so far, until we wrote her a special poem that rocking her heart and mind and ultimately realized and wrote a quite long comment on the net, she wrote :" Now I am so sure that poem's languge and every single line leaved a deep and sharp meaning. Both of you remind me who am I and love poem more then ever".

No wonder, at the end as a poem writer, she never forget whisper a sweet, unforgetable line and wrote
:" Nana and PS, I love you both beyond time and space and....don't even ask why and no answered needed, I feel very close". Before above line she wrote her special initial KDS with short line " Supposely the heaven created in a poem, let me lived full of singing in smile forever and ever".....Rian oohh...Rian.



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