Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Okay, it can't have escaped the notice of many that Mike Howson is now Wiltshire organiser for Britain First, so it seems a good time to clarify the position on South West Nationalists.

Myself, still in the BNP, attended the Ideas conference, and quite honestly keeping all options on the table in the light of that. In fairness I'd describe myself as at a crossroads and thinking a lot, and with an open mind. What I decide, well, I'll tell you when I know, although I doubt most care about the path of a humble writer.

I've the greatest of respect for Mike, and we've discussed the future of SWN and whether the separate paths we're currently walking might cause a problem. To avoid confusion, here's a quick summary of how things went. There's no reason why there should be a problem.

For the time being, this is what we'll do.

Southwest Nationalists will run as a 'neutral' site in support of nationalism in general, offering news and opinions of interest to nationalists both nationwide in general and the South West in particular.

We'll now refrain from attacking any of the parties or factions here, this site will be about nationalism and not a party badge.

We'll use this site as a resource for nationalism - Mike may announce something related BF meetings now and again, as I may well do with BNP meetings. BF does something in the South West, we'll try to cover it, and ditto with the BNP/Ideas.

To those who submit articles, links, ideas etc, doesn't matter to us which party you're in (or not), the goal here is nationalism as a whole. So long as it doesn't attack a party (unless it's the lib/lab/con hydra!) then if it's relevant to nationalism it's relevant to us.

Next few days (when we get time in other words) we'll overhaul this site a bit to make the sidebars, links etc reflect that more neutral party political position. (Quick update, seems Mike is quick on the draw and already doing that as I am writing this).

Should things change on this we'll of course keep you informed.

We may not be a huge resource or driving force as a site in the scale of things, but we'll continue to do what little we can for the cause.

Hopefully that clarifies things for everyone who reads SWN - and many thanks to you all for your continued support and understanding. You're the people who make this all worthwhile.

-SouthWest Nationalist.


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