Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lady Gaga in Tex Seviro design

What fashion designers dream about in their life is if their designs could go international, using by International artists or could participate in the world fashion competition.

But a young Indonesia designer, TEX SAVERIO, 26 never dream of her name known all over the world until Lady Gaga fall in love with her design.

The designs created by Tex Saverio, who born in Jakarta August 28, 2011 used several times not as a full apparel, but just as pieces, except in one website Harper’s Bazaar, May edition, where Lady Gaga as Mode’s icon. In this edition, Lady Gaga use her design in Full apparels along with six world designers.

Lady Gaga staff model knew Tex’s design from Jakarta Fashion week 2010 photos. When Tex try to connected the staff on Face book account – become a friend - , instantly they send some one to picked up Tex design apparels. Unfortunately the shipment reach London late and can’t be used in Lady Gaga Album shooting.
                               Lady Gaga


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