Saturday, October 31, 2009


Don't panic if you can't find your baggages, whereabout, stay calmed and thinking hard what to be done. Prefer leaved it to  the Baggage claim to handle it for you or you step down  and kept watching around the conveyor or looked at unattendance bags, or someone took it by accident, maybe had the similar colours or types with yours.

I'd done both, by walking around baggage claim area at one flight and waiting at home in another trip.
My cases all happened abroad, first in Olympia airport, Washington State. Second in LAX, Los Angeles on our journey in USA. Another cases happened at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv and Schippol, Amsterdam airport, The Nederlands.

On our way back from Olympia, Washington state to Los Angeles, we fly by United Airline - we are United frequent flyer.  But due to the shortage of passengers, our United flight canceled  a seconds after our bag tagged by United desks.

Suddenly, without any  notification in advance, we tranfered to Alaska airline, who in no time ready for boarding. We have to run very fast to Alaska gate, in another building. My wife foots soars with high heels, heart beat harder, sweating in the cold weather in the airport corridor to catch the flight. Fortunately we made it.

We didn't pay particular attention at all  to our belongings and let the crews of both airlines took care, transfer of our bags as should be.

Landing at LAX, Los Angeles airport,  stepped down, approaching and waiting next to the conveyor moving fast,  watching every single bags with our name's tags on it. Nothing. Step to the other side of the conveyor, looked at bags drawn up on the carts by other passengers. None.
The conveyor stopped. Watching closely to few bags remain unattendances. Wondered, none of our own.

I felt so bad as my wife and daughter Peggy, thingking how bad United Airlines services was, just like Garuda airlines. Approch and asking claim desk officer in charge close by. His respons almost based on the manual book and said : " Please leaved your hotel room number", he talked not looking to my face, while his hands was busy writing something. With confident he continue, said: "The bags will deliver soon after we found it".

I'd a feeling and my mind wondering that our bags would be coming here soon, in the next flight on United airlines. We prefered to wait to the next arrival flight. We leaved Alaska airline desk, heading to exit door. We had no idea where the United building was located. Step down outside the building to the road, waved a taxy, asking to go to the United airline building, as we were known where its gate.
We found United logo in front door and entered the huge building, went  directly to the conveyor in the baggage claim area.

Oh my God. My lips curved, my heart beat slower, back to normal again, relieved. Our bags with our name tagged hang over, stand alone unattendance beside conveyor belt. We took it, no one noticed when Peggy pushed away to the exit door without any inspection whatsoever. If someone took advantage to pull our bags, they might be succeded. Thanks Lord.

If we followed what an officer had to said, waiting in the hotel room, we didn't knew for sure what would happened. Or at least the bags will delivered late at night or sometime in the morning, or might be loosing it, and we had to buy new clotches.

Exhausted after running at Olympia airport, walking back and forth from one gate to other building in LAX airport Los Angeles. After took a bath and put a new shirt, laid our back over the bed, inhale soft pillows, we can't stand still, felt down to deep sleep until dawn.

In the next day late afternoon, we headed KLM desk in LAX, Los Angeles Airport by taxy. This time we planned to fly to Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, Israel through Schipol airport, Amsterdam,  The Nederland.
To make it short, on our way back from Ben Gurion to Schippol, Amsterdam, we faced the similar problems. Our new black bag buyed in Tel Aviv left behind, somewhere.

The problem occured when we came late to Ben Gurion airport - 2 hours before boarding time - as International standard rule. KLM desk officer declined to boarded us to the plane
Israel airport had their own regulations, the passangers had to booked 3 hours in advance, for security checkings reason. The security officers made a through inspection, wallet open up, shoe shocks took off, batteries separated from the camera. Its took a long time to searched every single passenger.

I'd complaint KLM desk officer to transfer us to anothers airline, whatever airline  were avilable in the first place, since we have to fly back to Jakarta on the same day, by KLM carrier too. I saw  him our tree KLM tickets, who scheduled,  leaved Amsterdam in the same day. He didn't say a thing, but later he informed us that we may go by El Al air at the next flight available.

Photo : Ben Gurion airport

Ultimately, we boarded to El Al, Israel national flag carrier. We never dream of , never plan to buy El Al tickets in any situations whatsoever. Now we was boarding Israel plane by accident, with prayer nothing bad would happened, since Israel - Irak war, just over a year before.

We had no idea where our bags placed by KLM Ben Gurion desk., fly along with us in El Al or other carriers.  We just stepped upstairs El Al plane- and stopped over at Stockholm airport, waited for a  flight, a very small plane for 5 passengers, headed directly to Schippol airport, Amsterdam.

As soon as landing, we rushed and running to  Baggage claim area, at conveyor side. Our eyes sticked to the list of flight arrival turned hang overhead, concentrated at tree flight, El Al, KLM and the small plane (forget the carrier's name).

A few seconds later, I was on a hurry to KLM desk for booking to KLM flight back to Jakarta, while my wife and daughter waiting, expecting, hopefully our bags arrived soon from Ben Gurion.

Waiting for the last minutes, we entered Lost and found desk. As usual a man and a girl officers speak up as manual book said: "Please leaved your name and adress", said after took a notes - with full confidence - and our faces full of uncertainty. After a small arguing that we are unsatisfying of KLM services, we forced ourself to accepted the lost, for sometime and they continue said :"We will send the bags as soon as we located it". We leaved Schippol airport unhappy, miss special gifts, religious souvenirs from  Promise land.

Thanks Lord we fly back to Jakarta sound and safe to our home sweet home, Kelapa gading Permai  Soon after enjoyed our first Indonesian delicious food lunch, we got a called from Cengkareng airport Jakarta, informed that our two black bags had been landed in Jakarta. We rushed directly to baggage claim.
Thanks God.

Mariano Leite, polêmico servidor público de Uberaba, que ocupou a presidência do SSPMU, Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos de Uberaba, por dois mandatos consecutivos, na última quarta-feira, dia 27.10, teve revertida condenação judicial que lhe foi imposta, em face de processo criminal movido por iniciativa de Anderson Adauto Pereira, ex-ministro dos transportes e prefeito da referida cidade.

Inicialmente condenado à pena de oito meses de prisão, revertida em prestação de serviços comunitários por igual período, Mariano foi considerado inocente pela turma recursal do Juizado Especial de Uberaba, uma vez que sua condenação foi baseada na lei de imprensa, criada pela ditadura militar para calar os oposicionistas e, que recentemente foi considerada inconstitucional pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal.

Adriano Espíndola, advogado sindical que atuou na defesa de Mariano Leite, explica que a condenação se deu num processo arbitrário pelo fato do sindicalista ter chamado Anderson Adauto de louco, bandido e mensaleiro, durante uma entrevista a um dos jornais da cidade. “Defendendo a categoria dos servidores municipais, que estava com seus direitos mais uma vez atacados pela Prefeitura, durante uma entrevista, Mariano disse que não era honesto e nem normal, em face das promessas que Anderson Adauto havia feito durante a campanha eleitoral, retirar direitos dos servidores e que isso era coisa de louco, de bandido, e ainda, fez menção ao envolvimento do prefeito de Uberaba, com esquemas de corrupção, enquanto Ministro dos Transportes, chamando-o de mensaleiro” disse Espíndola.

“Entretanto, não foi essa simples entrevista que motivou o processo criminal do qual Mariano, finalmente, agora está livre, em verdade, a ação de Anderson Adauto visava intimidar a então direção do Sindicato dos Servidores, uma das poucas vozes que se levantava contra os desmandos do prefeito, num absurdo processo de criminalização dos movimentos sociais. Não sem motivos, o processo foi baseado na lei de imprensa, criada pela ditadura militar para calar a oposição condenação, agora revertida de Mariano, faz parte do mesmo processo sociológico que explica, por exemplo, a condenação de lideranças de sem-terras a pena de prisão no Triângulo Mineiro ou a campanha midiática contra o MST. Portanto, essa derrota jurídica de Anderson Adauto deve ser comemorada por todo movimento sindical brasileiro, independente de se concordar ou não com as posições de Mariano”, concluiu o advogado Adriano Espíndola.

Mariano deixou a presidência do SSPMU no começo deste ano, uma vez que não se candidatou a um novo mandato.

Leiam também o que publicaram os jornais de Uberaba sobre o tema clicando nos links abaixo:

Jornal de Uberaba

Jornal da Manhã

Friday, October 30, 2009

Amigos e amigas

O TRT da Terceira Região (MG), por meio de voto proferido pelo Desembargador Antônio Alvares, acatou tese que tenho sustentado  em minhas petições iniciais, a partir de ensinamentos do amigo e presidente da Abrat Luiz Salvador, deferindo ao trabalhador indenização equivalente ao valor por ele a ser suportado com a contratação de advogado para reclamar seus direitos na Justiça do Trabalho.

Infelizmente, em nível de Minas Gerais, essa posição ainda é minoritária,  o que não tira a importância da notícia.

Adriano Espíndola

Clique aqui e leia a notícia no site do TRT 3ª Região

Thursday, October 29, 2009

It is a very long process for me to seat in the ladder as a Branch Manager in Bank BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia), it took 5 years. Actually my definite status was a Vice Branch manager  at Kupang, capital of East Nusatenggara, 2 or hours flight from Bali. The only Vice Branch Manager in this province of 12 branches in separated islands.

That is why, when one of the Branch manager took a regular leaved for 2 weeks, Regional manager wired my Boss to replaced them. Almost in two year, I'd been a care taker for 7 (seven) times in seven Branches.
This happened in quite a short period of time between last 1970s to early 1971s.
Feeling good, sitting in a black soft huge leather chair and big desk,  top position in the branch.
Dreaming to be a  Branch manager in the near future at least in this region.

But spending 14 working days in diffrent district, diffrent enviroment, circumtances, cultures, sometime felt lonely, alone, left my family behind in another island. The branches located far away in a district had a very small towns, no places to go on weekend. Not much interesting places to go except to the beaches or visit local kings tombs in Waingapu, Sumba island, shopping braceletts made of Stegodon Elephant in Maumere town or  visit Komodo as a miracles creatures in the world in small island, west side of Flores island.

My relationship with local personnels not so close, because I knew nothing about their background. As a branch manager, I should keep distance with them. This is a Corporate cultures in Bank BRI enviroment inherited from Dutch era that Branch manager isolated just like a King, sitting in a throne, never do no wrong.
To killed the time, I took jogging early in the morning in Waingapu, Sumba island, went to the beach, shoothing the birds at Waikabubak, where there were so many exotic birds.

In working hours, from 7 am - 2 pm,  my job relatively light, signed the regular reports to regional and head office, signed funds transfer to another branches, cash management and monitoring daily routine activities. Principle matters, policies, loan approvals or dishburhsment, should be waiting for the branch manager back to office.

The first assigment as a care taker happened when Mr.Untung Yaddy, Soe Branch, took 14 days leaved out to Java island. The distance to this branch 2 - 3 hours drive from my branch, Kupang.
The office hours start at 7 am, in the cool morning, since Soe town located in the high elevation.
In this fresh, cold weather, my forehead got sweating and confusing. I was unable to unlock the combination numbers of cash Vault.

This is my first time for me to open up a cash vault, combination numbers.
I'd tried several times to follow the secret password, to turn right twice, turn left once, turn right once again, stopped in certain number. The door keep shut still.
For the 4th time I'd tried again, keep the numbers precicely,,slow motion, breathless, turn to the last number, ...klick. Turn the handle, pull it up. Open. I'd made it.

This is my first time to open up cash vault, turned the combination numbers. The secret was, we should turn the numbers pricesly, slowly, patient, breathless until the last numbers
Pull up the door open easy if the number precisely.
I shoved my handkerchief in my pant's pocket, wipe the perspiration. Feel relieved, fortunately, only few costumers waiting in line for the cash.

The second  care taker happened when my own Boss, Mr.Soeharto took a vacation. As a Vice Branch manager, otomatically, I replaced him. No special assigments to be done until he returned. Vice branch manager treated just like job training for its preparation to become a full branch manager in the near future.

No special matters happened while he was away, except the car accident. The  Red Corolla, car company crashed down, drove by my wife. She should pushed the break down, but he pushed the accelerator up instead. The wrekage needed to repair, repainting immediatedly before the Boss return to the office.

I scared to my toes, wonder what should he say.
I didn't believed when his lips curve, smile. He just smiling said :" Accident never happened by mistakes", he said after signed the  authority paper and extended his hand. He was just like "smiling general -" an Autobiography book title, belong to Soeharto, Indonesia president.

Photo: Red Corolla in Old Regional office

The next branch to be taken care was in another island, Sumba. Two ditricts in this island with two branches. Waingapu branch  in the east and Waikabubak in the west.
Only one small strip airport available in the island, located in west Sumba, near Waingapu town. In the east no airport so far in 1980s before Tambolaka new airpot built later on. I'd replaced Mr.Benyamin, he leaved to West Java.

Heading to the east,  I was escorted by a driver from Waingapu through hard dusting road in the middle of the night. Took a break, stepped outside, looking up to the dark blue sky, stars scattered everywhere to brighten the world, full aware not knowing my presence whereabout.

My muscles gotten hard, sitting straight over Toyota Jeep's seat through stone and dusting road, back and forth, rocking all over again until enter the town.

As my head touch the pillow, I was fallen to sleep immediatedly, deep until the sun light shine from the hole in my hotel window in the mid morning.
Nothing special in this small towns, just drive a Jeep, went to the beach on Sunday, took a long riffles lend by Mr Saragih, Waingapu branch manager. Learn to shoot the birds, but they swung their wings away when heard klicks sound.

Photo : Me, Mr.Hutape, Mr.Benjamin and Mr.Untung (back row)

Actually east Sumba island had two welknown tourists places to go. The first one was local kings tombs built in a huge size concrete slabs.
They held a special ceremony to carried the slabs  by the villagers  from  far away in another place to tombs site in king burial compound.

Photo :Mr.Saragih and me

The second attraction was horsemen war game between two groups. Unfortunatedly I didn't saw it, because I didn't came on regular performance time.

Not long after Mr.Saragih transfered to head office, Jakarta, he felt sick and passed away. He was still young with few small children.

The other two branches located  in another island, Flores in the west side of Kupang, where Regional office located. In Maumere, Sikka district, I replaced Mr.Purba, my classmate in economic Gajah Mada University, Yogjakarta in early 1960s.

The last branch was Ruteng town in the western part of Flores island, where located in the muntain, cool weather some like Soe town in Timor island. The flight schedule sometime canceled due to the weather or fogging condition. Slept deep well every night enjoyed the fresh wind a whole day, even the sun was overhead.
I had the opportunity to visit Komodo in a small island close by, in the same district. Unfortunatedly, I miss  it, worrisome if something happened on the way to the island, the Bank was under my responsibility.

Spend  a lot of times as a Branch manager's care taker in leaving families behind, lonely in remotes islands, boring sharping my skill to manage my New, first as Branch manager at Atambua, soon in 1982 

JimmieJohnson-MattKenseth-NASCAR 4
 JimmieJohnson-MattKenseth-NASCAR 1 I could have put “His” photo at the start of this post, but then, that would just be one more pic of this media darling in this Sprint Cup NASCAR League that we KNOW he just doesn’t need.
Posted by MsBurb

And who am I anyways to be babbling on “Him”?

I’m a girl.
I’m a Canadian.
Did I mention I’m a Canadian girl?

But, even this Irish lass has to shake her head at the absolutely outrageous consistency of this driver, that the impossibility of a fourth Championship this driver just may make a possibility!
This guy, “Him”, of course, is JimmieJohnson-MattKenseth-NASCAR 3 Jimmie Johnson, his crew-chief, Chad Knaus and the entire Team Lowe’s Racing are quite literally unbeatable.

With only four races to go, Jimmie has got a 118 point lead over 50 year old Mark Martin, who, yes, it would be a nice for Mark to cap-off to his unheard-of lengthy career, but let’s face it folks, Mark probably won’t be able to pull that aging rabbit out of the hate at this late date.

So what, or rather shall I say, who does that leave?

That leaves Jimmie’s team member Jeff Gordon and “Smoke”, No#14 Tony Stewart back 150 and 192 points respectively. That’s a hard row to hoe in just four races left to go!

Soooo, if you’re following me here, that leaves Jimmie Johnson smelling the scent of a four-peat victory in his midst.

I just can’t bear to watch anymore. I swore at the beginning of this year that if that dude won a fourth Championship, I would give up watching Sprint Cup for good.

And of course, I’m still holding a grudge that my guy, yes, I have one, that my guy didn’t even make the Chase this year, how freakin’ humiliating!

My guy is the driver for the Killer Bees, and if you need me to expound on that moniker then you shouldn’t be reading this post in the first place.
JimmieJohnson-MattKenseth-NASCAR 2
Oh, okay, sigh…it’s my man Matt Kenseth, no#17 Ford, Rousch-Fenway Racing, and their pit crew are, at least for the remainder of this year, called The Killer Bees because of the Dewalt, black and yellow trademark colours.

And, in honour of my guy, it is his car I show at the top of my post, Jimmie be damned!

I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself if I hold myself to my word of dropping the Sunday race from my Life, as that day was reserved for beer, my knitting, my rocking in my Lazy Boy and yelling at my wide screen, “Go Killer Bees Go!”.

Now, I’ll have no excuse to drink beer (but don’t fret people, I’m sure I’ll find one!).
I’ll have no new afghan to call my own, and even if I did, I guess it wouldn’t be in black and yellow.

And the rockin’ and knittin’ would be moot anyways if I didn’t have any excuse to be yellin’ at my wide-screen anymore.

No, this fall is looking bleak. My TV remains in the off position, and the afghan I started at the beginning of this year is now stuffed into a bag and shoved into my closet, unattended, unloved, unfinished.

And what of Jimmie and this aforementioned four-peat? Hell if I know.

Maybe his fans will be ebullient but I don’t think I will. Sure its NASCAR-making history, but no one really wants to see lightening strike four times when the energy isn’t given to their guy, right?

As for the last race, I just don’t know if I’ll watch it or not. My money right now is on “not”. I’d watch to see if Matt could win but if I had to watch Jimmie kiss yet another Sprint Cup trophy my beer would be ruined from all the salty tears…mine.

One Canadian girl’s take on the train-wreck of a Lifetime…

(Photos in order of appearance: NASCAR Official Website, Matt Kenseth Official Website, Team Lowe’s Racing Jimmie Johnson Official Website)
Jimmie Johnson, Matt Kenseth, NASCAR


O Projeto Popular levou ao ar no dia 02 de outubro uma entrevista com o companheiro Valério Arcary sobre o tema “A força dos movimentos sociais na luta por direitos humanos e democracia no Brasil”.

Os vídeos podem ser acessados através do Blog Molotov, clicando no atalhos abaixo.

Adriano Espíndola

 Blog Molotov: Valério no programa Projeto Popular(*)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Para aqueles que ainda não tinham essa informação, segue abaixo o cronograma de pagamento do PIS 2009.
Adriano Espíndola Cavalheiro

Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego

Conforme Resolução CODEFAT Nº 605, de 27 de maio de 2009













26/08 2009





























II - Pagamento pelo CAIXA PIS-Empresa (por intermédio da folha de pagamento das empresas conveniadas) - o crédito será efetuado no período de julho a setembro/2009.

III - Pagamento de Abono regularização cadastral (alínea b do art. 2º, desta Resolução) 03.12.2009 a 30.06.2010

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Adriano Espíndola Cavalheiro

Sob a sombra da indiferença

da burguesia ocidental,

com seus governos e suas mídias,

a arrogância sionista,

com sua bélica brutalidade

faz sangrar-te, ó Palestina.

Mas, em meu coração dolorido,

ainda vive a esperança,

de uma Palestina livre, laica e democrática:

judeus, árabes, cristãos, muçulmanos,

sem sionismo,

sem fundamentalismo.

Meu desejo de vingança?

Não confunda, caro amigo,

é um grito em desespero,

pedras contra o racismo

contra a intolerância.

É meu clamor por Justiça!

*Inspirado em Palestina, Palestina de GEORGES BOURDOUKAN

Outubro de 2009

Brazil ....... Buuuuuueno ..... I think we have more in the Dominican!! Spanish

Brazil detects 17 points of entry of illegal weapons on its borders
The main access comes from Bolivia and Paraguay, but also from Peru, Argentina and Uruguay.
. - The Federal Police identified 17 points for entering Brazil illegal weapons, including those used by criminals, such as anti-aircraft guns, able to bring down a helicopter. Armament runs

2.5 thousand kilometers of roads country from the border to the favelas (slums) of Rio de Janeiro.

More ...

Brazil ....... Buuuuuueno ..... I think we have more in the Dominican!! Spanish

Brazil detects 17 points of entry of illegal weapons on its borders
The main access comes from Bolivia and Paraguay, but also from Peru, Argentina and Uruguay.
. - The Federal Police identified 17 points for entering Brazil illegal weapons, including those used by criminals, such as anti-aircraft guns, able to bring down a helicopter. Armament runs

2.5 thousand kilometers of roads country from the border to the favelas (slums) of Rio de Janeiro.

More ...

Titanic .... The RD

Spain was 'Titanic'

Virginia Hernández Madrid
A liner sank in the Atlantic and killed dozens of people. Luxury cabins, woods and showing off millionaires. Third-class compartments crammed with migrants. The ship was not called 'Titanic' or was in 1912. It had been four years since that date and the tragedy was led by the English who traveled in steam 'Prince of Asturias' to Buenos Aires.

The sea hides many secrets and one of them is similar to the British ship, with the difference that hardly anyone remembers the story of how he killed about 500 people. Neither knew the journalist Francisco García Novell, which he ran with the story of 'Prince of Asturias' while preparing a documentary on another ship and was so engaged that he spent the next two years.

More ....

Titanic .... The RD

Spain was 'Titanic'

Virginia Hernández Madrid
A liner sank in the Atlantic and killed dozens of people. Luxury cabins, woods and showing off millionaires. Third-class compartments crammed with migrants. The ship was not called 'Titanic' or was in 1912. It had been four years since that date and the tragedy was led by the English who traveled in steam 'Prince of Asturias' to Buenos Aires.

The sea hides many secrets and one of them is similar to the British ship, with the difference that hardly anyone remembers the story of how he killed about 500 people. Neither knew the journalist Francisco García Novell, which he ran with the story of 'Prince of Asturias' while preparing a documentary on another ship and was so engaged that he spent the next two years.

More ....

.... National Police reportedly recovered safely to kidnapped boy! THANKS TO THE POLICE! Narcos

Brigadier General of the National Police and public relations for the institution, Nelson Rosario, informed the country through intervention by the radio program "The Government of the Morning," the child Mickael Moreno, who had been kidnapped by unknown days ago was found and returned to their families at 1.3o am today. According

General Rosario said the child was delivered by a woman at a sexton of a church in Villa Maria in sipuestamente she went out to deliver something to her husband, and east to see that the Señora had not returned by the child told the parish priest and this in turn called police, who noticed that it was the boy who for days have been seeking.

After being examined by doctors of the PN, and they find that the child is in perfect health, he was delivered to his parents, who thanked the police efforts.

.... National Police reportedly recovered safely to kidnapped boy! THANKS TO THE POLICE! Narcos

Brigadier General of the National Police and public relations for the institution, Nelson Rosario, informed the country through intervention by the radio program "The Government of the Morning," the child Mickael Moreno, who had been kidnapped by unknown days ago was found and returned to their families at 1.3o am today. According

General Rosario said the child was delivered by a woman at a sexton of a church in Villa Maria in sipuestamente she went out to deliver something to her husband, and east to see that the Señora had not returned by the child told the parish priest and this in turn called police, who noticed that it was the boy who for days have been seeking.

After being examined by doctors of the PN, and they find that the child is in perfect health, he was delivered to his parents, who thanked the police efforts.

scandal linked to guards ........ There is a mango rice there ....

EU used to "undercover" to discover military complicity


Listin Diario Santo Domingo .- Some 30 officers of the Armed Forces, some of them with the capacity to authorize the use of boats of the Navy and the escort protection of aircraft and boats carrying drugs into the country, took part active in a support structure for the drug that has been partially dismantled, according to research conducted jointly Dominican and U.S. authorities since 2007.

More ....

Somali pirates are still the fucking ...... let's see what makes England ... KEKO

Somali pirates hijack a yacht with two Britons

Somali pirates have seized a yacht with two British citizens on board. The abduction took place in the Indian Ocean.

"The British couple is in our hands. We have captured when they were sailing in the Indian", he told Reuters a Hassan pirate name.
More ....

JONES ..... Kill

American Pilots landing forgot recognize been distracted

The captain and first officer of Northwest Airlines Airbus A320, which went from San Diego (California) to Minneapolis (Minnesota), denied falling asleep and just discussed.

Major, 53, and his passenger, 54, were questioned by the agency for transport safety (National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB) for more than five hours about the incident that made them go 240 km from its destination.

More ...

family inheritance ... that son of

Iranian killed his mother and four others by inheritance of $ 40 million

Depending on the version of local daily Sarmaye, Hamid Reza, 57 years, litigating both his brother and his mother for the distribution of wealth left by the father to die.

therefore convened a meeting at the home of her mother who went to the judge also mediate neighborhood disputes.

"After several hours of wrangling, Hamid Reza, licensed in the United States, drew a pistol and shot his mother, Fatima, 77, his brother Siamak 55, and his niece Sadaf 20 years, plus attorney his sister, Habib, 35, and the judge, Mohammad Mansuri, 37 years, "says the publication.

More ....

scandal linked to guards ........ There is a mango rice there ....

EU used to "undercover" to discover military complicity


Listin Diario Santo Domingo .- Some 30 officers of the Armed Forces, some of them with the capacity to authorize the use of boats of the Navy and the escort protection of aircraft and boats carrying drugs into the country, took part active in a support structure for the drug that has been partially dismantled, according to research conducted jointly Dominican and U.S. authorities since 2007.

More ....

Somali pirates are still the fucking ...... let's see what makes England ... KEKO

Somali pirates hijack a yacht with two Britons

Somali pirates have seized a yacht with two British citizens on board. The abduction took place in the Indian Ocean.

"The British couple is in our hands. We have captured when they were sailing in the Indian", he told Reuters a Hassan pirate name.
More ....

JONES ..... Kill

American Pilots landing forgot recognize been distracted

The captain and first officer of Northwest Airlines Airbus A320, which went from San Diego (California) to Minneapolis (Minnesota), denied falling asleep and just discussed.

Major, 53, and his passenger, 54, were questioned by the agency for transport safety (National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB) for more than five hours about the incident that made them go 240 km from its destination.

More ...

family inheritance ... that son of

Iranian killed his mother and four others by inheritance of $ 40 million

Depending on the version of local daily Sarmaye, Hamid Reza, 57 years, litigating both his brother and his mother for the distribution of wealth left by the father to die.

therefore convened a meeting at the home of her mother who went to the judge also mediate neighborhood disputes.

"After several hours of wrangling, Hamid Reza, licensed in the United States, drew a pistol and shot his mother, Fatima, 77, his brother Siamak 55, and his niece Sadaf 20 years, plus attorney his sister, Habib, 35, and the judge, Mohammad Mansuri, 37 years, "says the publication.

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%$#/& Oasis of the Seas, the world's largest cruise! And this

officially presented Tomorrow's largest cruise ship
world is called "Oasis of the Seas" and is 32 meters higher than the "Freedom of the Seas".

HELSINKI .- cruise lovers can dream on Wednesday with a trip on the ship more expensive and largest of all time, the "Oasis of the Seas", an entire floating amusement park will be launched in the Baltic area Turku on the Finnish shipyard STX.

a cost of 900 million euros (1,340 billion), the giant cruise ship commissioned by the company STX Royal Caribbean has a capacity for 6,360 passengers and 2,000 crew members.

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%$#/& Oasis of the Seas, the world's largest cruise! And this

officially presented Tomorrow's largest cruise ship
world is called "Oasis of the Seas" and is 32 meters higher than the "Freedom of the Seas".

HELSINKI .- cruise lovers can dream on Wednesday with a trip on the ship more expensive and largest of all time, the "Oasis of the Seas", an entire floating amusement park will be launched in the Baltic area Turku on the Finnish shipyard STX.

a cost of 900 million euros (1,340 billion), the giant cruise ship commissioned by the company STX Royal Caribbean has a capacity for 6,360 passengers and 2,000 crew members.

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