Tuesday, February 16, 2010

On a beautiful day with a light breeze, on Januari 11,2009, Alexya Barrier, a petite young yacht woman, 30 years was received in the Palace by the Prince Albert II before she headed off into the blue ocean. She is a member of Monaco's yach club, will spend 110 days voyage world round trip in this ambitious project "4myplanet" using 60 foot sailing yacht.

4myplanet project, initially come to her mind when her boat stucked for hours in the floating rubbish's island in the bay of Istanbul on European boat competition. Barrier decided to do something high profile to bring attention to pollution and climate change and its affect to the world's ocean, not wanting to wait for the politicians.

Her effort more than just a feat of sportmanship and not more one world tour. This is a necessary global challenge as she wrote on her website http//www.4myplanet.eu. Her affiliation with Prince Albert - the enviromentalist - begin with a chance meeting at the Monaco Yacht club and impressed by big plans and agreed to serve as a honorary chairman of her effort. "He was just happy to see a little girls in a big boat trying to show the value of protecting the planet", she said.

Her yacht had been transforming into "Laboratory and School" for the trip and on the way she will invite children  from across the world on board to learn more about what in stake

A global survey of climate change by collecting data on water and atmosphere  done by a solo world tour, Alexia Barrier for 6 (six) months,  start at Januari 11, 2009 from his hometown Monaco. The first stop scheduled is Cape town (South Africa), Sydney (Australia), Auckland (New Zeland), Rio de Jeneiro (Brazil). Trans Atlantic from New York to Europe is expected to put Barrier back to Monaco in Mid June 2010.

The Yacht will be a hitech Laboratory with the fuel based engine will be replace by electric engine and fuel cell will join the clasic gear for this type of yacht.

Alex Barrier has been sailing since the age of tree, climbing aboard a small 21 foot sailboat - now 60 foot - with her parent in the French Riviera towns of Antibes. Her parent work had brought her to Paris where she raised. She and her parent spend nearly every weekend on the water while she was growing up. Lately she spend 200 days a year on the sea. "Sailing round the world alone is a dream of a little girls", she said

She started racing competitively at age 15 and work as a sailing instructor. She later compete in Transatlantic race France to Brazile in 2005 and finished 11th overall . She had logged about 40.000 nautical miles since she has been sailing competitively

She had earned master degree in sport managemen in Nice in 1998, and start to orgaanize the 4Myplanet project on late 2008


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