Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Further details of the ethnic makeup of the rioters who set Britains cities ablaze in an orgy of destruction and looting are emerging as Ministry of Justice and Home Office reports look into the backgrounds of those arrested.

We'll let that champion of all diverse, and cheerleader for a multicultural Britain, The Guardian speak for us to begin with.

Coming from them - and one can imagine some poor Guardian editor nervously chewing his pencil and wondering if there was any way to spin this into a positive light before giving up and just deciding to write cold, hard facts - this carries a weight and savage indictment all of its own :

The analysis of the ethnic backgrounds of those brought before the courts for riot-related offences varied significantly from the local population, with 42% of defendants white and 46% black. Only 7% were Asian.

The ethnic composition of court defendants was particularly different from the local area profile in three places: Haringey in north London, where 55% of defendants were black compared with 17% of young people locally; Nottingham, where 62% of defendants were black compared with 9% locally; and Birmingham, where 46% of defendants were black compared with 9% of young people locally.*

And the powers that be still deny that race played a factor in these riots?

Black people making up 9% of the population in an area, yet 62% of those arrested - that is a very telling figure, although of course the left will blame deprivation or better yet racism for it. So many blacks were arrested because of those nasty, racist policemen, not because so many blacks were rioting.

What is clear to read there is one of two things happening - either that 9% black in an area were hugely over represented among the rioters, or that blacks from outside these areas descended on the locale. Or most likely both. Either way, there's really no positive light can be put on it by those who preach the illusions of multiculturalism and some wonderfully harmonious and integrated society.

We can say, quite simply and without risk of refutation - although of course we'll be shouted down as racist for saying it - that although people of all ethnicities were involved in the riots, blacks were considerably more involved than any other ethnicity, both as a total and when considered against their percentage of the population as a whole.

Whether blacks began the riots is a whole other question, but they certainly got on board and joined in when the opportunity presented itself. In terms of numbers, they made the riots their own so to speak. When it came to criminal activities they needed no help to integrate themselves.

What came after is the inevitable result of mass third world immigration - criminality, cities burning, and areas of a first world nation becoming more like some chaotic suburb of a wartorn third world country like Somalia.

The riots are just the most visible example of the truth - that this nightmarish mess is what those who have thrown our borders open, and who continue to leave them open, have created.

This is Britains multicultural harmony, with blazing cities marking its progress, and the future will see yet more burn. Heaven help us all.

* Guardian article - Here


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