Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Power and wealthy not far from women beyond the ages. It was really happened to a powerful, Italian Prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, 74 year old.

This old PM occasionally hang out in his private villa near Milan with 33 young pretty girls, some under 18 years until he sued after accused having sex  with Ruby Heart stealer, Karima El Mahrough, or Ruby 17, a Maroccan teenager, that PM told the media, he help her after she was arrested in May for the theft because she was a daughter of Hosni Mubarak, ex Eqypt President.

Berlucsony will questioned in Milan court house in front of 33 young girls who attended a orgies parties and erotic dance with masked with Berlusconi. As the event is over he will choose 1-2 girls to his room. Every girl will rewarded some money and jewelry. According to PM just to help the needy share his prosperous.

Ruby denied having sex, even he never touch her but acknowledged that he gave her Euro 7.000 or US$. 9.550 at the first meeting but the court will hearing testimony. Having sex with a prostitute over 18 is legal. But Ruby at that time was 17.

A PM allowed to sued after Italy Constitution court lift a law against PM early 2011.


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