Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Philippine Catholic church leaders, critiqued, gave the negative views of Easter week ritual by the man crucified on the cross. It was imperfect imitation in spite of theology and social, and as the proof of Church’s failure to educated Philippinos about Christianity. They may saw their deep spiritual without torture themselves.

This year, 24 men joint crucified ritual in Easter week in The Philippines. In San Fernando, 80 km out of Manila. people gathered to watch the men crucified ritual in front of million of watchers. The biggest participant was in San Pedro Cutud, Pampanga province, 15 man crucified for redeem their sin. They shout out loud when assigned man in Roman uniform nailed 10 cm nail in the palms before hanging on the cross for few minutes under the hot sun.

The ritual in group of 3 (tree) held over a dusting land in front of 30.000 people watching including 3 (tree) Europe Ambassadors who shoot pictures. An ambulance ready in the location, rushed to help when 20 visitors who got faint under the hot sun. While the police force just stand by to kept orderly

A painter named Ruben Enaje jointed the crucified ritual for 25 times after year 1985 he got accident fall down from the 3rd floor building without injury. Since then he jointed the ritual yearly basis, hoping God will blessed him for a lot of paint orders.
“Only one crucified on the cross could save humankind”, said Angel Lagmadeo, a highest church leader in Jaro town, Iloilo province.

Before ritual started, for repented, some participants took a walk in the village road for some kilometers wiping their back with sharp bamboo stick, sometime sprayed the watchers standing by with blood.

Church leaders critiqued the ritual that start in Pampanga province since 60 years ago who seeking for forgiveness, healing and asking for blessing. The performance full of blood, saw The Philippines unique Catholic faith mixing between Church tradition and Old faith tradition.


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