Thursday, September 30, 2010

The connection, relationship between two hearts in two continents resided far away could be bridge by a pure heart. Its shown just by a very simple poem.

I had 3 Savu kind ladies not known each other physically, one lived in Jakarta and the others two resided in other continent, Australia. Fransesca Von Reinhaart stayed in Byron Bay and Enny White far away in Southern part in Queensland, New South West.

Once I wrote a very short comment on Enny White account that I intend to write her a poem about the Ranch and she said "Please, I like it", without any expectation will coming soon. After I wrote 2 poems for the other two ladys, all concerning Savu and related, they like it....then I convince myself its the time to write one for Enny, title Rumput hijau di Queensland, means Green grass at Queensland.

She shocked to see a poem  in her wall one day unexpectedly and I like her comments . While crying she wrote :"Its a good poem and show a BRIDGE between friends even never met face by face". Another comment that I will never forget is: "You always write a good poem, we fortunate to know you", she said. I didn't believe in what she talking about. But since she called me in Savu nice calling like Ma woke or kaka berana, ama tana..I felt appreciated and honor.

What make me astonished is when she invited me sincerely and Nia Erni Miha Baho as well to visit their ranch
in Queensland to sit in the horse's saddle and fishing in the lake. Its wonderfull and nice vacation.It is a  very kind family that two hearts bridge just by a very simple poem.

The poem itself posted in her wall and in my account as well, told a glance about Enny's ranch, green grass, family and touching her heart until shed a tear of longing her hometown. Two among 6 ranches, named similar to Village's name in Kupang, Timor island, Nun Baun and Nun Hila, where I ever knew, when I assigned in that island. I didn't expected such a respons from her how she miss her home town. She had a beautifull and happy family, every body dream of.

Few days later, I got unexpected request that she would like to order my Biography book as shown in my profile foto, sent to her in Queensland or to Bali. Her family will celebrate her birthday next Desember in Bali that I invited as well. Do you believe it, in this modern ages, we find a true friend, bridge only by a short simple poem ?. Thanks The Lord you saw me a humble heart to be my friend

To know more about the poem please go to my wall or klick my personal website at

                                            Savu dance

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Suatu hari aku menanam ditaman
Kutinggalkan engkau menjadi bibit
Menghadapi cuaca dan godaan

Hati selalu bertanya, siapa yang gerangan
Yang memimpikan kecantikanmu ketika kelak aku pulang
Memandangmu dari kejauhan

Saya ingin menjagamu dari percik api
Ataupun angin kencang
Bahkan ingin mencerabutmu
Membawamu pulang bersamaku

Tetapi, kini engkau sudah di rumah baru
Dan mungkin sudah berbahagia
Cukuplah aku hanya berdecak
Berharap, kelak jika berpapasan
Engkau akan memaafkan....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As eleições estão chegando, e a campanha chega à reta final. Está na hora de decidir em quem votar. Vote contra a direita, vote nos candidatos do PSTU.

Alguns podem pensar que é melhor votar em Dilma para evitar a volta da direita. De fato, as pesquisas têm demonstrado grande possibilidade de Dilma se eleger no primeiro turno. Serra é o representante das privatizações – que Lula não cancelou. Mas quem é a direita?

Na verdade, são “duas direitas” disputando o aparato de Estado. Dilma e Serra têm o mesmo projeto para o país. Nos governos do PSDB e nos dois mandatos de Lula, os banqueiros e os grandes empresários se deram muito bem. No governo Lula, lucraram mais que no de FHC. Alguns dos setores mais importantes da burguesia estão apoiando Lula.

Nós, do PSTU, queremos conversar com os trabalhadores e jovens que estão prestes a votar. Durante os últimos meses, tentamos mostrar aos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras brasileiros uma alternativa que realmente os representasse e atendesse às suas necessidades.

As candidaturas de Dilma, Serra e Marina são apoiadas e financiadas pelos maiores bancos e pelas maiores empresas do país. Depois, no governo, eles pagarão esses favores com ataques aos direitos dos trabalhadores, arrocho salarial e sucateamento da saúde, educação, transportes.

Nós, ao contrário, queremos o apoio dos trabalhadores e estudantes conscientes. Precisamos do seu voto.

Temos orgulho de não aceitar dinheiro de nenhum setor da burguesia. Mantemos nossa independência financeira, o que é imprescindível para manter nossa independência política em relação a todos os setores da burguesia. Ficamos com nossos poucos recursos e nossa campanha modesta.

Em compensação, você não vai ver o PSTU nos noticiários envolvido em escândalos de corrupção. Você não vai ver o PSTU na TV defendendo políticas contra os aposentados, anunciando cortes de recursos para a saúde e a educação.

O PSTU vai estar ao seu lado, nas lutas do dia-a-dia, nas campanhas eleitorais, nas greves por melhores condições de trabalho, pela reforma agrária e todas que servirem para trazer benefícios aos trabalhadores e à juventude, pelo fim da exploração.

Dizemos aos trabalhadores que, se não houver um programa econômico que rompa com o imperialismo e o FMI, as mudanças necessárias ao país não vão acontecer, pois as nossas riquezas são sugadas. É por isso que defendemos o não-pagamento das dívidas, a estatização dos bancos e o controle de capitais e apoiamos as lutas por salário e emprego dos trabalhadores.

Um voto seu no PSTU significa um voto num programa socialista que, se não fossem nossas candidaturas, estaria ausente da campanha eleitoral em boa parte do país. Você que está conosco nas lutas aposte em nós também nas eleições.

Vote em nossos candidatos e convide seus colegas de trabalho, amigos, familiares, vizinhos a votarem 16 também. Some-se à nossa campanha ajudando a convencer mais pessoas a votar em nossos candidatos.

Não será um voto perdido. É um voto para manter viva a luta da classe trabalhadora contra os patrões e fortalecê-la para o futuro. É hora de fortalecer a verdadeira esquerda no país. O voto contra a direita, o verdadeiro voto de protesto é no 16!

Contra burguês, vote 16.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Kami terus berlagu bulan
Lagu kale kale pa raiwawa *
Lembut mendayu mengalun
Adat Kenoto merayu hatiku
Pikat asmara memabukkan,
tak dapat dibendung
Tapi kerongkongan Inang
tak akan berhenti mangandung **

Dalam hening kuselipkan anyelir harum di rambutnya
Kucium pelupuk mata dibawah mascara yang berembun
Bergegas ke labuan sebelum hujan menetesi bumi Sabu
Selamat tinggal Ina tana ee, kapal berlayar ke Selatan
Byron bay, teluk tenang, kediaman seorang teman

Lama kakiku tak menari dansa
Gerak sintal mengiring instrumentalia
Membuat langkahku tak seirama
Menyentuh kulitmu yang halus
Bola mataku merona merah

Kududuk melamun menjelang mentari mentari tenggelam
Kugubah syair imaginasi berlabuh di Byron bay
Dibalik kaca studio kau mengudara lagu Nasional,
lagu Sabu dan logu Batak tradisional
Gelombang suara menembus Khatulistiwa
Hingga ke kampung halaman Pariban
Kutancapkan pandang tak beralih dari wajah,
bibir yang bertatah senyum tulusmu

Hatiku terkejut karena tersayat pisau imigrasi
Penolakan tinggal lebih lama di Australi
Merajut hati dan jiwa yang sudah mulai bersemi
Mengikat adat memberimu marga Situmorang
Kemana lagi akan akan lari

*) belum menemukan gadis..lari ke Sabu dng seorang teman
**) mangandung...meraung raung tak henti seperti menangisi kematian

Friday, September 24, 2010

Perdeu o debate da esquerda?

Clique no atalho abaixo e assista:

Adriano Espíndola

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Zé Maria (PSTU), Ivan Pinheiro (PCB) e Rui Pimenta (PCO) mostraram propostas socialista para os problemas sociais


Reforma agrária, jornada de trabalho, desemprego, déficit habitacional. Temas que passam longe dos debates eleitorais tradicionais promovidos pelas grandes emissoras de TV deram o tom do debate dos candidatos da esquerda à Presidência mediado pelo jornal Brasil de Fato na noite desse dia 21 de setembro, em São Paulo. O debate reuniu Zé Maria (PSTU), Ivan Pinheiro (PCB) e Rui Costa Pimenta (PCO), candidatos da esquerda vetados pelas coberturas eleitorais da grande mídia.

Mais que um debate dos candidatos da esquerda, foi um verdadeiro ato contra a censura que, na prática, os grandes meios de comunicação impõem à campanha eleitoral. O debate da esquerda mostrou que existem alternativas à falsa polarização entre PT e PSDB que as TV’s querem que a população engula.

Ivan Pinheiro (PCB), Zé Maria (PSTU) e Rui Pimenta (PCO)

Rompendo o cerco da mídia
A própria realização do debate já serviu para furar em parte o bloqueio da mídia. Transmitido pela Internet, chegou a ser visto simultaneamente por mais de 4.300 pessoas. Sucesso que acabou por prejudicar a própria transmissão, que ficou sobrecarregada. O que mostra que a falta de visibilidade imposta pela imprensa não é conseqüência, como fazem crer, de uma suposta inexpressividade das candidaturas.

Contraditoriamente, o debate atraiu grande parte da imprensa comercial. Band, Folha, Estadão, e praticamente todos os portais de notícia compareceram. Até mesmo veículos estrangeiros, como o jornal La Jornada, do México e a TV argentina La Vision foram ver os candidatos socialistas.

Debate de verdade
O clima amistoso e de companheirismo entre os militantes das diferentes organizações na plateia, assim como o respeito entre os próprios candidatos, contrariaram uma ideia bastante difundida sobre a esquerda socialista e seu suposto sectarismo intrínseco. O que não impediu, é claro, a existência de polêmicas no decorrer do debate. O mais importante, porém, é que foram discutidas propostas de verdade, ao contrário dos outros debates.

Democráticos, além da pergunta de jornalistas, os candidatos responderam às questões dos internautas. Foram debatidos temas como a política econômica do governo Lula, sua política externa, a injusta carga tributária do país, a reforma agrária e a violência no campo, entre outros assuntos. O debate também tratou de temas espinhosos, como a divisão da esquerda e diferentes visões sobre, por exemplo, o papel de Hugo Chávez. Temas polêmicos, mas tratados com muito respeito entre os candidatos.

Debate atraiu atenção de grande parte da imprensa

Uma importante ausência
O debate, infelizmente, poderia ter sido melhor caso o candidato do Psol, Plínio Sampaio (PSOL) tivesse aceitado o convite do Brasil de Fato para participar. O candidato, porém, alegou problemas de agenda para justificar sua ausência. No mesmo dia, Plínio estaria em um evento do instituto Ethos, uma entidade que prega a responsabilidade social entre os empresários.

O candidato do PCB, Ivan Pinheiro, mesmo reconhecendo a importância do Psol e de Plínio, criticou a decisão do candidato.“Plínio foi desrespeitoso com a esquerda e os demais candidatos, principalmente porque o motivo alegado por ele para não vir, seu compromisso, terminava meio-dia e meio”, disse. O debate do Brasil de Fato teve início às 21 horas.

Reforçar a unidade
A opinião unânime é que o debate foi uma grande vitória. O que prevaleceu foram importantes acordos, tantos estratégicos, como a impossibilidade de grandes mudanças sociais por dentro do sistema capitalista e a necessidade do socialismo, como táticos, como a importância de se aprofundar a unidade da esquerda para além das eleições de outubro, construindo-a na luta concreta da classe trabalhadora. Algo que ninguém vai ver na Globo.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

                                        Reach Stacker Monang brothers
 Magnitude of Economic's crisis, economic down turn in Asia in 1997, affected all sectors of business; many bussiness man suicided, unemployment everywhere in industrial sectors, who depend on  imported  raw materials with a very expensive prices,  4 - 5 time higher then calculated in advance. The loan unpaid as scheduled and become Non performed loan in banking industries.

When the crisis erupted in medio 1997, foreign exchange rate devaluated 4 - 5 times, from Rp.2.500 in Januari 1997, jumped up to Rp.15.000 in US$ in July 1997. At that era, before the tsunami hitted Indonesia, the companies very proud, adverticed when signing a big offshore loan. After the crisis, they crying, shout out loud, since the income in Rupiah and the repayment in US$ in a very high exchange rates. The  top rates reached Rp. 15.000 in US$

My bussiness, in import handling equipments for import goods in Tanjungpriok port of Jakarta stopped at all, no more Containers to be handling. Before economic crisis hitted Indonesia in July 1997 the equipments working around the clock, loading, unloading the ships who landed in the ports.
                                   Notary, me, wife

Consequently my installment montly basis stopped. The loan nearly US.$ 1 million  to buty2 reach stacker - above foto - pay regularly on time before crisis come. The lender, PT.Sumitomo Exim Bank leasing can't pushed me to pay, since we had no income as before.

As time goes on while everybody waiting for the crisis is over, after a long negotiation, after took a deep consideration, we signed the agreement that the balance of the loan plus interest will be stated paid off and the 2 leased hardwares return to the lessors, Sumitomo.

My wife and me watching the 2 Reach Stackers moved away from our station to a new space belong to Sumitomo.The red huge Stackers moved slowly like an elephand, I can't hold my tears to shed remembered that all our struggles for 3 long years, sweating seem useless.

                              Vera Situmeang, Monang Situmeang

Remembered, when we got the loan, my fiends unbelieved said  :"You robbed the Leasing company", they said in unisom, a new set up company got a big value  of the loan, $ 1 million without any collaterals, disburshed very fast, just in one month after the application. All management team, myself, wife , my kids Vera and Monang (student) signed the contract. Even Monang have to called back home from Los Angeles.

Monang and myself using a formal jackets while Vera and my wife used the best clotches in signing the contract along with the Board of the Directors Sumitomo in Summitmas tower,  at Jalan Sudirman, South Jakarta.
                                           Reach Stacker @ Tanjungpriok port

This is a very sweet memory, that a goodwill, a good reputation as an high executive Banker is Bankable and the networks among Bank executives and bussinessman should maintenance properly to support our reputation in bussiness sectors.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Debate do jornal Brasil de Fato será nesta terça


No dia 21, acontecerá um debate entre os presidenciáveis da esquerda, promovido pelo jornal Brasil de Fato. O candidato do PSTU, Zé Maria, confirmou presença e apoia a iniciativa. O evento será transmitido pela internet na página do Brasil de Fato. Os sites do PSTU e de Zé Maria também terão link para assistir ao debate ao vivo.

A iniciativa visa se contrapor à falta de democracia. “A mídia corporativa cumpre um papel fundamental nesta mediocrização das campanhas eleitorais”, diz, em nota, o jornal.

O Brasil de Fato convidou Dilma Rousseff (PT), Ivan Pinheiro (PCB), Marina Silva (PV), Plínio Arruda Sampaio (PSOL), Rui Costa Pimenta (PCO) e Zé Maria (PSTU). Estão confirmadas as presenças de Ivan Pinheiro (PCB), Rui Costa Pimenta (PCO) e Zé Maria (PSTU). Evidentemente, Dilma e Marina não aceitaram o convite. Isso apenas confirma que essas candidaturas não fazem parte do campo da esquerda. Como as demais, dependem dos milhões que são doados pelas grandes empresas e bancos e, portanto, estão amarradas aos interesses dos mesmos.

O que causou surpresa, porém, foi o comunicado de ausência de Plínio. O candidato do PSOL declarou que não tinha espaço na agenda. No mesmo dia, Plínio participará de um evento no Instituto Ethos, uma entidade empresarial. O PSOL também não participou das reuniões convocadas pelo Brasil de Fato para definir o debate, em que teria a oportunidade de propor outra data.

A iniciativa do jornal Brasil de Fato será, mais do que um debate, um protesto à ditadura da mídia. Segundo a nota, o jornal diz, corretamente, que “A cobertura limita-se exatamente a aqueles com os orçamentos milionários, a linha editorial prioriza as trajetórias e características pessoais dos candidatos”.

Como vai funcionar?
O debate terá cinco ou seis blocos, ainda a definir, em que cada candidato terá três minutos para responder as mesmas perguntas. Em dois ou três blocos, as perguntas serão feitas por um mediador do Brasil de Fato.

No bloco seguinte, jornalistas farão perguntas aos candidatos. Em outro bloco, as perguntas serão dos internautas coletadas nos dias que antecedem o debate. Todos os candidatos terão um tempo para fazer as suas considerações finais.

O debate será realizado no auditório da Ação Educativa, no dia 21 de setembro, às 21h. “A ideia é que seja um debate para a mídia”, diz Nilton Viana, editor do Brasil de Fato, em entrevista à Radioagência NP.

A transmissão será feita pelo site do Brasil de Fato e rádios e TVs comunitárias. O jornal convoca outros veículos de comunicação da imprensa alternativa e popular a se somarem a essa atividade.

21 de setembro
Local: Ação Educativa (Rua General Jardim, 660 – Vila Buarque, São Paulo – SP)
Credenciamento de imprensa:

Friday, September 17, 2010

a real FRIEND
A true friend, beyond its background, is a  friend who always available in any situation, not only in happyness, success, but even more in difficult situation - in troubles, confusing, shievering, misery, lost, lonely - and need a shoulder to lean on to comfort, to console  to open up our  mind and saw us that out of the dark always has a light, hope, better atmosphere and better future.

Initially, I was browsing website of  Indonesia's poem  regularly, before stopped and  surprised to read well managed English version. It was very interesting to read and learn a high top rated poems and its poetry. But for us, Indonesian, especially for me, it was too high to understand every lines, especially a classic category.

That is why, when I found Katherine's poems,  I was so happy, because she wrote it in a very simple English, easily to understand, what behind in every word. Evenmore, I felt lucky when realized that her poems categorized in the top 500 list.

The 3 poems  below are among the list written by Katherine Sessor,  20 years girl, a senior high school student in Virginia, next to Washington DC.

Before I get her permission, I saw Face Book sign beside the poem's body and instantly send her a message to add me to her list's friends. Not too long, I got confirmation. For me it was surprised, the young girl, willing to add me from Jakarta, Indonesia, a country far away, she maybe couldn't  located whereabout.Really appreciated the young girl respected others she didn't know well.



Every darkness has a light
It shines so bright
If you just open your eyes
And forget all the lies

When you feel so alone
And you just want to go home
Just remember that someone is always there
If you need someone to care

If you fall
And think you lost it all
There is always someone to catching you
And in your heart you know  it's true

There is always someone there
To relieve all the misery you have
They'll help you through this
And made it all bliss

If you are lost and can't be found
Just open your eyes and look around
Even when you don't know what to do
There will always someone who will found you

When you're shievering with fears
And you have to shed a tear
Someone is always there for you to lean on
We'll make all troubles begone

When you want to die
To this world you want to say good bye
And use the knife
to end your life

Just remember before you do
Your friends will always be there for you
You haven't yet lost the fight
Because there is still light

All we ask for
Is don't close the door
We are still there
Because we have nothing to fear

Open your eyes
and realized
You have nothing left to bare
Cause we, your friends still there

Futurama character


A real friend would forgive
If I did something wrong
A real friend will lend a hand
Whenever I am not strong

A real friend would listen
If I tried to speak
A real friend will accept
Wether I am strong or weak

A real friend would care
If I ever fell ill
A real friend will know
How I really feel

A real friend will always be there
If I need them by my side
A real friend will remember me
Long after I have died

A real friend would be forever
If I even moved away
A real friend will never truly leave
In each other's hearts we shall always stay



You are my protectors
You're my saviors
You are my friends
You're my everything

You are there when I need you
When I don't want to know what to do
When I'm scared and alone
You always help me get back home

You always have a shoulder to cry om
When I'm surrounded by my fears
You make all my horror begone
And you always catch my tears

You'r  my heros
You're mu guardians
You're my family
You're my everything

You make my days feel worthwhile
When I feel down you make me smile
You always know when I'm ok
And you know what just to say

When someone harm me
You harm them
And make them see
How it feel to be grim

You're my night sky
You're my moon
You're my fortress
You're my everything

You're my past
You're my present
You're my future
You're my reality

You're everything I need
You're everything I want
You're my everything

The poems posted in chronogical order, when you are in the darkness, don't panick, think over and over again that out of the darkness has a light, a friend (1), a true friend who always be around in our troubles (2) and ultimately, at the end one of the friends will be your eveything, your soul mate (3).

Thanks so much for Katherine, a young high school girls, who love play games, TV, comics such as above characters, generally loved by a youngers, but full of wisdom through her poems to all of us, beyond generations.

Poem is not a main job for a writers, for Katherine , for me,  but with our small talent we may shares, bless others, our community, nation and the world. Below one of my posed when perform, invited by a church at North Jakarta in 31th Anniversary of the church, August 1, 2010

Just in a day after posting, so many positive comments or likes coming from  11of  my friends who agree of what is the meaning of a true friend. Since Katherine would like to thanks to each of them, she willing to understand what they said in Indonesia's language, let me translate it one by one.

Novitha Ly Panjaitan who lived far away in Borneo island, bordred with Malaysia wrote : "A true friend is who kept help while we are in troubles, forgiven, listening to our problems, cares for whatever our conditions are, never tired and available when we need help, always remember us.  I had done this to my true friend."

Lubs Nita reside in South Sumatera island wrote the similar with Novitha above:" A true friend is someone she knew my character well, accept my weakneses, she is the one I tell my secrets and problems, always strengthen me, wipe my tears, hoping the friendship bond forever like a mother and the kids. How beautiful to be a true friend"

Both of above ladies and me originally born in North Sumatera island, bordered to Singapore. Below a comment from a friend with a diffrent local language, in Savu island, a small island bordered to Australia, Nia Erni Miha Baho who wrote :" My dear brother, I agree completely to this poem, thanks to tagged it me.. Everybody want to have a true friend as described in the poem. Excellent"

Two girls originally coming from Central Java island and Borneo island with their specific language wrote that they love the poem. Widyastuty wrote it in English. While Sylvana Ariyani Hamaring Toemon acknowledged her own experiences by wrote :" Just yesterday I met an old friend, a true friend for a long period of time, since we using red and white uniform - a secondary school - where we support each other all the time"

The late respons coming from a lady, Lita Paulina leaved a special notes said in English :
"I have found my soulmate,
that person is my friend
and how lucky I am".
Look like a short poem or its really true, I have no idea, since Lita Paulina likes write poems and like make the jokes all the times. But whatever it is, the point is, it would be possible a true friend become a soulmate. I fully agree with that.
All friends knew English too but we accostumed to our National language. If Katherine comment in English is welcome. And the other friends just klicked a sign of I like it

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pulau Poncan, Sibolga, North Sumatera, North Sumatera


Tetes tetes gerimis
Tak kuasa melembutkan hati yang kelu
Dibilik temaram penuh kenangan
Bersamamu pariban

Kualihkan kerling ke channel one
Jantungku berdebar kencang
Melihat lesung pipit sang bintang
Seperti boru Situmorang

Kukayuh sampan ke Pulau Poncan
Bersembunyi dibalik ilalang gersang
Dibalik batu karang legam
Parasmu terukir disana

Nekad kuterbang di atas Fujiyama
Menuju bandara LAX di California
Berpapasan dengan rupa rupa Asia
Novytha Panjaitan

LESUNG Pipit  dari PARsobuRAN

Musim dingin yang menggigit tulang
Di keramaian Los Angeles hatiku beku
Dalam nafas dan mimpi mimpi
Wajah Pariban membayang diterang  Bulan

Kututupi mata hatiku lari
ke hutan Kalimantan
Udara tropis sejenak menguap kenangan
Kubuka dadaku untuk berenang
Sepasang mata bola menatap dari pinggir kolam
Terpahat lesung pipit dengan sudut bibir tipis, menjawab,
"Panjaitan dari Parsoburan"

Kuselami dasar hati sambil menahan nafas
Terbayang lagi lesung pipit Pariban
Bagaimana mungkin melupakannya
Sayup terdengan tembang kenangan
Boasa ingkon pajumpang...... *)

Tuhan, berdosakah aku menjalin hati
dalam hutan yang gersang ini
Akankah benih sayang  bersemi cinta
Melalui buah buah hati

Kugenggam erat tangan boru Panjaitan
Dengan lesung pipit di sebelah kiri
Bibir halusnya mengalunkan tembang
"Boasa ingkon pajumpang hape ingkon marsirang *)

*) Mengapa harus berjumpa
    jika akhirnya berpisah
by : Benny Panjaitan



Bayang Pariban menguap di kebon sawit Kalimantan
Kuboyong benih ke Nusa Indah di Selatan
Pulau Sabu, di lahan jiwa yang kosong untuk ditanam
Memandang jingga senja di ufuk Barat lautan

Petak rahasia sepi kucurahkan kepada teman
Gadis hitam manis dengan senyum menawan
Mengerti hati dan bahasa Toba dari teman sepergaulan
Pandangan matanya mendebarkan jantung
Cinta sawit meleleh canda Sonde dan Horas bah

Jemari yang lentik memetik gitar berdendang
Oo Nawanni tana ee, li ta b'oleh ballo....... *)
Diatas karang hati yang gersang ditiup angin Selatan
Senandungnya terdengar ke kampung paman
Inang berkeras melantunkan lagu Situmorang, Situmorang

Dahaga kasih yang mulai bersemi
Serbuk cinta yang kuncup mengelopak
Layu kini, hembusan angin syakal adat
Kuatkan hati menghalau sepi
dengan tegukan tuak lontar dan daun sirih
Akankah lagu Situmorang Situmorang diganti
Oo nawanni tana ee, li ta b'oleh ballo, hewene roe lolo *)

*) Janjilah adikku sayang, jangan pernah melupakanku


Kami terus berlagu bulan
Lagu kale kale pa raiwawa *)
Lembut mengalun mendayu
Adat Kenoto merayu hatiku
Pikat asmara memabukkan, tak terbendung
Tapi kerongkongan Inang,
tak akan berhenti mangandung **)

Dalam hening kuselipkan anyelir harum dirambutnya
Kucium pelupuk mata dibawah mascara yang berembun
Bergegas ke labuan sebelum hujan membasahi bumi Sabu
Slamat tinggal Ina tana ee, kapalku berlayar ke Selatan
Byron bay, teluk tenang, kediaman seorang teman

Lama kakiku tak menari dansa
Gerak sintal mengiring instrumentalia
Membuat langkahku tak seirama
Menyentuh kulitmu yang halus
Bola mataku merona merah

Kududuk melamun menjelang mentari mentari tenggelam
Kugubah syair imaginasi  berlabuh di Byron bay
Dibalik kaca studio, kau mengudara lagu Tanah air beta
Lagu Sabu dan logu Batak tradisional
Gelombang radio menembus Khatulistiwa
Hingga ke kampung halaman Pariban
Kutancapkan pandang tak beralih dari parasmu,
bibir yang senyum tulus

Hatiku terkejut tertusuk pisau imigrasi
Penolakan tinggal lebih lama  di Australi
Merajut hati, jiwa yang mulai bersemi
Mengikat adat dan memahkotaimu marga Situmorang
Kemana lagi aku harus lari ?

*) Belum juga menemukan gadis...lari ke Pulau Sabu
**) Meraung raung tak berenti


 Angin berdebar menghembus gugus awan
Mataku nanar meninggalkan senyum tulus
Di pinggir pantai Byron bay, teluk yang tenang
Berpeluh di Queensland, ranch seorang teman
Melewati celah imigrasi di Benua Selatan

Kujejak kaki di balik padang ilalang gersang
Duduk di sadel kuda menjaga sapi di ladang
Hati yang gersangakan kembali tenang
Berbaring di rumput hijau dibalik musim mendatang
Disela canda tawa keluarga campuran
Gula Saabu hitam manis dan steak Queensland
 Jam terus berputar, melupakan Lesung pipit Pariban
Di pantai Sibolga, di kebun sawit Kalimantan
Tetapi Tanah air beta tak akan terlupakan
Terbayang kampung Nunbaun, Nunhila di Timor
Dua nama ranch di Queensland
Dikelilingi pelangi kembang warna warni
Dihiasi simpul simpul adat  tradisi, keluraga Whites
Tenun adat Sabu, seperti Ulos selendang

Disela jeda kuisi dengan menimba ilmu
Kursus sastra yang lama kurindu
Walau paras ayu melirik bergurau
Retina hatiku sudah mengabur
Gendang jantungku memnuru
Rindu kembali berbhakti kepada Negeriku


Loncatan kanguru Qantas dari Australi
Mencicit di surga dunia Ngurah Ray
Sebelum sayap Garuda mengepak tinggi
Siap menclok di kulon Gunung Merapi
Menukik rendah diatas hamparan padi
Legenda cinta Prambanan
Dan Borobudur yang agung

Study lanjut di GAMA,  Bulaksumur yang tenang
Duduk di sebelah gadis kerudung dari Kauman, kediaman
Belakang Gedung Agung, alun alun utara
Sepasang mata bola berbinar sayu menawan
Auranya ayu bercahaya seperti bintang

Sorot mata Ayahnya merah meradang
Melihat lesehan di Maliboro berdua barengan
Tak ada lagi alasan keluar malam
Atau ulang tahun teman
Hubungan tak boleh dilanjutkan

Kuliah belum purna dia menghilang
Berita bertunangan dan mendapat undangan
Terdengar suara rebana bersahutan
Sesenggukan ketika jariku bersentuhan
Karena menikah bukan dengan pria idaman
Dari sudut ruangan terdengar lagu kenangan
Ing tawang ono lintang cah ayu *)

*) di langit ada bintang anak manis

 Kembang mekar di STASIUN TUGU

Bangku kuliah di sebelah kini kosong
AC kampus Bulaksumur membekukan hatiku
Hening, ditengah lalu lalang mahasiswa
Sejak gadis kerudung Kauman diboyong

Wajahku sendu dilirik, Nur kembang mekar
Di rumah Joglo tetangga sebelah
Suka merangkul manja disadel belakang
Berdua memandangi buku hingga larut malam
Sarapan gudeg nangka sambil mencuri pandang

Kusirami kembang merah di taman
Rambut panjang, merangkai wangi
Dikerumuni teman karena tanpa pagar
Kulindungi dari percik api dan angin kencang
Akankah kembang tumbuh di pot yang membeku

Mukaku merona merah
Seperti warna kerudung gadis Kauman
Terbias di jendela kaca Yogja mall
Senyum dan binar bola mata, menyapa ramah
Dia kini tinggal di rumah mewah
Mungkin sudah berbahagia

Jumat kliwon cerah menjelang petang
Hujan tidak turun ketika Nur menghantar ke Stasiun
Hanya semburat senyum penuh arti, bepesan
Mas jangan lupa segera menyurati
Mungkinkah kembang tak layu hingga ku kembali

Akhir perjuangan kuliah, awal kehidupan
Berangkat ke Ibukota bermodal ijazah
Kereta menjerit bergerak ke Barat perlahan
Lambaian tangan Nur menghilang dikegelapan malam
Kenangan Yogja terpatri sepanjang zaman



Malam minggu mematut diri
Mengisi hari hari sepi
Menemani gadis tinggi semampai
Sahabat keluarga dari Semarang, Candi
Bekerja selemparan batu dari Harmoni
Kantor Setneg masa kini

Gaul berpadu dalam suara muda
Namun hati tak mudah untuk dirayu
Hanya apotheker Naomi yang menemani
Teman berbagai dalam menggapai mimpi

Hari hari pikat asmara kukosongkan
Walau kulino pagi dan petang
Tetapi witing tresno belum juuga terpatri
Tanah kering mustahil akan bersemi

Bertugas lama ke bumi Sriwijaya
Menikmati empek empek Cafe El NITA
Ikan panggang jauh dari api, dingin
Dalam dingin kubiarkan waktu berlalu
Biarlah  pria impian mengisi senja senjanya

Tak ada rasa sesal
Tak ada memory untuk dikenang
Tak ada luka untuk diperban
Mimpi Naomi Sitompul menjadi nyata
Mendampingi executive Bank, pria idaman

 Syukur alhamdulillah diterima bekerja
Sesuai ilmu dan pengalaman kerja
Survey getah di bumi Sriwijaya
Membangun kilang bumi putera

Menjelang senja turun dari jembatan Ampera
Menyusuri bibir eksotik Sungai Musi ilir
Mencari empek empek di Cafe El Nita
Yang tersohor hingga Singapura
Diramu dengan hati dan talenta
Ibu muda berkaca mata gaya

Mencicipi sambil menyaksikan goyangan
Rentak Zapin, lagu  langgam Melayu
Tari serumpun yang telah dipatenkan
Seirama goyangan kapal kapal yang berlabuh

Cengkok Melayu berganti lagu sendu
Lagu rindu dari Band Ungu
Merindu kenangan yang begitu syahdu
Ingin mengurai sanubari sesak pilu
Masikah ada sisa asa walau sesaat
Masikah ada getaran hati untukku

Silaturahmi dengan Kaupuik ke dusun dusun
Naik kelotok ke Komering ulu
Menenteng empek empek pulang ke Ibukota
Sekali mencicip kuliner El Nita
Tak akan pernah lupa, kaca mata gaya


Kesibukan bekerja di kilang getah
Tak memandamkan rindu pulang kampung
Senja memerah, debur ombak memecah
Di teluk Tapian nauli, Sibolga

Bergegas napak tilas ke bangku sekolah
Menemui Lumongga yang sudah menikah
Setelah bertahun tak ada berita dariku
Cinta pertamanya, sejak remaja

Tali kasih dirajut dengan kertas berwarna
Dan kedekatannya dengan keluarga
Memimpikanku kembali setelah kuliah

Saya datang mengucapkan selamat
Karena dia sudah bahagia
Kugenggam tangannya yang gemetar
Gerimis menjadi saksi
Dan titik air mata itu

Memori masa sekolah memang indah
Tetapi mencintai tidak mesti memiliki
Karena suratan tangan Dia yang  mengguratkan
Kini, cintailah pasanganmu
Yang telah berjanji sehidup semati


Dakota mendarat di Bandara Sultan Taha
Setelah Bumi Sriwijaya bukan pilihan utama
Proyek kilang getah dialihkan ke Utara
Di Seberang, Sungai Batanghari, Jambi

Usai Gereja mataku mencari gadis belia
Yang menggandeng mesra tangan Ibunya
Kuberanikan untuk mengantarnya pulang
Karena Ayahnya sudah lama berpulang
Wajahnya memerah ketika bersalaman

Malam minggu berdansa berpegangan
Di ulang tahun teman hingga larut malam
Aroma parfumnya terhirup dalam
Membuatku mimpi berdansa tanpa kaki

Hari berganti minggu dan bulan
Malam itu lampu lampu hilang cahaya
Dia terkulai, terpukul tertikam palu arit
Sungai air mata membanciri kemeja
Tanpa tanya, Ibu memeluk dibalik pintu
Anak malang, anak partai terlarang

Kata kata maaf perpisahan seembut beludru
Tak mampu menghentikan sesenggukan
Kuusap pipi lembut dengan Ibu jari
Tangan yang halus memeluk erat
Sejarah masa silam yang pekat
Membunuh mata hati yang baru bersemi


@BATANGHARI, harbor My Heart
 I hold manicured fingers, stepped down the river bank
Embraced firmly, jump over on board
If stumble, we come down together
Sitted close side by side
Over a roar thunder, I whispered closely
Turn her head, cheek meet cheek
She closed her eyes, not seeing my lips
I free my hand off the wheel
Auto pilotted the boat up the river
Till the sun almost set in the slumber

Every opportunities, I drove in front of her house
Saw the wave make my heart melt
Sunday speedy boating in roar river
As my heart beat faster

Her eyes blur, will return to college
She'll meet the guy, who like her
Leaved me behind in questioning
Mom, where I'll be run away

Telex send to my hometown
Please come soon before the full moon
After say "Yes I do", set the Bigday
No more running away from Pariban
Over Batanghari river, harbour my heart

@BATANGHARI, hati berlabuh

Kugenggam jemarinya yang lentik menuruni tebing
Kupeluk ketika meloncat kedalam perahu
Jika jatuh biarlah tetap bersatu
Duduk merapat, ketika perahu melaju
Aduh, aroma rambutnya tertiup bayu

Ditengah gemuruh mesin, aku berbisik
Kepalanya berpaling, menyenggol pipi
Matanya terpejam, tidak melihat bibirku
Kulepas setir, berlabuh dihulu tepian
Kembali kehilir hingga waktu tenggelam

Senja senja tak alpa kulewat depan serambi
Hatiku berbunga, jika lambaian ada di jendela
Minggu berpacu di sungai perak yang bergelora
Seirama debur jantung dan gemuruh sungai
Kemudi kugenggam kencang dengan satu tangan

Matanya berembun, akan kuliah kembali
Pasti bersua sidia yang menaruh hati
Meninggalkanku, penuh prasangka
Ibu, kemana lagi aku kan lari

Telegram kilat ke kampung halaman
Harap bergegas datang sebelum bulan mati
Setelah berkata "ya", diikat ulos selendang
Bayang Pariban sudah lama menghilang
Karena di Batanghari hati berlabuh


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