Saturday, November 28, 2009


Ary Muladi was a man suspected as a middleman channeling
Rp. 5,1 billions from bussinesman Anggodo to high rank officials of Corruption Eradication Commision, KPK.

But lately, he change his mind, denied his own statement date July 19, 2009 said that  he never surrendered a bribery to anybody, officials of KPK. He had never met any one of them yet.. In order to open this covered up, Ary, detained, was a key witness to high level corruption cases linked closely to law enforcement offices in Jakarta.

Ary Mulady who born in Solo was a bussinesman dealt with Surabaya municipality around 1980 - 1990 and over. Since he had a very closed relationship with the high echelon in Municipality and Police force, had easier access and channeling everythings from licences, projects bidding, law cases and related business.

At that period he met Anggodo in Surabaya when his brother, Anggoro, faced a law problems. That is why he knew Anggodo well since then and became a middleman in channeling the bribery to law enforcement.

Recently this handsome man, mustache, cool, elegant 53 years old  resided in Jakarta with his wife, Murti, a 61 years widowed with 3 kids, as a business women in Surabaya municipality as well. They leaved their house in Pondok Nirwana Surabaya, since the house took over by the Bank.

Recently his family members and his house had a frequent watchers or walking behind their back. His home security knew that they were the member of police force from Jakarta Bintaro sectors, where they lived.

Meanwhile, the case faced a dead lock when Ary stated that some one, name Julianto had known the officials in KPK,  and assigned him to bribe, because he knew KPK officials well.  Up until today, nobody knew Julianto whereabout and the law enforcement had neglegted to search this Ghost.

I try to search the internet and found a Blog named "Tentang Daku" dated November 11, 2009. In the bottom page written Solo Pos daily in Solo, Central Java. Lets assumed that this news wasn't accurate information, and let as make it as a side information even as a garbage. Beside, one information also aknowledge that Julianto, 50 years, was deceaced on May 29, 2009 according to his brothers in law, Mr.Iwan Harimurti. Meantime any witneses saw he wandering here in Jakarta. Was it a Ghost ?

A lawyer in Surabaya, Mr.Henry Rusdianto said his real name was Julianto not Yulianto that in 1997 he  had faced two big serious criminal cases, tackle by the Police in Surabaya in 1997 such as money manipulation for Rp. 100 million, a rather high value at that time. So his avaibility known well in lawyer enviroment.

Another information said that his name written in ID card (KTP) was Raden Julianto, 50 years, adress  somewhere in Jatibening, Bekasi, west Java, but lived at Jalan Dharma Nusada Indah, Surabaya, east Java. His profile look like as what Ary Muladi had pictured as tall, white, Chinese face but indegeneous 100%.He intoduced to me by Mr.Haji Labib, Surabaya.

Another organization,  Indonesian Anti Corruption Movement, GAKI surrendered 4 (four) fotos to Jakarta Police. GAKI head, Mr.Ade Erfil got the fotos last year, when Julianto come to his office to get help in a law problems. Hopefully the fotos would help Police to trace Julianto whereabout soon.


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