Friday, February 19, 2010 wife's fam

She never met her father, since she was in the womb when her father, a military on duty, passed away in 1948 in his kampoeng, Haunatas Village, dusty road, 5 kilometer away up Laguboti, Sub District of North Tapanuli, North Sumatera, Indonesia. Soon after delivery, her mom took her away from Haunatas Village to her Grandfather's family of mom's side, Simanjuntak fam at Pematang Siantar town, North Sumatera.

Year after year she spend her childhood and school era, in passion from Simanjuntak big families who loved her so much until her mom remarried with HP.Pangaribuan in the same town and decided moved far  away to South Sumatera at Jambi province. She had 2 uncles who stayed at Jambi as well. Soon after she graduated from High School, she prefered to enter Medical Scool of Universitas Kriten Indonesia, at Jakarta, the capital city.
                                           With my wife Rauli Pasaribu @ Paris

She knew for sure that her family's name was "Pasaribu" as written in every single documents and ID but unfortunately she never knew, she had no access at all to meet them. Until one day, she approach by Mrs.Panjaitan and Mr.Tumpal Siagian, both from Pasaribu side. They asked if she had an intention to meet her families from her father side.

Not just wanting to introduced to her closet families, but also offered if she willing to enter the University at Medan city, the capital of North Sumatera. This is the golden moment, a very good opportunity to go and embraced all her relatives from her father side, that separated for 18 years.

Finally she leaved and abroad a ship from Jakarta to Belawan, port of Medan. This event become a very big issues to both side, his mother side, Simanjuntak and Pasaribu families, father side. Her mom missed her badly an worrisome if bad things happened, since she never leaved them and this time to meet someone who she never know personally.

Finally encourage by Pasaribu family, she decided to go adventure for the sake of Pasaribu in the back of her name, Rauli Marisi Pasaribu. She stepped up abroad a ship from Tanjungpriok, Jakarta to Belawan, Medan port of North Sumatera dreaming to meet a lovely father's big families and her birth's place.

And she got the opportunities to gather with 3 (tree) her "Namboru" father sisters in Medan city, Tiomas Amintas Pasaribu/Sibarani, Hilda Pasaribu/Pangaribuan and Baharia Pasaribu/Napitupulu. She spend the good time with them for a while before stayed with her Uda, father's little brother, Jarudin Pasaribu at Sidikkalang town of Dairy distric, North Sumatera, a former head of local Parliament.
                                                                                    Rauli &  becca pasaribu

She spend a good time with this family where all children of Uda accepted her as a older children in the family. Uda's wife, Mrs.Silaen treated her nicely as her child. Until the day she leaved Sidikkalang to Medan to entered a New school, Bank Academy after she left behind a Medical school at Jakarta.

The problems occures to finance her living cost and school fee, that big Pasaribu families agreed to support her from paddy's harvest from Rauli's own that managed by her youngest father's brother. It was not easy to settle this problems  until one day her uncle, Boy Simanjuntak offered her to leaved the dormitory and stay with his family.

After spend a while longer in Pasaribu big families, then her living cost and school fee support by her uncle and her mother, send from Jambi, until a white christmas 1979 she spend a holiday in Jambi city and meet a young man, loved each other ad got married to Mr.Pinondang Situmeang, who working at Crumb rubber factory at seberang Jambi city.

She was my wife shot history. She was named Marisi Pasaribu, the first child of the big families ot ten, 4 boys and 6 girls. That was why her  and grand father,s name called "Ompung Marisi, St.Julius Pasaribu at Haunatas.

The four boys nameand their wifes in chronogical order Maruli Saribornang/Pasti Simanjuntak (wife),Jakarta, Jarudin/Budi Silaen, Sidikkalang, Gaja Soalon/Margareta Hutajulu, Peatang Siantar Binsar Junjungan/Boru Hutahayan, Haunatas.

The six girls's name and their husbands, Barita Pasaribu/Sibarani (husband), Tiomas Amintas/Sibarani, Medan, Hilda/Pangaribuan, Medan, Sinta Mulia/Siagian, ek Kanopan, Baharia/Napitupulu, Medan and Gusta/Tambunan, Jakarta.

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Mauliate and Horas


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