Thursday, April 14, 2011

As usual Dewi Linggasari wrote a high class, shopisticated poem that make readers astonished, wonder.

Reads a poem in Face Book may we catched what the real meaning behind a diction, parables. But generally speaking most of them just read it in split second , eyes narrow, forehead thinking hard, acknowledged the real quality.

I wrote a message to Dewi resided far away in Papua island to translate Indonesia version to English  apologized if I couldn't catch the real soul of the poem as she did. She answered diplomatically, just read the soul.

I skimmed every words  thoroughly and formed understanding as a whole that  Graffiti is a drawing by a black ash of burning woods over stony wall. The message so clear when she wrote : "I will let you go but remember one thing, never ever come back, even in silhouette". No more chance to reconcile forever.

The grown lady in the poem who will be leaved alone was fully independent when she say :" I know what to do without you".

One thing made it more powerful was the poem covered full of diction that not every writers capable to do so
Below, under the English version, I wrote Indonesian verses as well.


:…..Suppose you wish to walk away, I would let you go, but remember one thing, never ever come back again, even in silhouette…”
Her being coming out under whitening leafs, falling down along with the mist of the past, the eyes of skinny profiles were longing for thousand years of the beautiful color flowers in spring time, even my heart just the broken dream, formed rigidly in a poem : “lets go….” 

Insects fly very low over the antique buildings, butterfly flip her wing softly beautiful as sonata, but twilight swaying faster before tumble down to be a dark curtain, as fast as a wallet your body fly like a bullet, 

my body structure just as a picture nailed on a dead wall scribed ash graffiti – now, you are a stranger, I know what to do without you…..empty and old with ancient wall, soon and suddenly, is anything to speak of but ‘good bye’ stonily night, I see nothing except your foot prints.

Jakarta, April 15, 2011

Translate by Pinondang Situmeang from GRAFITTI (Dewi Linggasari)

G  R  A  F  I  T  T  I
By Dewi Linggasari, Agats, Asmat 
:….andai engkau berniat pergi, pasti kulepaskan, namun jangan pernah kembali datang mesti hanya kelebat bayang….” Ia hadir dari rintihan daun daun kerontang yang gugur bersama kabut masa silam, orang orangan matanya ialah rindu seribu tahun akan warna indah kembang dimusim semi, pun hatiku hanya kepingan mimpi, tersusun gagu pada sebaris puisi : “mari kita pergi….” Rama rama terbang rendah pada reruntuhan bangunan tua, kupu kupu gemulai mengepakkan sayap secantik sonata, namun senja lebih cepat terhuyung lalu roboh menjadi layar nan gelap, selincah burung wallet tubuhmu melesat terbang, ragaku hanya gambar memaku pada dinding mati tercoreng arang gafititti—now, you are a stranger, I know what to do without you…hampa sama renta dengan tembok purba, cepat dan tiba tiba, adakah yang dapat terucap kecuali ‘selamat jalan’ malam membatu, tak ada lagi yang dapat kulihat selain jejakmu.

Yogjakarta, 17 Juni 2010


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