Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tripoli: Several cell phone images have shown that killed Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son Mutassim was allowed a last smoke before being killed by the rebels in Sirte.

Mutassim was reportedly captured and killed the same day as his father in Libya.

One of the images that spread through the social media show him smoking, while others show him drinking from a water bottle and resting with his hands on his head, ABC News reports.
The pictures surfaced as the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights called for an investigation into the death of Gaddafi, who also appeared alive and in rebel custody in a series of videos before being killed, allegedly in "crossfire”.

"On the issue of Gadhafi's death yesterday, the circumstances are unclear -- there seem to be four or five different versions of how he died. We believe there is a need for an investigation and more details are needed to ascertain whether he was killed in the fighting or after his capture," the UN office said in a statement on Friday.

Gaddafi's youngest son led his own feared army unit, the Khamis Brigade, which was infamous for torture and intimidation. Killed in fighting during the fall of Tripoli.

Violent and abusive, Hannibal was accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend in Paris in 2005 and was arrested for assaulting two servants in a Geneva hotel, but ran back to Libya after being released on bail.

Don't Shoot! Dictator Begs For His Life After Being Dragged From A Drain. Seconds Later He Was Summarily Executed -- Daily Mail

* Gaddafi tried to flee in a convoy hit by American drone
* Vehicles were also shelled by Nato fighter jets...
* ... before being driven back to his compound in Sirte
* Gaddafi in final attempt to flee before final push by rebels
* 'Found in a hole' wearing military-style clothing, shouting 'Don't shoot'
* Rebel forces executed him in front of a baying mob
* His body was paraded through the streets of the city
* Eldest son Saif shot in leg in Sirte day before - some reports say he is dead
* Other son Mutassim confirmed killed in Sirte
* Barack Obama hails 'momentous day' in history of Libya

Colonel Gaddafi was executed by a frenzied mob of rebel fighters after pleading: 'Don't shoot, don't shoot!'

The final humiliation for the man who had so brutally ruled Libya for 42 years came when he was hauled from his hiding place in a sewer.

Shocking video clearly showed the broken 69-year-old tyrant was alive as fighters, waving their guns in the air, threw him on to the bonnet of a jeep.

More News On The Death Of Muammar Gaddafi

“Não fale uma sandice dessas”, irritou-se o ex-presidente Lula com Denise Chrispin Marin, correspondente do Estadão em Washington.

“Conheço as pessoas e sei como me referi a elas”,
continuou, decidido a ampliar a coleção de momentos inverossímeis registrados na entrevista coletiva desta quarta-feira.

Ao saber que o palestrante aprendiz está pronto para pacificar a Líbia – é só Dilma Rousseff chamar –, a jornalista lembrou que em dezembro de 2003, num jantar em Tripoli, Lula qualificou Muammar Kadafi de “companheiro e amigo”.

E então o ator canastrão incorporou o ofendido de araque para garantir que não disse o que disse.

Não parou por aí. “Jamais falaria isso por uma razão muito simples: porque eu tenho discordância política e ideológica com Kadafi”, recitou sem ficar ruborizado.

Ou porque é muito gentil ou porque a perplexidade a emudeceu, Denise desperdiçou uma boa chance de emparedar o embusteiro.

Deveria ter registrado que os afagos verbais em Tripoli foram confirmados pelo nicaraguense Daniel Ortega e pelo argelino Mohamed Ben Bella, presentes ao jantar. Foram também testemunhados pelo tradutor sem o qual Lula não sabe o que se passa ao redor.

Melhor ainda seria recordar ao amnésico seletivo que as carícias retóricas murmuradas em Tripoli foram reprisadas há um ano e meio em Sirte, na 13ª Reunião de Cúpula da União Africana.

E desmontar a farsa com a leitura em voz alta da reportagem do enviado especial Andrei Netto, publicada pelo Estadão em 2 de julho de 2009.

Um dos trechos reproduz a derramada saudação a Kadafi feita por Lula: “Meu amigo, meu irmão e líder”, discursou o convidado de honra, mirando com olhar de noiva o psicopata anfitrião.

O restante do palavrório deixou claro que aquilo não fora um escorregão de palanqueiro sem compromisso com a verdade.

Lula estava lá para reafirmar a solidariedade do governo brasileiro a estadistas incompreendidos.

Elogiou abjeções mundialmente desprezadas, louvou celebrou a generosidade de assassinos, louvou o fervor democrático de liberticidas, festejou o patriotismo de corruptos de carteirinha e reiterou a admiração pela biografia infame do ditador da Líbia.

Mais de sete anos depois de Tripoli, menos de dois depois de Sirte, o companheiro, amigo, irmão e liderado de Kadafi resolveu proclamar inexistentes o acasalamento promíscuo e as cenas de cumplicidade explícita.

É tarde.

E é impossível.

Espertalhões bem mais sagazes que Lula também tentaram substituir fatos amplamente documentados por mentiras convenientes.

Nenhum dos farsantes foi muito longe.

Todos acabaram vencidos pela verdade.

Todos jazem na vala comum reservada aos falsificadores da História.


National Transitional Council fighters celebrate in Sirte.

Gaddafi death

Gaddafi dead Pictures

Gaddafi dead Pictures

Gaddafi dead Pictures
MUAMMAR Gaddafi — who ruled Libya with an iron fist for nearly 42 years before being driven from power by a long and bloody uprising — has been killed in a gun battle while trying to flee his home town of Sirt.
Celebrations erupted across Libya as reports of the dictator's capture and demise spread.
"We announce to the world that Gaddafi has been killed at the hands of the revolution," National Transitional Council spokesman Abdel Hafez Ghoga was quoted saying early today Melbourne time. "It is an historic moment. It is the end of tyranny and dictatorship. Gaddafi has met his fate."
Libyan state television also reported that Gaddafi had been killed, and a graphic photo apparently showing the despot after being shot was circulated on the internet.
Gaddafi's former defence minister, Abu Bakr Yunis, was also reportedly killed in the final battle for control of Sirt.
Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil was later expected to make a televised address to the national confirming Gaddafi's death.
One of the new regimes' top military officials, Khalifa Haftar, confirmed that Sirt, the final bastion of resistance by forces loyal to Gaddafi, had fallen. "Sirt has been liberated, and with the confirmation that Gaddafi is dead Libya has been completely liberated," he told AFP.
"Those who were fighting with Gaddafi have either been killed or captured," he said.
Huge celebrations broke out in the capital Tripoli on the news, with citizens cruising the streets in their cars, horns blaring and Free Libya flags flying. Ships in the capital's sweeping harbour also sounded their horns.
People gathered in the renamed Martyr Square, clapping, waving flags and dancing on the news that so many Libyans had been waiting for.
In Sirt, National Transitional Council soldiers fired their weapons in the air in celebration, as their nearly two-month campaign to take the strategic coastal town appeared to have finally come to an end.

 Gaddafi dead Pictures

Gaddafi dead Pictures

Gaddafi dead Pictures

Eccentric: Gaddafi was one of the last of a dying breed of bloodthirsty, albeit wierdly-costumed, dictators

Tyrannical: The gold medal for chilling antics goes to Ugandan dictator Idi AminMilitaristic: Many dictators believed they were leading their nations to gloryCompensating? There was something pathetic about the showiness of the 'great' despots

Demise: Anybody hoping to follow in the great dictators¿ footsteps would be well advised to consider their fate

Gaddafi death

Gaddafi's death
.Gaddafi death

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