Tuesday, April 12, 2011

                                            10 Wanita dari Jakarta

Pedal bike not solely belong to MAN but all gender, including a tough women who will spend a week on the road in JAVA island. Not only to saw the strength of a women, more important thing is commemorate of a legend women in Dutch era, celebrated yearly basis in all over the country. Her name was  Raden Ajeng KARTINI, birth in April 21, 1879. She was a good education women and motivated others

To celebrate Katini day, 10 women from various background would pedal biking in a week from Jakarta, the capital to Jepara town, central Java, start Wednesday April 13, 2011 and flag off by a Minister, a women. They were secretary, social organization activist, surgery doctor, house wife, personnel and Rahma, a disable athlete.

The route taken place through west Java territory, Purwakarta, Subang, Sumedang, Cirebon in the northern of Java. Bikers then proceed to the next territory, central Java, Pekalonggan, Kendal, Semarang, Demak and the last destination, Jepara town.In every towns to be passed they will welcome and joint by local bikers to cheer them up.

Participants selection between 25-45 years selected 10 women who qualified to pedal this program Tense Manalu, Lucy Iskandar, Rahma, Aristy, Rahmi, Rita, Iliyasa, Meika Manullang, Evie Permatasari, Seklie and Rini. Actually so many women interested to joint, but since the time constraint to catch up Kartini celebration day, the committee turn them down. But since the need so big, this event will programmed yearly basis, say Toto Sugito, a Bike 2 work initiator.

In Jepara the participants will joint various activities such green campaign by tree planting, books for library, biking campaign and clean Kartini museum

                                Happy tears...reach the destination  Apr 19

The group had been rehearsal frequently two month before the event start in a real situation in flat road or up hill Jakarta – Bogor, Jakarta – Bandung, Jakarta – Merak in West Java and Banten province, around the capital and beyond. 
The goal of the event is to promote using bike as a healthy transportation mode and the last but not least, bikers is not belong to a man only.

                                Enter Semarang municipality town hall

                                          Welcome by Kendal Police women


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