Friday, February 19, 2010

Haiti-Missionaries-SocialCommentary 1Photo: AP

I get it, I really do.

God said, “Go forth and multiply!” and so we did…some 6+ BILLION later…

God said, “Do not kill!” and so we did…kill, I mean…we went out and invented weapons to do one another in, in the name of some incorrect and inane “Right To Bear Arms” Amendment from Hell…but Thank God, we ignored The Big Guy on this one, or we’d be at 12+ BILLION!!!

God said, “Go forth and spread the Good News!”…and so we did…we shoved our “Christianity” down as many “heathen” throats globally as we possibly could because, for sure, the means are ALWAYS justified by the end, rrright?


Just because you are American, a member of the Super Power-From-Hell, and just because you’re a pushy, brain-dead, socially blind “Christian” does NOT give you the right to saunter over to another country and “move” their children out, just in the name of your Jesus and everything you hold dearly to YOU.

Yes, there was a horrible disaster in Haiti.

Yes, the children who were already disenfranchised are now more so, thanks to the dead and dying.

Yes, it’s a 3rd World country in need of 1st World countries help.

But no, oh no, the means that these 10 “Missionaries” took to justify their own definition of an “end” is NOT, I repeat NOT, Christian, nor is it socially acceptable from ANY perspective!

And before I continue this wholly inappropriate rant, please explain to me why Extremist missionaries always have that Haiti-Missionaries-SocialCommentary 2 “look”, like they’ve had a frontal lobotomy just like Wal-Mart greeters??? And Laura Silsby was the Head Bible Thumper to boot!

Is that what happens when you graduate from Missionary School, or is this just another group of blind lambs led to the slaughter that old Charles Manson himself could still, even today, work into his own Family if the Little Dude was freed???

And you know what?

I’ll tell ya what…

Those missionaries will all be freed and will be allowed to return to the United States because Haiti knows from where it’s bread is being buttered these days…NOT because they deserve to be freed, NOT because they didn’t commit kidnapping under Haitian Law, just because Americans, who by definition, are super-powered, get yet another “Pass” in their never-ending struggle to assimilate everyone into their own fold.

If Haiti had been an oil-rich country, heck, those Bible Thumpers would have been home the same day the charges were laid. No, I’m wrong, those charges would have NEVER been laid in the first place and these lobotomized God freaks would have received medals of Honour instead…sigh…

And you know what else?

Well, you KNOW MsBurb will tell ya!

All ten of these Do-Gooders will eventually return (eight of the ten already on U.S. soil this week), guilt-free and even more emboldened to their beliefs, even more dedicated to their “good works”, so much so that I fear for the next 3rd World country which has the next need and a whole new bunch of wayward children for the taking…

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember an 11th Commandment which said, “In MY name, you can do no wrong. In MY name, you are immune to Man’s laws!”

Haiti-Missionaries-SocialCommentary 3

I mean, I always wondered why there were only two tablets. I've always suspected that there were more but I guess Moses just dropped the others as he slipped and fell on the ash from that Burning Bush…

Haiti, Missionaries, Social Commentary


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