Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I was a son of a hero...?  When I was a kid I never told the story  that my mom was involved in a war before I was born. My father who regularly go with me in the business trip ,never told me any stories about her, up until I leaved my home town in 19 years old for  college far away in Java and had a little opportunity to met them.
Few days after my mother passed away, I was 45 years old, in 1988. My big family gathered to open up what things my parent leaved behind. I open up a pile of old documents in a rubber bands, typed. A strange old yellow of files of Veteran application forms. So many signs up in the statements to acknowledged the ministry, testified that she belong to a group of Battallion under certain Commandants in charge, including the late general, ex defense minister Maraden Panggabean, originally born in my hometown, Sibolga, North Sumatera.

Retired Gen.M.Panggabean

Generally speaking, whatever kinds of duties a women did in a war, even located away from the frontiers, located in relatively safer, such as general kitchen, nurses, logistic, but the war enviroments not so far away from the attacking risk from the opponents. in this case, Dutch soldiers. Beside, the soldiers couldn't ready physically for war without logistic support, sufficient  meals and medical supplies.

When my mom jointed the Batallion, they knew for sure that she is really available in the field along with her colleagues, men and women, including ex commandants of their groups who still alive when she placed the application and got so many signatures as a living witness.

Unfortunately her application turned down as written in a letter from a higher command in Medan city, North Sumatera military office. I don't remember the reason why, but generally speaking, my mom, reside 365 kilometers away in Sibolga town can't afford to come too far to explain in details or just to asking for help. For me, whatever the reason is,  my mom ever been in the field warred against colonialism.

As we may see in many parts of the country the Goverment or praivates erected a heroic thombs  to honor the soldiers, the hero in defence the country or involved in the war  to seized the independence as shown in many photosin this post.

What he did in the war era, saw us, her children, grandchildren and grand grand children that their ancestors were among one of the heros of the Indonesia Republic. Her decendants should follow her  way of strugglling to defend the country,   inherited her spirit to defend Indonesia's unity in the future.
In honor her sacrifices to the Nation herewith, I write a poem in Indonesia :


Setelah Inang tiada tanpa kata
Tetapi dokumen kumal menyapa
Para komandan menjadi saksi
Dia lasykar perkasa
Disekeliling desing peluru
Dari musuh penjejah Negeri

Kami bangga mewarisi
Jiwa pejuang sejati tanpa pamrih
Veteran tanpa enerpe, tanpa bintang
Tanpa kapling di Kalibata
Kami menobatkanmu jadi Pahlawan

In daily life my parent lived independendtly, in their own bussineses in rubber (trading and factory), textiles, rice trading and transportation, that I ever been involved when I was in high  school , how  they working hard in order to run the bussineses, afford the family, including send my cost of living monthly basis for  long period of time for 6 years in colleges, I would never paid it back.

That is why we, the decendants should honor and remember them, pay a visit to their grave far away in the hill of Lapaanlombu, 23 kilometers away north of Sibolga. Without them I, my children and my granchildren never been as we are today.
                                            My Father and mother

                                          Salomo& Ramos (Grand grand children)

We always remember you Inang (Mom) and Amang (Dad) for your sacrifices to our country and to your family.
I love you Mom, you are my Hero.


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