Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Upper photo : 1997 in Wellcome party in Surabaya, east Java
Lower photo : 2008 in South California

"You look younger compare to 15 years ago", she said among a lot of  people around, a man in jogging, bare chest, smiling  and and two other women, her friend. I was started and surprised. Before  I raised any questions, she continued said : "You worked in Bank BRI Head office, right". Her lips curved  after I'd broke LOL came out from my throat. I answered instantly :"How did you know?", I said, my right hand  rubbed my forehead thinking hard to remembered. Where did I met her ?

She extended her hand and said :" My name Lily", long time ago was working for Mr Tawang Prawira, P.T.Prima motor, a car distributor to Bank BRI, Head office, Jakarta.  My mind turned back 20 years ago,  when their company, distributed Suzuki Katana Jeeps, Toyota and others. My family bought 3 cars from them, 2 Suzuki , sedan and Jeep and 1 red Corolla Toyota. I won't forget that a brand new Suzuki sedan with test plate number, hit another car on the way to Puncak. My son drove the car with his class mates, off from school. At the same time I was in Bangkok when the accident happened.

We met last Wednesday morning, November 11, 2009 in Jogging garden somewhere in the central of Kelapa Gading city, North Jakarta. They came from Sunter, neighbourghood to this green garden regularly for exercise, running and walking over a granule stones some like a reflexy massage. This new garden maintained, watering, cutting, cleansing, guarding regularly, managed not by the local Goverment, but by the house developer.

Her remarked amazed me, didn't believed in what she was saying, I was look younger ??. She was not just one said so. There were two other persons said the similar comments. A personnel of Bank BRI Kudus branch, Central Java, last 2006 when I'd stopped by, he said :"You didn't changed much as  20 years ago", he confused in front of some others personnels. I never been there after transfered last 1987.
The other question raised by my sister's grandson,  Ucok Pasaribu, in Tangerang, Banten, said : "Ompung, how come you kept  young still", he said after we  hadn't met  for 10 years.

Take a look at two above photos. The upper photo was taken in 1987 or 22 years ago when  I'd transfered to Bank BRI Surabaya branch, east Java. The lower photo taken 20 years later in the end of 2007, in South California. Yes, the the last shot was looked a little bit younger ??.

I never intend to keep my body look younger. The secret was that  the last 10 years I had ecxercises regularly, biking, swimming, jogging, walking. Means that before I had eager to exercise regularly my face looked older.

Recently, in every last sunday of the month,  I'd pedalled my bike around 50 - 60 kilometer around Jakarta, from our home at Kelapa Gading, north Jakarta to Senayan, South Jakarta through Monas garden, central Jakarta. Took a break, gather with hundreds of bikers before pedalled to South Jakarta through two main road, who closed for private and public transportation. 6 lines used   by public for exercise, while the other 6 lines using for public transportation.

 It was a long way, took 3-4 hours  from South return back to Kelapa Gading, Noth Jakarta.  Beside, once or twice a week I'd swimmed 1 kilometer by 10 laps @ 100 meter in Tirta Mas swimmingpool, east Jakarta. I spent 1 -  2 hours in the pool. The distance from my house to Swimmingpool around 10 kilometers, I drove my red mountain bike with a back pack.

The important think to consider was kept my mind and heart to accepted what lifes going on, forget everything behind all  abundant life on the top of your careers. Left behind all facilities provided by the company. This is very important to avoided stress, lived as what it was, kept laugh out loud (LOL). Guarantee you'll look younger........


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