Monday, October 24, 2011

As the vote - non binding of course, think Dave Cameron will listen to an answer he doesn't like? - on whether to hold an EU referendum draws closer, seems Dave is busy in 'informal talks' to make sure that the majority of Tories vote the way he wants them to.

Meanwhile, Ed Who?, ahh yes, Ed Miliband, is busily telling anyone who can stay awake long enough to listen that Dave Cameron is putting party interest before national interest.

Does that mean Labour MP's have been instructed to vote in favour of the proposals for a referendum then, and would then follow on by supporting allowing Britain a referendum in reality and not just undertake a party political manoeuvre to humiliate the Tories?

Of course it doesn't. Pot. Kettle. Black. No offence meant, hope that isn't considered a racist remark for the thought Gestapo to leap upon.

None of the big three parties are putting national interest or Britains wishes first.

Despite numerous polls showing that the majority of Britain wishes for a referendum, or to leave the EU, not a lot happens, those running the show ignore the voice of the country.

If that many voters were clamouring to pay more taxes, or to give MP's a pay rise for doing such a brilliant job, does anyone think it would have taken this long - not to mention a vote with a non binding outcome as to whether we even get a vote - for politicians to have acted?

Of course it wouldn't, truth is they only listen when we're saying what they want to hear.

Hopefully todays vote will humiliate Cameron and put him in a difficult position, as well as strengthening calls for a referendum. If possible we'll list the MP's who had the courage to vote to give us a referendum once results are in.

But....most likely there's a back room deal which will see some limp promise to renegotiate terms of membership, and to claw back the odd power, in exchange for a vote against a referendum. Probably "when the time is right" too. Hollow words, don't expect action to follow, it's just a sop to try and avoid a Commons humiliation.

Even if todays vote goes the way of those wanting out of the EU, or if they at least manage a decent showing, does anyone think Cameron and the rest of Parliament will deliver on actually giving us a say, especially when we already know the outcome of todays vote is not binding - but of course will be binding if calls for a referendum are soundly defeated.

Today will most likely turn out to be more about David Cameron and the woes it will cause him in the face of a possible large rebellion from Tory MP's rather than whether or not we, the people, will ever get a say.

Let's hope we're proven wrong for once. Rumours are that despite Dave Camerons best efforts the number of Tories who will rebel is growing at least.


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