Thursday, April 14, 2011

                                 Rumah adat Kerinci
A lightning strikes in midday, Thursday, April 14, 2011, breaking news coming from a remote district, Kerinci district, in Jambi province in the west part of Sumatra, bordered with West Sumatra. The regent head would inaugurated a new Museum, Kerinci Museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia next week.

In the first place, local Government will transport old, ancient goods full of histories to be placed at the Museum.But Government institution related, Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Budaya not allowed them to bring the goods along. Violated the law will punish 10 year in prison and penalty Rp, 1,5 billion.

Indonesia knew Malaysia try very hard to hunt down their Country identity and try all the time to copy the art belong to Indonesia then proceeded to get patented.This Museum later could be fabricated to be Malaysian culture. Indonesian government never taken serious care of old ancient goods. If foreigners stolen then got the patent, Government then upset and get mad, but its too late.

Museum belong to local Government of Kerinci district, but build and financed by Malaysian Government. Every body questioning what behind all of this. How Kerinci Government got the necessary permits to open up legal body outside Indonesia, including what things would display inside the Museum..

A replica for instance, didn’t allow to produce the similar design or sculpture. Later its not easy to find out where is the original one and where are the replica. These two easily interchangeable in minimum monitoring and would open the opportunity to do it by a small token corruption. Based on the law a replica too couldn't allowed either to bring outside the country without Government permit.

This trip, Regent group just allowed to bring along traditional hand knitted duplicates, music instruments and old agriculture hardwares. Meanwhile the goods had been packing such as ancient ceramics and inchung, written artifacts Kerinci styles to be a Museum collection not allowed to bring along.

Kerinci districts had abundant cultures and history that had been discovered in 1970s around Kerici lake, as an artifact of VIII to XIV centuries. Sometime local people found ancient ceramics, old Melayu archiefs about the Law and wordings since XIV century that fully protected by the law.
Kerinci had their own, special arts such as Sike art (Moslem Rampak gendang art), Palahhojanin (Kerinci moslem shalawat) and Kasidah rebana

Its funny to know that Interim minister still looking, collecting  the information about the Museum building development and the collection arts to be displayed. Impossible Jambi Governor had not known far before the development of the Museum building. Also our embassy in Kuala Lumpur had well informed.

                                 Festival Kerinci


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