Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year 2010

full moon over the fireworks

behind a big ad screen
Wheater forecasted this very hour had been expected to be heavy rain, and people reminded to be careful, but it didn't stopped them to came,  group by group flowing, thousand, gathered in the center, in front of La Piaza, Kelapa Gading, next beside Kelapa Gading Mall, North Jakarta. I thought the crowds came from every where by cars nor by motorbike, parking in every spaces available around the circle road garden, Jogging garden, La Piaza, Mall, in the street.

Kelapa Gading in the last decade growing as independent city, a lots of malls, supermarkets, restaurants (locals, international cuisines), apartments, Banks,  International Hospitals, car show rooms, real estates, International Schools - NJIS, Taipei, Kindergartens etc - , local scools. Everythings we can find it in this new city and one of the biggest shopping center in Jakarta.

The fireworks, had been  a regular performances here, especially in a big holidays such as Idulfitry and New Year. That was why people automatically set their end of year agenda to watching beautiful colorful fireworks in a nice, convenient enviroments.
                                                         ahead to the round garden

An hour before midnight, the cars parked nearby, and then take a walk headed to one point, round road with small garden in the middle, made the traffic didn't moved. The drivers, mostly eager to watching,  knew the situation, stopped the cars or motorbikes in the middle of the road.

Polices kept their duty well, stopped the cars and let the people sitting, walking in the middle of the road, set the position as convenience as possible in every spots, some ready to shot - by cameras nor handphones - every fireworks sparking overhead, stuck unexpected, multicolors from every corners around La Piaza, Kelapa Gading Icon where the top Bands and top singers run a special performances.
                                                       full moon behind a firework

This mass sporadic gathering unorganized, the fireworks setted, scatters in any places, but not far, half a mile and around the round road, Jogging garden, behind  the Mall and another one, farther away in resident compound.

A louder fire mostly came out from a bigger fireworks and sparkling bigger flower fire too, colorful. Sometime a louder fire not always produce a big size of flame. Some a small size of the firework packs made a louder thunder bangs and a little sandy fires.
Albeith, the crowded people gathers, the security condition handled well by the polices. The seconds
after midnigt and fireworks almost over, the gathering moved slowly to four directions - east, west, north, south -, cars bumper to bumper find a way through hundreds of motorbikes, pedestarians, walking in the middle of the road to the parking lots.

Looking to every single groups, most of the people in the low bracket income. Some youngsters prefer not going outside the cities with any reasons. Some middle bracket group didn't spend this special day out of towns, when usually in heavy traffic, such as Puncak, cold weather in mountainoeous West Java, 150 kilometer away or to Anyer beach in the west part of Jakarta, capital.Two most priority destinations.

                la piaza, kelapa gading, north jakarta

For the time to come, to make it more interesting, more covenient and become a tourist events and destinations in town, Goverment, Police force and Mall management should sit together to organized where the spots of fireworks set, parking management. Might be built a stage for Band performance for public, beside the one in the cafes of  La Piaza in Auditorium.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Child'sDream-PastLife-Reincarnation 1 Reincarnation.

I’m not saying I believe…or not.

I’m just saying that one instance in my own childhood made the question far more compelling if the experience had not happened.Posted by MsBurb

Children dream, as do adults, and sometimes those dreams, even for dreams, seem a wee bit too real.

Case in point, a dream I had at a very early age, four or five, that has always stayed with me, the images and the feelings more profound than any before or since.

The gist is as follows;

Child Flying I’m flying over the farmland in Ontario, very near my birth home, diagonally, as the crow flies. Only in this dream, I have never seen the area before. I am arriving for the very first time and this flight is the flight I am taking just before I am born. Once I reach my house, the flight ends, I as the flyer disappear and I awake.

End of dream.

Not very spectacular, huh?

Not very spine-chilling, I know.

But something that I felt, which I can now only coin as a “Before-Birth Experience”, similar to After-Death experiences related by others, has stayed with me all these years. That I knew, even at that young age, that this dream wasn’t like other dreams. This one felt real, felt other-worldly, felt before I was me, before I existed as I do now.

Yeppers, you bet, I said nothing to no one for the longest time. I kept mum knowing full well that anyone I did tell would just poo-poo the experience as another one of Burb’s “Technicolor” 3D dream-state fantasies, as God knows, as does everyone else, I am never in short supply!

So I sat on the experience and accepted the norm that indeed it was my oh, so vivid imagination until I saw a documentary on reincarnation, that focused on children having the ability, over adults, to remember past lives they have lived prior to their present one.

Child'sDream-PastLife-Reincarnation 3 Carol Bowman, M.S. author, lecturer, counsellor, past life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation studies who operates the website resource, Past Life Centre, describes children’s past life experiences as follows;

“Many children remember their past lives-spontaneously, without hypnosis or prompting. Some as young as two and still in diapers blurt out, "I remember when I died before" or "My other mommy had curly hair". They often describe details that they had no way of learning in this life.  Some remember startling personal details of relatives who died before they were born.

Only recently here in the West have children's past life memories been researched and documented. These memories have long been accepted in other cultures. Now we know that these memories happen naturally to young children in all countries of the world, regardless of the beliefs of their parents.  They can happen any time to any very young child, but parents often don't notice because they don't know it's possible or don't know what to look for.

The vividness and emotional maturity with which toddlers relate facts from adult lives—and even tell of their deaths—signals that something extraordinary is happening here.  These children have much to teach us.  Children’s past life memories is a phenomenon with far-reaching implications for every person who is curious about the truth of reincarnation and wonders about their own past lives.”

It may be just a child’s ability to freely imagine over an adult’s structured imaginings.

It may be just fantasy or wishful thinking.

It may be, just as most surmise, a silly little dream.

Funny, though, that if that’s all it was, it has disturbed me and made me ponder all these decades, if I, my soul, actually did fly over Beaverdale, Ontario, on my way to this Life, the Life I am now living, from a prior Life lived?

It gives the term “death” a whole new meaning, that maybe, just maybe, defines an experience not as awful or as traumatic as we all tend to fear for ourselves.

By the way, just in case you’re wondering, I did tell my Mother years later, and by my demeanour she knew I wasn’t kidding and chose not to make fun of me or my experience…

But I can honestly say that I have never flown since…mores the pity, really.

Child's Dream, Past Life, Reincarnation

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It’s as easy as this:

Posted by MsBurb- Write a blog post on YOUR BlogSpot which continues the conversation of one of B3’s blog posts
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Our goal here at B3 is to start lively conversation on topics of interest that can spread and grow and mature and involve as many bloggers and readers as possible, that again, maybe the Power of the Pen can change thoughts, perceptions, outlooks on issues, small and trivial to large and paramount, thereby changing the world one blog post at a time!

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Breaking news, lightning spark across Indonesia archipelago sky by a new contoversial book   "Uncovering Cikeas Octopus".
Some knew who is the author, but some other younger's generation didn't knew much about who was George Junus Aditjondro. 

He was a sociolog who spoke and written a lots, critizied Soeharto's rezim and for safety reason, he had prefered to leaved the country, lived  in Australia  for 7 years in 1995 to 2002 and worked as a lecturer in social sience mayor at New castle University.

He had welknown in public since 1998 when he had the heart, critized the Goverment based on his own researchs. He had critized all running Indonesian Presidents, including Abdulrahmad Wahid and even The first man, Megawati's husband, Mr.Taufiek Kiemas, he had dare named him  as R.I.1 and a half, as a powerfull politician.

George, not young anymore, 63 years, hair touch the shoulder,gray beard,  born as a Chinese origin in Pekalongan town, Central Java at May 27, 1946 had written a lots of book critized Soeharto's rezim caused Goverment banned him in March 1998 to entered Indonesia. The Thailand goverment banned him as well to entered the country until sometime in 2002.

The books theme written in 1998 - 2006 mostly corcerning the Goverment policies on Timor Leste oil and military, Enviroment missmanagement, Poor citizen policy, Cloves inhaling, Oligarchy (palace, military and party) and the last contovercy one was a Book title "Uncovering Cikeas Octopus" and its link to Century Bank scandal.

So far we never heard, never care about what kind of bussiness belong to Susilo Bambang Yudoyono family members until recently show up in daily news said that 4 Institutions linked to the family, Yayasan Puri Cikeas, Yayasan  Kesetiakawanan dan Kepedulian, Yajasan Majelis Dzikir SBY and Yayasan Mutu Manikan Nusantara.

I think its not difficult to set, to frame a Family tree of  of every family. In Batak clans, its was usual had a family tree up to 15 - 17 generations. George had pictured 4 generations Family tree of  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono family, started from welknowm army General, Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, father in law, went down over his grand daughter, Almira Tunggadewi. But lingking the Family tree with the foundations and business, we never heard off. It was

Many people curious about the content of 183 pages Book, printed  by Galang press Yogjakarta, since its dissappered as lightning struk the big Bookstores  in Yogjakarta few hours after the breaking news. Small sets of the Books had been sold, soon after marketted. Initial printing was for local, Yogjakarta consumption just 4.000 sets and planned to go National in legal launching in the beginning of Januari 2010

That was why everybody try to find out from any sources including searcing in the internet, that we didn't rely on its solidity, the story behind the Books, questions mark still. Wondered, we didn't know why the big Bookstrores withdrew it from their shelves, the red letters cover book with Octopus image and who told them so.

According to Mr.Amir Syamsuddin, Demokrat Party General secretary - belong to The president party - believed that the books categorized as "the junk books", because no corelation whatsoever between the title and Century Bank case.

Deny Indrajaya, from The President office said similar comments, that The Book "corrupted" as well, since the Title and the content didn't match. The title Octopus related to Century Bank, but the Book just written a little things about the Bank. The writer try to forboding the reader that his story told the truth but with lack of evidence, from law pint of view.

In many T.V talks show, Mr.Aditjondro, gray beard, scraft on his shoulder, seem reluctant to clarify in more details, except repeat that Goverment run Oligarcy system that only selected people and group run the Goverment.

In the other hand, some minsters and high echelon of Democrat Party backep up, adjacent the President policy to attact Mr.Aditjondro books. Mr.Djoko Suyatno, Minister Coordinator of Security and as a head of an Institution linked to Cikeas Family said that all Institution linked never had used fund raising for President election campains.

George Junus Aditjondro so far had been written nine Books since Soeharto era, as follows :
1. 1999, Politik minyak dibalik tragedy Timor Lorosae (background of Timor war and united)
2. 2000, Menyongsong matahari terbit di Puncak Ramelau, tentang pendudukan Timor (Timor case)
3. 2001, Ketika semerbak tjengkih tergusur asap mesiu (Tommy Soeharto bussiness)
4. 2002, Membedah kembar siam penguasa politik dan ekonomi Indonesia
5. 2003, Kebohongan Negara atas kondisi obyektif lingkungan hidup di Nusantara (Enviroment)
6. 2003, Menyelamatkan lingkungan dan ekspansi modal (Enviroment)
7. 2003, Korban korban pembangunan (Bad effeted of development)
8. 2003, Pola pola gerakan lingkungan (Enviroment)
9. 2006, Korupsi kepresidenan, reproduksi oligargi berkaki tiga: istana, tangsi dan partai penguasa
              (Corruptin in Palace, military and ruling party)

Dec 29, 2009
Nowadays era information available free everywhere and everybody had the access no matters the level of accuracy and solidity. As George got the information that had been available and knowledable of the society. If Goverment banned the Book's publicity, its might be growing gossip nor deceit.

Aditjondro spilled the bean in his contoversial fashion and he absolutely ready for the consequences including negative and contradictive point of views. Some said what sort of USA Phd he would have been, that his books lack of references and very weaks from scientific point of views. He had just collected some the information as a secondary datas.

If he paid a serious attention to the Institution files - easily accesible - he might had written the correct every single names printed. Mr.Patrialis Akbar, Minister of Law & Human right sured that the writer didn't mind to cek and recheck the Notary documents before written. For these reasons, some names written in the book had request the revision. Such as Mr.Jero Wacik and LKBN Antara, news publisher belong to the Goverment.

Mr.Jero Wacik, the Tourism minister show his regret in TV One talk show late at night at Dec 28 thad had ruined his reputable name in his big family and in the society as well and asking for a revision and forgiveness. If he didn't respons well, he intend to sue him alter,

LKBN Antara took a futher steps by sending Aditjondro Law notice for accusing the News company had to sliced 50% of the PSO funds and transfered to Bravo Media Center, the organization who manage President election campained.

The last insident happened at the end of December 2009 when Mr.George Aditjondro hitted the face - the left eye - of  daily news, Mr.Ramadhan Pohan who came to the discuccion, without invited. In the book the paper accused had got Rp.150 billions funds from Mr.Sampoerna, Century Bank's costumer, not from the Bank, actually.

Can't wait what legal action should be taken by the Goverment or President's family in order to clarify nor to sue the authors.

..............This Blog will updated soon.............

Quess, where was this photo taken place ?....Yes, right, this two gentlemen, Palestine citizen sitted outside,  in front of a Coffee shop in West Bank, Palestine territory, one man using chafiyah, Yasser Arafat style.
This town welknown around the world including to shcool children, mostly Christian because  Betlehem known as a  birth place of  Christ Yesus.

One red dot was the exact location of Jerusalem, near the green line, the border of two countries and one of disputed area where Israel kept house development for its citizen, where Palestinian opposed, refused  to sign the peace agreement,  hold a peace talks with Israel, unless house development around Jerusalem stop.

The above building was Church of Nativity, where Yesus born in an animal Stable when all accomodations fully booked, while all Jews paid a visit to Jerusalem for citizenship registration as Roman authority issued.

Under the church building on basement, an exact location marked by stars in the floor, birth place of Yesus Christ. To enter the church building we have to bend down, since the door too short for a man standing position. To see the stars of birth place, we cross the church aisle and took downstairs.

Since Yasser Arafat appointed as a Palesti President , he never missed to attended the mass service of Christmas. Last December 24, 2009, a ruling President, Mahmud Abbas, Palestine Prime Minister and Betlehem mayor attended the service as well.

Friday, December 25, 2009

por Celso Lungaretti

É estranho como o autoritarismo está entranhado nas pessoas, mesmo nas que se dizem de esquerda: os leitores do site Vi o Mundo, do Luiz Carlos Azenha, ficaram em peso a favor da decisão do Gilmar Mendes, no caso de Sean Goldman.

Tomaram as dores do pai, que, no entender deles, merece a felicidade de recuperar seu filho. E, em nenhum momento, levaram em conta uma questão singela: mas, será essa a melhor solução para o Sean?

Afinal, ele tem nove anos e, com certeza, gostaria de dizer algo sobre a decisão do seu destino. Em nenhum momento lhe permitiram isto.

O que o ministro Marco Aurélio Mello determinou foi, única e tão somente, que se desse a Sean o direito de expressar seus sentimentos, ao final do recesso do STF. Ele não decidiu coisa nenhuma. Apenas, deu voz ao menino. Depois de ouvi-lo, os ministros do STF bateriam o martelo.

Aí chegou um senador atrabiliário dos EUA, ameaçando os exportadores brasileiros com um prejuízo de US$ 3 bilhões. E o Gilmar Mendes correu a capitular ante o ultimato do gringo, para que parasse de embargar a prorrogação por mais de um ano do acordo de isenção tarifária.

Eu acho inominável que a mais alta corte brasileira decida sob pressão. Será que perdemos até a mais ínfima noção de dignidade nacional?! Hoje nos prostituímos por US$ 3 bilhões. Mas, como foi fácil demais ganhar de nós no grito, o michê cairá. Logo vai ser qualquer punhado de dólares.

É claro que esse drama não passou uma sucessão de erros. Mas, a esta altura, o garoto já não pode ser ignorado como um incapaz, um mero tutelado, um simples joguete de decisões alheias. Sean já viveu tempo demais entre gente calorosa e efusiva. Não merecia ir para onde a vida se resume à corrida atrás da grana.


De resto, os que reclamaram da minha "insensibilidade" , certamente ignoram que já passei por situação semelhante à do pai do Sean.

A lerdeza da Justiça brasileira, infelizmente, impediu que eu recuperasse a guarda da minha filha, que me foi subtraída em condições quase idênticas.

Depois de um trâmite exasperantemente moroso, o julgamento ocorreu duas semanas após eu ter perdido um emprego que mantinha há uma eternidade.

Desempregado aos 53 anos, é claro que juiz nenhum me concederia a guarda. Tratei de salvar os dedos, já que perdera os anéis: negociei o melhor esquema de visitas para mim. E saí do tribunal em frangalhos.

Aos poucos, refletindo sobre tudo que ocorrera, cheguei à conclusão que era melhor encarar esse desfecho bizarro como o veredicto do destino. Desisti de trazer minha filha para junto de mim, passando a esperar que, um dia, ela mesmo escolhesse ficar comigo.

Quando resolvi andar para a frente de novo, ao invés de passar dias e noites amargurado com a injustiça que sofrera, acabei consolidando uma nova relação, que se revelou duradoura.

Hoje estou casado e sou pai de outra menina, um anjinho de um ano e oito meses.

Enfim, colocamos filhos no mundo para que sejam felizes. É a felicidade deles que devemos priorizar, não a nossa. Há uma diferença.

Hoje percebo claramente que minha filha mais velha estaria muito melhor comigo, em todos os sentidos. E noto também que, mesmo assim, ela não tem consciência disso e prefere a vida à qual já se habituou, ao lado da mãe e de uma meia-irmã mais nova.

Está chegando à idade de oito anos. E eu respeito sua opção errônea. Ainda que fosse facílimo para mim, não recorreria à Justiça de novo, tentando mudar essa situação.

O caso do Sean é um tanto parecido. Afastado do pai há cinco anos, tendo perdido a mãe há 1,5 ano, construiu uma nova rede de afetos, com os parentes maternos e a irmãzinha. E ela está prestes a ir pelos ares.

Sua vida sofreu uma reviravolta drástica quando foi separado do pai; outra, quando a mãe morreu; e vai sofrer uma terceira agora, porque o Gilmar Mendes colocou os interesses dos exportadores na frente dos dele.

Acabará entrando em parafuso; é candidato certo aos divãs dos psicanalistas.

Gilmar Mendes tem o toque de Sadim (Midas ao contrário): transforma ouro em... vocês sabem o quê.

Dutch TeeNa9E SAILOR

Laura Dekker missing,  run away girl from home in central Dutch city, Utrecht on December 18, 2009, leaving her boat "Guppy" behind. Her mother, Bab Muller reported to the police. But two days later found safe in St Maarten, the Nederland Antilles, in Carribean island and fly back home to Amsterdam escorted by the police. Her mother, worry  if her dream come true, sail around the globe alone, solo sail in 8,30 meters long, 2,75 meters width boat for long period of time, two years.

According to the law, for the time being she wasn't allowed to sail alone, not until next Juli 2010. She had 3 citizenships as a Dutch from her father, a Germany of the mother  and a New Zealand by birth.
Few days before leaving, she withdrew her account for Euro 3.500 or equivalent of US$ 5.000 and he intended to leave the Nederland and her supported father for good.

She had set up her own goal to be recorded as a  youngest  solo sail in the world by teenager, 14 years old, to compete, replace a previous young solo sail, Mike Perham, 17 years old from England. Her plan  backed up by Dick Dekker, her father, who separated with her mom.  She spent her multi week summer vacation sailed in Wadden sea and North sea. Even, last May 2009 she succeded solo crossing between The Nederland and England.

Actually she was a sailor by birth, since she was born off shore of New Zealand, September 20, 1995 in her parent's yacht on their journey around the globe for 7 years. She had spent her first 4 years on board and she was 10 years old was allowed sailed alone by her father.

The route would likely from Portugal to Indonesia either along the Aden Gulf and along Somalia. After crossing the Pacific, she would reach the Atlantic via the Panama canal.
The boat will be equipped for long distance sailing and she will meet a team followed the same route, beside tracking system on board will allow a team in The Nederland to monitor her course closely.

Can't wait to hear a breaking news on the Media sometime around Juli 2010, hopefully she spent her precious time in Indonesia for few days. This calm face girl would effected young girls including Indonesian to dream a challenging dream.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

PoEm rEAdin9

Poem reading at GKI Kwitang, Jakarta

I had wrote a lots of poems, hundred titles that some posted in this Blog in a label, categorized as  "Poem" and some wrote in a Writer's website - - under my maiden's name Leonard.
To read my own poem in front of crowded audiences, rather in a normal circumtance, felt like a flowing down water from the fountain to the river reach to the end to the quiet blue ocean. I had often read my own poetry in a rather smaller audiences or in a less formal ones.

Poem reading at Cendrawasih Post, Jakarta

But reading a Maestro poem had hitted my mind and soul very hard, a little bit scary, burdened my mind all day long.
On Thrusday night, December  24, 2009 I was appointed as one of tree readers to read 75 lines of Indonesian welknown maestro's poem, W.S.Rendra - deceased - scaring me to my toes. Despite a lots of rehearsals at home - in front of a wide board mirror - my self esteem didn't change, not until a day before D-Day. Fortunately, one of the tree apointed readers, Shinta Papa, read the poem on Net rehearsaled time, in front of the committee, including the instructor, Ms Anny Gosana.

Its not a sin to copied some of her body languages, tones, and later in the first, 4 pm Christmas service, Mr.Jugo, the first reader - talented tall and lean man - well performed. His faced right/left, step forward or backward, thunder voices sometime, slow, quiet some time with hand movement. I had paid a serious attention to all his movement, body languages, tones.

Then in my turn, in the second service at 6.30 pm, my self esteem had elevated after watching the other two readers in action, had prevented me of any possible mistakes.
Before I stepped down from the left aisle of the choir group aheaded to the main stage - I belong to the bass tone - my fellow senior friend, a retired gairy hair, Navy General, Mr.Budi Handoko, reminded me in a soft spoken said:  "Please don't read too fast - as I did in net rehearsal - and carefull not any missread words", he said in his thin lips curved.

After took a lots of prayers in silence mode, hymn humming was over, in high esteem, I spoke up slowly in the beginning. In some verses I spoke out loudly, and most of the time in loud out tones, especially in the word "war", some in a slow motion, my right hand movement tremble - while the left hand held a peom - when read the words "gemetar" means trembeling. I had stepped to right  side watching to the Christmas tree - a bamboo materials - when spoke the devastated tree,  turn left side, stepped forward, watching to the wall near ceiling, overhead of the aisle.

I kept my face upward gazed up to the upper wall near to the ceiling, not a single seconds had any eye contacted to the the crowded, 739 visitors. I had fully awared of the pew lines up to the balkon full seated, including the second floor overhead main doors, but I didn't care that its even existed.

I felt awesome, even later after the instructor extended her hand said :"Thank you, its very good, you got the feeling" she said with sincerely, big curve lips smile. She was the one beforehand, who worrisome if I didn't got Rendra, the author's feeling. I had thought she will never pretending praised my performance.
Praise only His name. Amin.I made it. I felt relieved, my shoulder's burden and tense relax, my breath's beat back to normal again.

This very Christmas, the Church decoration, the backdrop, carpet, even the shitrts of choir group all in black colour as a sign of misery, war enviroment, starving citizen, devastated trees, malfuntion of good institutions. To link this situation to the congregation, the songs and hymn tend to vow to the Lord, begging His mercy, praise the Lord of His generousity with request : "Let there be a peace on earth and let it begin with me".

Below is a full words body of the poem in Indonesia title "Sebuah Dunia yang marah" by W.S.Rendra

Setelah dua buah perang dunia
senapan bicara dan mesiu diudara
betapakah wajah dunia?
setelah segala pidato dan perbincangan
lembaga lembaga yang bagus didirikan
untuk bertengkar
dalam seribu semboyan
dan tikaman dari belakang
betapakah nafas dunia?

Disini dibagian bumi ini
muncullah wajah wajah yang luka
dalam kelam malam jiwa
Tidak perlu sebuah peta.
untuk menunjukkan dimana.
Inilah sebuah dunia yang marah
Penuh mata yang nyalang dan liar,
wajah wajah yang buas putus asa,
dan tangan tangan yang gemetar
menggenggam hidup yang hambar

Maka gubug, manusia, dan sampah
tak ada bedanya.
Penuh dendam tak berdaya

Perang dunia dan pemberontakan
tidak merubah bumi resi disini
Pembunuhan demi pembunuhan
dendam demi dendam
tidak berbuah apa apa
selain dosa, kebimbangan
dan ketidak percayaan

Tidak berbuat apa apa
selain mengorbankan yang tak berdaya
Ah, wajah wajah yang selalu bertanya|!
Didorong kedunia sangsi dan dusta
merekapun sebatang kara
Tumbuh dari dosa. Berbuahpun dosa.

Bumi disini tetap terluka
Orang-orang miskin melangkah dalam lapar
Mereka adalah kayu yang meranggas
Mereka menyesali kelahirannya
tetapi menolak kematiannya.
Mereka mandul.ialah tak berbuah
Mereka mati. Ialah tak berdaya.
Mereka menelungkup diatas bumi
Itulah bundanya!
Sedang yang lain, semua musuhnya.

Diatas bumi compang-camping disini
mengungkaplah kehidupan manusia yang berdarah
yang telah lama mengidapkan dosa
diluar sadarnya, diluar pilihannya.
Tuhanpun berdiri diantara mereka
Terluka diantara mereka
Dan dunia menolaknya

Tuhan menangis bersama mereka
Tetapi mereka tiada tahu
Tuhan yang sedih dan menderita
terlanda kaki mereka yang marah,
terlanda oleh dendam
dan ketakutan yang resah.

Bagaimana menghindari kematian
Itulah masalah mereka yang utama
Bukan tentang kebajikan atau dosa.
Betapa mereka mengerti sorga
bila suara kehidupan belum pernah didengarnya?

Sementara dunia mengerti cuma senapan dan dusta
ulurkanlah dengan tangan-Mu penuh kasih
jantung-Mu yang penuh cinta dan luka.
Luka-luka-Mu, Bapa! Luka luka-Mu
Hanya pada luka
dunia mengerti cinta.

Tuhan mengis dan mengerti
Tuhan selalu menangis dan mengerti.
Selalu ditikam. Selalu dikhianati.

Mário Maestri
La Insignia. Brasil, dezembro de 2006.

Não festejo e me faz mal o Natal por diversas razões, algumas fracas, outras mais fortes. Primeiro, sou ateu praticante e, sobretudo, adulto. Portanto, não participo da solução fácil e infantil de responsabilizar entidade superior, o tal de "pai eterno", pelos desastres espirituais e materiais de cuja produção e, sobretudo, necessária reparação, nós mesmos, humanos, somos responsáveis.

Sobretudo como historiador, não vejo como celebrar o natalício de personagem sobre o qual quase não temos informação positiva e não sabemos nada sobre a data, local e condições de nascimento. Personagem que, confesso, não me é simpático, mesmo na narrativa mítico-religiosa, pois amarelou na hora de liderar seu povo, mandando-o pagar o exigido pelo invasor romano: "Dai a deus o que é de deus, dai a César, o que é de César"!

O Natal me faz mal por constituir promoção mercadológica escandalosa que invade crescentemente o mundo exigindo que, sob a pena da imediata sanção moral e afetiva, a população, seja qual for o credo, caso o tenha, presenteie familiares, amigos, superiores e subalternos, para o gáudio do comércio e tristeza de suas finanças, numa redução miserável do valor do sentimento ao custo do presente.

Não festejo e me desgosta o Natal por ser momento de ritual mecânico de hipócrita fraternidade que, em vez de fortalecer a solidariedade agonizante em cada um de nós, reforça a pretensão da redenção e do poder do indivíduo, maldição mitológica do liberalismo, simbolizada na excelência do aniversariante, exclusivo e único demiurgo dos males sociais e espirituais da humanidade.

Desgosta-me o caráter anti-social e exclusivista de celebração que reúne egoísta apenas os membros da família restrita, mesmo os que não se freqüentaram e se suportaram durante o ano vencido, e não o farão, no ano vindouro. Festa que acolhe somente os estrangeiros incorporados por vínculos matrimoniais ao grupo familiar excelente, expulsos da cerimônia apenas ousam romper aqueles liames.

Horroriza-me o sentimento de falsa e melosa fraternidade geral, com que nos intoxica com impudícia crescente a grande mídia, ano após ano, quando a celebração aproxima-se, no contexto da contraditória santificação social do egoísmo e do individualismo, ao igual dos armistícios natalinos das grandes guerras que reforçavam, e ainda reforçam - vide o peru de Bush, no Iraque - o consenso sobre a bondade dos valores que justificavam o massacre de cada dia, interrompendo-o por uma noite apenas.

Não festejo o Natal porque, desde criança, como creio para muitíssimos de nós, a festa, não sei muito bem por que, constituía um momento de tensão e angústia, talvez por prometer sentimentos de paz e fraternidade há muito perdidos, substituindo-os pela comilança indigesta e a abertura sôfrega de presentes, ciumentamente cotejados com os cantos dos olhos aos dos outros presenteados.

Por tudo isso, celebro, sim, o Primeiro do Ano, festa plebéia, hedonista, aberta a todos, sem discursos melosos, celebrada na praça e na rua, no virar da noite, ao pipocar dos fogos lançados contra os céus. Celebro o Primeiro do Ano, tradição pagã, sem religião e cor, quando os extrovertidos abraçam os mais próximos e os introvertidos levantam tímidos a taça aos estranhos, despedindo-se com esperança de um ano mais ou menos pesado, mais ou menos frutífero, mais ou menos sofrido, na certeza renovada de que, enquanto houver vida e luta, haverá esperança.

Subscreve este texto como seu o editor deste blog, Adriano Espíndola

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ha Muerto one of the great heroes of the revolution 65. Died (physically, they will live in our hearts) Manuel Montes Arache! EPD

I have been informed of the sad news of the death of one of the great heroes of the revolution of 1965, the dear and unforgettable friend, Manuel Ramón Montes Arache, who was the chief the brave and honorable men body Rana, without whom the history of patriotic deed in April would have been something entirely different.

For me, Montes is a síimbolo Arache courage, bravery, courage and above all honesty and dignity. A man who never took a toll on his country for his stunning participation in the events of 65, while there are many who may or close they were and now call themselves "commanders." Commanders are many who still remain anonymous, then neither want nor will bill your home, then did what they had to do at such a difficult and momentous as this when needed homeland of their best sons to defend the national sovereignty tainted Foreign trampled by the boots.

Arache Montes lived in a modest apartment near the ISSFAPOL movies, no-frills .... but with his forehead very high and decorated by the greatest thing that can adorn a man: His dignity, his simplicity, humility and kindness.

never forget his last words to a very interesting interview that made my friend Mario Hidalgo, and said: "I am a mature fruit, but I have not leaked! If the country needs to wield a gun again, here I am ready!".

I have understood that his body be exposed in the Funeral Blandino, and then have a series of tributes (very, very well deserved) and I'm told, his remains will eventually be cremated and his ashes will be scattered in the bay The boilers on board a patrol of the MDGs, as were his last wishes in life.

Montes died fighting to the last minute of his life. He could not deny that still remained a true man frog! That most admirable value was that man! These people are unlikely to be repeated in this country! As I said, a true example of courage, simplicity, eduacion, courtesy, honesty and integrity!

he rest in peace, my dear and unforgettable friend.

Montes is the kind of man who always live in the hearts of people, a people who has always admired and respected!! A humble people who showed him how much he wanted when he Cedimat internal, which I witnessed dozens of humble people who are apresonaron to show their support and know many times as was the hero of April. Likewise I can I saw that very few military worry about the health of the Pro man, I watched a few general MDG visiting his former deputy chief of staff.

I know that the Secretary of the Armed Forces was very aware of all that might be needed to save the life of our dear friend and we understand that this was the wish of the President of the DR. We still have the peace and satisfaction that you did everything humanly possible, but especially that we prove Arache Montes as we wanted, we, being alive!!

a hug and Ramses Manuel, as well as all his brothers and family for this loss not only saddened to them, but an entire country. These will be a Christmas a little sad, but such has been the will of the father. LM

Ha Muerto one of the great heroes of the revolution 65. Died (physically, they will live in our hearts) Manuel Montes Arache! EPD

I have been informed of the sad news of the death of one of the great heroes of the revolution of 1965, the dear and unforgettable friend, Manuel Ramón Montes Arache, who was the chief the brave and honorable men body Rana, without whom the history of patriotic deed in April would have been something entirely different.

For me, Montes is a síimbolo Arache courage, bravery, courage and above all honesty and dignity. A man who never took a toll on his country for his stunning participation in the events of 65, while there are many who may or close they were and now call themselves "commanders." Commanders are many who still remain anonymous, then neither want nor will bill your home, then did what they had to do at such a difficult and momentous as this when needed homeland of their best sons to defend the national sovereignty tainted Foreign trampled by the boots.

Arache Montes lived in a modest apartment near the ISSFAPOL movies, no-frills .... but with his forehead very high and decorated by the greatest thing that can adorn a man: His dignity, his simplicity, humility and kindness.

never forget his last words to a very interesting interview that made my friend Mario Hidalgo, and said: "I am a mature fruit, but I have not leaked! If the country needs to wield a gun again, here I am ready!".

I have understood that his body be exposed in the Funeral Blandino, and then have a series of tributes (very, very well deserved) and I'm told, his remains will eventually be cremated and his ashes will be scattered in the bay The boilers on board a patrol of the MDGs, as were his last wishes in life.

Montes died fighting to the last minute of his life. He could not deny that still remained a true man frog! That most admirable value was that man! These people are unlikely to be repeated in this country! As I said, a true example of courage, simplicity, eduacion, courtesy, honesty and integrity!

he rest in peace, my dear and unforgettable friend.

Montes is the kind of man who always live in the hearts of people, a people who has always admired and respected!! A humble people who showed him how much he wanted when he Cedimat internal, which I witnessed dozens of humble people who are apresonaron to show their support and know many times as was the hero of April. Likewise I can I saw that very few military worry about the health of the Pro man, I watched a few general MDG visiting his former deputy chief of staff.

I know that the Secretary of the Armed Forces was very aware of all that might be needed to save the life of our dear friend and we understand that this was the wish of the President of the DR. We still have the peace and satisfaction that you did everything humanly possible, but especially that we prove Arache Montes as we wanted, we, being alive!!

a hug and Ramses Manuel, as well as all his brothers and family for this loss not only saddened to them, but an entire country. These will be a Christmas a little sad, but such has been the will of the father. LM

ChristmasTradition-MGMMovie-Showboat 1It began, way back when, when I was six, seven or eight years old…Posted by MsBurb

And it began with just only me…

Maybe because there is in this classic movie, a Christmas and New Years scene that the TV Gods, whoever they have been through the years, have seen fit to air this movie at this special time…

Or, it just could be that ratings sink into the toilet around Christmastime, so heck, air an oldie-but-a-goodie that’ll eat up some airtime while we execs go feel up our secretaries at the obligatory Christmas party!

Who knows…

But when you’re young, and you’ve been raised in the country, the raison d’etre of New York City execs almost never enters your mind…

And while it’s late, and you’re supposed to be in bed, but your parents are having yet another party in the Red Room (yes, my house was that large, that we named the rooms!), and have forgotten all about you, as you lay in front of the Christmas tree in the Blue Room gazing at a black and white portable TV (oh, and by the way, the manufacturing industry’s definition of “portable” was somethin’ else in those days!), a movie comes on, the likes of which, forever changes the way you view the holiday season from that night forward…

“Showboat”, was it’s name.

Made in 1951 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, ChristmasTradition-MGMMovie-Showboat 2starring none other than the silver screen siren, Ava Garner (movie poster at top), the incomparable soprano singing actress, Kathryn Grayson, the then popular leading man/baritone, Howard Keel (poster top and at right),


ChristmasTradition-MGMMovie-Showboat 3 Joe E. Brown as Showboat Captain Andy Hawks

and superb baritone, ChristmasTradition-MGMMovie-Showboat 4 William Warfield, whose memorable rendition of “Ol’ Man River” has only ever been duplicated by baritone singer and U.S. defector to Russia, Paul Robeson, who starred in the 1936 version of the same name. (Warfield singing, photos of singer Paul Robeson below)

The movie centres around a Mississippi show boat, its entertainers and how class and colour barriers eventually affect the futures of everyone on board.

Ava Garner is the boat’s premier star until her mulatto past catches up with her when her porcelain-white skin starts to darken with age, and as a result, she is forced off the boat, a saloon singer with no future, in the end.

In this scene with Grayson, before she is ostracized, Ava sings “Can’t Help Lovin’ That Man” in her own voice (MGM producers disliked Ava’s sultry voice and had singer Annette Warren do the voice-over for the released movie version instead, to everyone’s criticisms, I might add!)

This movie so parodies southern American Life back then, and to a lesser degree, became the swan-song movie for many in the cast.

If you do anything on your own this season, and find yourself alone in the room in which you have your Christmas tree, lay down on the carpet, turn off the lights but for the shimmering ones on the bows, turn on the TV tube and fall into the world the movie “Showboat” depicts.

Nothing you decide to do on your own this season will ever be more fine. I promise.

Christmas Tradition, MGM Movie, Showboat

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Em Buritis (RO), mais dois lutadores foram vítimas da crueldade e da sede de lucro insaciável do latifúndio. No dia 8 de dezembro, Élcio Machado e Gilson Gonçalves, coordenadores do acampamento Rio Alto, que abrigava quase cinquenta famílias, foram torturados e mortos por pistoleiros. O latifundiário Dilson Cadalto foi apontado como mandante do crime.

Leia o restante da matéria acessando o Blog Molotov, do PSTU, clique aqui.

B3GuestAuthor-Dan-DennisWilson 1Posted by MsBurb It’s NOT like this post hasn’t been at the tip of fingers just waitin’ to explode onto the screen…B3GuestAuthor-Dan-DennisWilson 3

the sexy guest author on B3 & TLB2>>>

I DO get weak in the knees…

But, tonight, it’s been made obviously clear to me (ahem!) that Dan is in need of some SERIOUS affection!

It seems as if Dan needs some wuv, some petting, some cuddling and NO ONE, but NO ONE is out there givin’ it to him!

The Horror, The Humanity….The Horror.

Now, it’s either the above…or ANOTHER guy named “Dan” is in LOVE with MY guy Dan!

The Horror, The Humanity…The Horror!

I’m PRAYING it’s the former, not the latter, as I see my artistic, free-wheeling, musical genius guy as ANYTHING but light in the paws, if you know what I mean…

I “think”, actually, the soul of Dennis Wilson of The Beach Boys is inhabiting Dan’s body, really…makes sense, doncha think, as Dennis never really had a full shot at satisfying his creative urges…I mean, B3GuestAuthor-Dan-DennisWilson 2 diving down to the bottom of where his sloop was moored at Marina del Rey, and dying trying to retrieve mementos and a picture of the wife he loved the best, seems like a wholly, alcoholic-ridden, typically pathetic way to die, right?

Sooo, yes, that’s how I view MY Dan…I think I’m in direct communication with Dennis…hmmm, I don’t think Dan can surf though…I can…I wonder if Dennis’ soul would go with me?!!!

Sorry, I digressed there for a minute…

Lack of wuv and affection for my guy Danny…rrrrrrright, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! He NEEDS some, people!

He NEEDS to know you care.

He needs to know you’re there.

He needs to know you sense his cologne when you take a whiff of air.

He needs some comments on his posts, the newer or the old.

He needs to know that he is “real”, from you, he has been told.

If you, our viewers of B3, could spare a moment or two,

And write a message to my guy, he’d smile and say “Thank-you!”

“You’re insightful!”, “You’re the best!”, “You’re prose I hold dear to my chest!”

Just somethin’ , anything really,  so Dan can stand out from the rest!

Without your wuv and affection, B3ers, I hate to surmise the end, of what was a well-ordered Comment gadget, has become a “Dan-In”, in Dan’s pen!

We wuv ya Danny…really!


B3 Guest Author, Dan, Dennis Wilson

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