Thursday, February 25, 2010

last exit before the airpot

My experiences and talents in Banking organization and operation for 21 years, long time ago as a good background in my volunteer's duty in social activities, especially in developing a very small Churches in remote, marginal income citizen enviroment. This tiny Churches depending their services to its Center, who formally managed them. As one of six Department's head, I superviced one Post, Tegal Alur Post, West Jakarta, next to Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta International airport.

Beside, after sometime, a friend of mine, Niran Raphi asked my favor to serve in another Post, Kapuk Muara Post, North Jakarta, to improve their service to the congregation as I did in Tegal Alur Post..
"You are like someone in Internal affair, come down to reoganized things", he said in compairing my special assignment.

Tegal Alur Post.
After 25 years history, the Post had in statusquo, stucked as a very simple Post, didn't got a serious attention from the Board of elders Management, Gereja Kristen Indonesia Kwitang, Jakarta, a Big church, who had their attention splitted into 9 (nine) Posts and 14 (fourtheen) regions.

That was why I made my mind to involved directly organized this Post, after one Sunday late afternoon service, realized that just a single elder, Miss Adolfina Pareang who served the congregation for a long period of time. she was a mother of the post for 25 years services. Much of the members were her Sunday school pupils.

In the first year, start in May 2006 in order to reorganized the post, I got helped from 3 (tree)  elders come from out of regions, voluntarily to serve the Post regularly on Sunday afternoon service and all other things related to improve the service performance. They are Mrs.Louise Hasibuan, from region VIII/X, wife of welknown lawyer, Albert Hasibuan, Mrs.Ratnaningsih, region IV/V from KPI commission, Mrs.Florenz Ziliwu, region VI, a nurse and me, region II as a KESPEL Departmen head, a member of elders Board. After Mrs.Louise service was over, she replaced by a young teolog from region II, Miss. Carolina Tilukay.  

Members involvement
My first priority in the first year, I had encouraged the members of the Church to invoved in Sunday ritual service such as 2 (two) persons reading Bibles in fronf of the Altar, collecting the cash, playing organ and ushers. Besides I had tried to set up 3 organizations - eventually failed - two congregation small groups, and Kelompok Kecil Jemaat, KKJ, Sub Commission and Choir group. Those new organizations used  as a tools to detected potential members, later to be the elders candidates to replaced me and my collegues, who stayed far away in another regions.

                                  wahyuni, tan ely rocking with sajojo
In the second years, nobody come step forward to take an advantage to be a new elders. So as a training stages, the Board agreed to set up a new Development Body of the Post, Badan Pengembangan Pos Jemaat, BPPJ headed by Johny Chandra and Vice Evie Marianthi, Susanty Suteja, secretary and Lucy Halim, finance. The other members are Pnt.Carolina Tilukay, Jhony, Mrs.Lasmaria, Mrs.Tan Ely, Mrs.Wahyuni, Mr. Thio Romy and Mr.Joko Pioyo. The new body  was baptized in the middle of a Sunday afternoon service by our priest, Guruh Sujatmiko.

Thanks God, eventually tree of BPPJ body accepted our offer and inaugurated in a special service to be the elders for tree years periode, 2009-2012. Mrs.Lucy Halim, Joko Chandra and Joko. With this additional, total of elders were 7 (seven). Unfortunately two of them not too active with a reasons. The younger one, Mr.Thio Romi prefered to serve only the young members in Sunday at 15.00 hour service. He never take part in regular service.  

New organist
Beside one member, Mr.Joko Pitoyo was the member of another church, but eagerly attended our sunday service and his kid is a member of Sunday School. I had send him regularly to our Big Church in early Sunday afternoon practicing organ playing lead by Elly Kurnia, senior organist. After practising, Joko joint the group heading to the post at 3.30 pm. Thank God, thank Elly for her kind to teach him.

So since February 2010 he starting scheduled  as a new organist in the Post, that for 25 years depend on an organist from the center as scheduled. Occasionally the organist didn't show up. You may imagine if the organist is not avavailable, how the Sunday service situation could be. We can't blame the members who tempted to looking for other churches,  far better organized, available around the region. 

Thank Lord that allowed me to participated in this Post in spite of my senior age, He encourage me to endure physically, that  every 2.30 pm on Sunday drive my old yellow sedan to Kwitang, along with 2 elders, Miss Adolfina and Miss.Carolina Tilukay, the Priest and organist.

We drive church's Kijang by Fritz to the toll road headed to the airport at 3.30, practizing a few songs on the way. The service run at 4.30 - 6.15 pm. Arrived at Kwitang back in 7.15 and reach home at.8.30 - 9.00 pm. So I spend almost 6 hours in one Sunday service, voluntered.

                                              diana reading my poem
I wrote this Post due to my service will soon due at the end of March 31, 2010 and formally I have no more legal status to intervere in all matters happened in the Post. I had always put my self in the position, obey the Church regulation (Tata gereja) and saw the other activists to hand off their hand in every activities that not formally admitted.

Kapuk Muara Post

While serving Tegal Alur in the second year, the Coordinator of the elders in the Post, Mrs.Wulansari Bambang stepped down, took a year  break before assigned for another term. The remain 2 (two) elders asked my favor, since occasionlly Mr.Niran was away out of town for the business trip and leaved Mr.Ie Yang Sui, an old generation alone.

From that time I spare my time 2 Sundays  in one Post and take turn to another Post for another 2 Sundays as well. Mr.Niran gave me the opportunities to organized the services. The first thing to do right away was similar to what I had done in neighbour post, Tegal Alur.

I discussed the ideas with the elders and youngsters there, Retno Yuliana, Yanti, Mrs.Yemima Ie (Maya) and an organist Mrs.Fafa to scheduled activists who will take part in every Sunday mid morning service. Previously only the selected elders admitted to took part of the services.

                                               kapuk vocal group
Song leaders
The activists were very happy with this new policy and eagerly participately full hearted. Unfortunately one thing should paid a serious attention, particularly in the song rythm. The young activists lack of experiencing and knowledges about singing. Sometime we heard tree kind of tunes, one tune coming out from Liturgos, whos rythm, differ, away from the organ tunes. The second is a preacher tune, relatively good  but let the liturgos take the lead and the last are the congregation, confusing and humming whatever they prefer to followed
                                         Practising after Sunday service
The avalaibility of the song leader should be a priority, beside a practises after the service time over at midday, for the next sunday service songs.

The songs are the basic factor beside a good scriptures preaching and praying in order to  avoided our members trying the Charismatic churches that spread around Kapuk regions and to hold them tight not intimidated to move away.

In the first year after talents scouting, I had discovered a lots of young members that qualify for the new elders, that for long time monopolized by the old generation.

Unfortunately on one dare to say "yes" from the 4 (four) candidates positively qualify. I was relieved, my prayer answered after the second year, when my services period almost over. They change their mind, say "Yes" and accepted God's calling their heart and mind to obey and serve Him.

        angpao tree 2009 @pos kapuk

Haleluya, after Sinchia, Chinese new year, tree of them nodding their head say "Yes" and would be inaugurated soon in the special service next March 28, 2010. Beside 3 (tree) local candidates, we got the acceptance from a young man outside Kapuk region, Mr.Tjen Sufiatno, ex an elder from Region IV/V, lived neighbour region, not too far from Kapuk post.

Closing remarks.
I pray to the Lord, after leaving the Post at the end of March 2010, they newly generation and an old lady - just hospitalized - encourage by he Lord will take over the job and headed by the Holy spirit will be able them to serve Him.

I had spend more than 3 years, took my parts especially in the Human resourches recruitment and related matters. The rest leaved it to the new generation to watering and sure The Lord would be blessed his own body on earth. Amin 


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