Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Shodata wa barotta" one among 7 comments came from a reader, who read my poem "PANGGILAN SUCI" or Holy calling posted in, a poem writer's website. The first reader is Mr.Gus Malkan, Blitar town, east Java. When I google the translation in Arabic language, Shodata wa barorta mean : "You are right and keep doing good".

What I meant by Holy calling coming from my long period of time paid attention to my enviroment from my childhood up until recently. I lived next to a mosque when I was in high shool at  Padangsidempuan town North Sumatera. I had a bossom friend,  a room mate  since high school till University, named Parlaungan Hasibuan who never missed the regular prayer, 5 (five) time a day from Isya, Subuh, Lohor, Asa, Maghrib remind by Azan (Adhan) from mosques around a village or a compound. Azan is one of the holy calling for believers aided by a loud speaker waking up, inviting moslems to pray on time.

As the consequences of my surrounding, I was able to memorized the Azan myself as saying : "Allahu Akhbar, Ash-had an la  illa ha illa llah, Ash-hadu anna Muhamadan Rasullullah, Hayya 'ala shalatt, Hayya 'ala falah, Al-salathu kayirumin an nawm, Allahu Akhbar, lai illa ha illa llah"

Far away in the villages, I will find a peacefull circumtances, green trees, simple houses, fish ponds, small rivers and mosque (mesjid, langgar, surau) - small or larger one - a little farther from the houses. When the calling sound coming blowing by the wind to my ears, I chilled under my skin and feeling peacefull in mind and surrounding, especially at dawn on Subuh praying or in twilight, Maghrib praying.

Parents teach their children how to read Quran book and Prophet hadith/hadist every night or asking someone, a teacher to teach them in a mosque or at home, generally in a group. A special appearance of the children using kopiah, white lobe, a cap for boys and kerudung, a multi color scrafts for girls, both to cover their heads and hairs and each one carry sajadah on their shoulder

A writer in poem community,, Mr.Rozi Saptian, Surakarta town, central Java commented wrote : "The poem  is moslem minded,  missed the sirah sirah nabawi, I like it, good job"   This Arabic means :  "Life of  holy Prophet".

This is the traditional happended in every villages, towns all over the country that  90% of citizen were moslem  and surely affected other religion citizen who lived nearby. Since the children taught  from their childhood, the religion roots fenced them from bad influences coming from outside their enviroment, from outside world.

Religion and tradition taught them to follow strict law, religion law and traditional law as well. Someone who break the law would be sanctioned by the families and the villagers. But when they going out of their enviroment facing the new cultures, they had their own, immune/barriers  system, automatic weapon to fences themself.
But sometime, someone - with a deep rooth of religion - stumbled down, tempted to try a new life style/ modern cultures with all the consequences afterward.

As time past, after struggling in life time, success life, happiness, suffering, pain, misery would  remind them of what  are the meaning of life, the goal of life. Then recalled the inner consciousness, tradition background remind and longing to peacefull life enviroment as happened since  childhood. in their villages and surrounding. And the time will come, when the dreaming of holy calling from Mekkah come true for haj pilgrim

A poem writer from Bekasi town, next to Jakarta,  Mr.Wyde shi nichi, surely assuming that I was a moslem and leaved a comment said : "Hopefully would built up your faith"' he said. Beside, another poem's writer friend in Jakarta, Mr.Ardianz Arena, gave a very short comment by saying "Alhamdulillah" or something like Praise The Lord.

Another friend of poem writer. Man Atek, Rumpin, Bogor, West Java wrote a touching and sincere  hope  by saying :"God, who hold every soul, please gave this kind man  and his beloved family a good health, succes, blessing  to fullfill his calling, Amin ya Robbil Alamin".

A friend of mine, in their early 40, a simple family, a Busway driver husband and small bussiness woman, after saving for sometime apply for haj pilgrim in the next two years. The religion's rule saying that whoever could afford to pay, it is obliged to pay  a visit to the holy place, to Mekkah, to answer the holy calling to joint the pilgrim, haj pilgrim spouse by spouse with its own muhrim (wife/husband).

To memorized my attention and to honor our moslem friends, I had composed a poem named Panggilan suci means Holy calling as follow:


Suara azan mengalun syahdu menusuk kalbu
Memanggil, bersujud kepada Illahi
Tak alpa lima waktu, jika jam berdentang
Disurau di sebelah kolam ikan
Sejak usia dini

Dasar yang kokoh dibangun diatas ayat ayat
Tauladan, aturan ketat dan aneka nasehat
Yang tak akan goyah  oleh badai ajaran sesat
Tak akan lapuk oleh cuaca sepanjang abad

Jalan kehidupan memang berliku dan panjang
Sambil berdendang sepanjang jalan kenangan
Diatas jok empuk dan udara nyaman
Jika tak awas bisa masuk jurang dan arus jeram

Syukur, panggilan Khabbah dari Mekkah, Madinah
dan padang Arafah berkumandang
Dalam mimpi mimpi kapankah jadi kenyataan
Alhamdulillah, Allah memberi barokah dan jalan
Tabungan disisihkan memenuhi panggilan
Insya Allah, tahun menjelang bersama muhrim akan terbang
Tunaikan rukun kelima jauh  ke seberang lautan
Allahu Akhbar, Allah maha besar
Kami segera datang

The poem then had tagged to 13 friends in Face book, 6 were Moslem and 2  were my closed friends, graduated from Christian teology University. I had expected their comments,  and Ijust got 2 comments so far.. 

The first one coming from Mr.Prins Panjaitan, lived in Cianjur, west Java - never met - Batak moslem, originally came from my home town, Sibolga, North Sumatera, by surprised shares the poem in his FB account. Its mean that his hundreds friends had the opportunity to read the poem, beyond their religion.

The second, coming from Pitriana Widyaningsih from Kudus town, central Java , a daughter of ex my cowoker. I didn't knew her personally but her father, that she experienced the same with  what I had written in the poem's content by saying : " Thanks is beautiful , it was my real life, I got the religion's fundation in my childhood, then stumbled in  a recent /new era, hopefully I could join the haj pilgrim later "

In 1998 when I assigned as Bank BRI branch manager at Surabaya city  on Idulfitry  celebration ,I got the opportunity to read an Quran's translation, Goverment version, in front of Bank personnels. The Quran book, Religion ministry printing was as a gift from my costumer ,Indonesian Arab, who run  a big Bookstore  in Kudus town, central Java, as photo below :

Meanwhile, I am developing a new poems in moslem related in order to welcome a holy fasting month starting on August 2010, called MENGGAPAI HARI KEMENANGAN, posted in this Blog as well.


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