Saturday, February 13, 2010

MirandA....ooohhh... MirandA

Corruption Eradication Commision or Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) grilled Miranda, a former Deputy Senior Central Bank Governor for the first time in investigating an alleged bribery case surrounding her election six years ago, in 2004.

The case emerged when a former legislator, Mr.Agus Tjondro Prayitno testified, confessed before the Court and KPK that he had received a thin amplop contained a Rp. 500 millions travel cheque (+/-US.$.50.000) from his colleaque, Mr.Emir Moeis from the same party, PDI-P, headed by former Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Some other legislators also received the same amount of cheques. Special body, who assigned to analysis all Bank's account transactions, PPAT claimed that 48 travel's cheque @ Rp.500 millions or Rp 24 billions had been cashed by people connected to 41 legislators who had voted for Miranda. The members of Parliament involved in this bribery case were of 2004-2009 period.

Agus Tjondro got the envelope shortly after the House of Representative approved her nomination as a Senior Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor  position in June 2004.

Miranda was elected when 41 of 54 members of Commission IX voted for her, including 17 PDI-P party's lawmakers, 15 Golkar party and the rest from another  small parties.

Another persons accused by KPK from other parties, Mr.Hamka Yandhu, Golkar, a big party and Mr.Endin J.Soefihara, PPP, Old Islamic party, Mr. Dudhie Makmun Murod and Panda Nababan, both from PDI-P party, MS.Hidayat, Nurdin Halid, Baharuddin Aritonang and Daniel Tanjung. One high official from Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), Mr.Udju Juhaeri also as a suspect.

The money was disburshed by Golkar party lawmmakers, Mr.Hamka Yandhu and Anthoni Zeda Abidin, who had received it from Rusli Simanjuntak, a senior official of Bank Indonesia

 Thanks to BPK ongoing's effort, Indonesian Corruption Perception (ICP) Index improve, from 2.0 in year 2004 to 2.8 in 2009.

Miranda Swaray Goeltom was a smart Deputy Governor of Central Bank, Bank Indonesia. I had met her twice, in my Director Office in 17th floor Bank BRI head office at Semanggi area, just 4 of us, my Director, my colleage, a Lady from International bussiness department, me and Miranda,discussed a Strategic Planning of Bank BRI.

The second in a special session in front of high officials of Bank BRI at 20th floor BRI head office, where Miranda memorized very well statistical figures of Indonesia inflation and financial figures as well.

Recently, this case still in the court process to find out who is behind the scene, who are funding and backed up Miranda and took advantage of her strategis position. Miranda and the funder still in the safe position and left negative impact to her reputation in the rest of her live. And the backer should be someone in a very huge power can't touched by the law. Miranda oohhh Miranda. 


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